Unfettered and unchecked capitalism has many downsides. Which is why our form of capitalism is a mix of other things as well. Some wingnuts call it "socialism" when the government steps in to help companies, and then equate that to communism. This, of course, is a farce.
America will never be a socialist state. However we can combine everything available to us to make our country run well.
Social Security = a form of socialism
Child welfare = a form of socialsm
Taxes = a form of socialism
We have ALWAYS functioned by mixing ideologies to better serve our people, but the underlying factor is Capitalism and free-markets.
Being that the goal of any public company (one which has stockholders) is "growth" so that stock prices increase. Then the ultimate goal is for the companies to continue growing forever. Being that we live on a finite planet, that is obviously not possible. It may take a hundred years or much, much more, but unfettered, unchecked capitalism will eventually fail, as there will be no more possibility for growth. Ultimately there will only be one huge company that has grown by acquiring all the other ones. At that point, by definition we will no longer be a capitalist society, as there will be no more competition. More like Totalitarianism but corporate driven.
In the meantime, if we are going to continue to let companies make stupid mistakes (free markets) then regretfully we must do what we can as a country to make sure their mistakes do as little damage to the entire population.
It sucks that when a company takes a huge risk and it works, they get all the rewards. When a company takes a huge risk and fails, the people must bail them out of it. Not fair, is it.
The problem is that it doesnt matter if it is fair or not. Too much is at stake, and too many things are intertwined that without stepping in, the results could be disastrous