Donald Trump is no different to the rest of the Human Race, cunning, devious, dangerous and you name it. But it's not fair to fire cannon loads of hate in his direction, because he has a life-time of experience of dealing with it through his numerous business activities down the years.
What is happening, not just in the USA but also in many other part of the Democratic world, is that ordinary people are now taking action, having been ignored by the self appointed political elites - most of whom have never done anything else in their self serving lives, except politics. University and then into politics. They do not know what it's like to sweep the streets for a living nor work in an office of a small business or a shop or any such.
Let a Greek explain what's really happening - Capitalism will eat democracy -- unless we speak up | Yanis Varoufakis
Unless we all get out and vote on the day, then someone else will vote instead. In other words, we have more than a duty to vote, we have the 'right' to vote, given to us by those who have laid down their lives in war in defense of democracy. Make no mistake about it, we are fighting the self same enemy which the Greeks of Athens did some 2500 years ago. You know who I mean - the Greeks knew of them as Persians - we know of them as Iranians and all their vile hanger's on including ISIS and etc.
Donald Trump for all that has been said of him is the choice of the people. Yet the Political Elite still stand in the way of the will of the people.
If you want democracy, then you must fight for it, not just once, but forever. Democracy is a form of perpetual revolution in which the people decide not the politicians.
Yes I know, we're just ignorant people, but we got a vote.
Charlie Chaplin made a movie called "The Great Dictator" in c1939/1940 the purpose was to show the American people what was really going on in Hitler's Europe. It was all part of the then British effort to encourage America to join us in war against the Nazis. America is a democracy, it is for the people to decide it is they who choose.
God Bless America - foundation of our modern democratic world.
Fear nothing.