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Commands Reference, Volume 1, a - c
chvg Command
Sets the characteristics of a volume group.
chvg [ -s Sync { y | n }] [ -h Hotspare {y | Y | n | r }] [ -a AutoOn { n | y } ] [ -c | -l ] [ -L LTGSize ] [ -Q { n | y } ] [ -u ] [ -x { n | y } ] [ -S | -R] [ -t [factor ] ] [ -B | -G] [ -P ] [ -v ][ -C ] [-g] [ -b { n | y } ] [ -I ]VolumeGroup
The chvg command changes the characteristics of a volume group.
You can use the Volumes application in Web-based System Manager to change volume characteristics. You could also use the System Management Interface Tool (SMIT) smit chvg fast path to run this command.
On AIX 5.2 and later only Enhanced Concurrent Capable volume groups will be created when the -c or -C flags are specified.
Only the -a, -R, -S, -u, and -h options are allowed on the volume group that has a snapshot volume group.
Only the -a, -R, -S, and -u options are allowed on the snapshot volume group.
-a AutoOn Determines if the volume group is automatically activated during system startup. The AutoOn variable can be either of the following:
The volume group is not automatically activated during system startup.
The volume group is automatically activated during system startup.
-b Sets the bad-block relocation policy of a volume group. The default value is yes.
Will turn on the bad-block relocation policy of a volume group.
Turns off the bad block relocation policy of a volume group.
-B Changes the volume group to Big VG format. This can accommodate up to 128 physical volumes and 512 logical volumes.
The -B flag cannot be used if there are any stale physical partitions.
Once the volume group is converted, it cannot be imported into AIX 4.3.1 or lower versions.
The -B flag cannot be used if the volume group is varied on in concurrent mode.
There must be enough free partitions available on each physical volume for the VGDA expansion for this operation to be successful.
Because the VGDA resides on the edge of the disk and it requires contiguous space for expansion, the free partitions are required on the edge of the disk. If those partitions are allocated for user usage, they will be migrated to other free partitions on the same disk. The rest of the physical partitions will be renumbered to reflect the loss of the partitions for VGDA usage. This will change the mappings of the logical to physical partitions in all the PVs of this VG. If you have saved the mappings of the LVs for a potential recovery operation, you should generate the maps again after the completion of the conversion operation. Also, if the backup of the VG is taken with the map option and you plan to restore using those maps, the restore operation may fail since the partition number may no longer exist (due to reduction). It is recommended that backup is taken before the conversion, and right after the conversion if the map option is utilized.
Because the VGDA space has been increased substantially, every VGDA update operation (creating a logical volume, changing a logical volume, adding a physical volume, and so on) may take considerably longer to run.
-c Same as -C flag. In AIX 5.2 and later only Enhanced Concurrent Capable volume groups will be created.
-C Changes the volume group into an Enhanced Concurrent Capable volume group. Changes the volume group varied on in non-concurrent mode to Enhanced Concurrent Capable. This requires that the volume group be re-imported on all other nodes prior to activation in Enhanced Concurrent mode. Changes the volume group varied on in Concurrent mode to an Enhanced Concurrent mode volume group. Only use the -C flag with the HACMP™ ES. It has no effect on volume groups and systems not using the HACMP ES product.
Enhanced Concurrent volume groups use Group Services. Group Services ships with HACMP ES and must be configured prior to activating a volume group in this mode.
Use this flag to change a volume group into an Enhanced Concurrent Capable volume group.
Enhanced Concurrent volume groups use Group Services. Group Services ships with HACMP ES and must be configured prior to activating a volume group in this mode.
Only Enhanced Concurrent Capable volume groups are supported when running with a 64-bit kernel. Concurrent Capable volume groups are not supported when running with a 64-bit kernel.
-g Will examine all the disks in the volume group to see if they have grown in size. If any disks have grown in size attempt to add additional PPs to PV. If necessary will determine proper 1016 multiplier and conversion to big vg.
The user might be required to execute varyoffvg and then varyonvg on the volume group for LVM to see the size change on the disks.
There is no support for re-sizing w