If someone posts a potentially embarrssing question with the blue hat - I am ok with that.
My biggiest issue here in the past 6 months...... 25% of the questions asked here - the people could very easily have simply googled the make and model number and gotten the info they wanted.
The other things that pissed me off 10-15% of the questions here - someone asks a question..... but you get the feeling somethig is not quite right...... so you look at their profile or other questions and learn they are a 1-3 years away from legally buying it, or, are a convicted felon and can never buy it - or worse - they are a self professed 12 year old 'major gamer' and the whole questions is the result of the kid being totally oblivious of the difference between a game and the real world.
And then we have the ostriges. "I am 18, can I buy a pistol in California (or NY, CT, or Ma) and you wonder how could anyone over the age of 6 have missed all the gun contol talk, press, and news while living in one of those states the past 4 years??
If I could, I would edit YA so anyone who asks a 'how much is my' question was treated like swear words.
I would also restrict anyone with a new account or negative points from posting in the Hunting Section. These are about always trolls.