What is it that you like about the Night and what is it that you dislike about it?
2008-05-08 15:08:10 UTC
Do you like the night?
Or do you not?

I certainly am one of the night fans i just love that feeling you get when surrounded by darkness, from the chilling nights of the winter to the cool nights of the summer.
Remember me when you look at the moon.
29 answers:
My Life Would Suck Without You
2008-05-08 15:14:54 UTC
I certainly love the night. The morn is for people who fear.

The night is the best time for thinking, and falling in love♥ The chilling nights of winter reminds me of vampires. A vampire is soooo romantic... WEIRD... The warm summer nights put me in the mind of just laying down and looking at the moon. My eyes wander from star to star then to the moon and I sigh and wish that at that very moment, the guy of my dreams would appear in front of me.

I love to be absorbed by the darkness and the serenity of the moon and the stars. I think that there is nothing more beautiful than the night. Or romantic!

Any reason to think of you specifically? *although I may take this into consideration*
2008-05-08 15:33:10 UTC
I like everything about the night except that if I stay up too late I have to sleep late and then the next day is blown away. I had to accept that I am just a day person and am way more functional during the day if I get enough sleep. However, once in a while as a treat I just decide to stay up crazy-late and do whatever I want, either play computer games or go out and have a brew with the "true" night owls. The night is awesome... in small doses!

I think the thing I like the most about the night is that my fears and hopes are both somehow greatly amplified, and it is exhilarating... Unless I'm too tired, then I just long for bed.
2008-05-08 18:11:55 UTC
I love the night time.

When I was younger I used to wait till like 2 am when it rained, then run oup the stairs and go out on my roof, take off all my clothes and just let the water run all over me. (I should mention my building is the tallest one in about a 5 block radius, I never would have done that had anyone been able to see me).

I still go out on my roof especially when it's not too cold to just look up at the stars and moon, and feel a sense of peace wash over me. I haven't done the rain thing since I was 16.
freezysyahz says no to trolls!
2008-05-09 07:23:13 UTC
Funny though, I love and despise night hour at the same time. I love it because night is the time for us to go home and relax after a hard day's work. Breezy nights when I walk home from movies is one of the mesmerizing, lovely moments that I find hard to forget. Tougher to ignore are nights when it's drizzling lightly and I'm walking home with a friend, a lover....or else carrying in my arms newly-purchased mangas or animes, and I just can't wait to get home and watch/read 'em XD.

But sometimes, all that darkness can scare me too - we heard people telling tales of muggers, rapists, criminals roaming the night, so that when I walk home all by myself, I just can't help feeling paranoid (sometimes more than that XP). Worse than that is when I start thinking about ghosts....Brr! I hate ghosts, monsters and the horrors!

Lol, yeah, calm nights with the full moon in the night sky is one of my favourite night-time moments too. I'll definitely be sure to think of you whenever that moment comes XD.
2008-05-08 17:52:36 UTC
I like the night as well. Its chilly and thats when i feel the most creative in terms of my dreams and views. When its nice and cool and the moon's out and the stars spot the dark sky and it looks EXACTLY like a scene from an anime. Its my most favourite part of the day.
2016-11-11 03:44:52 UTC
Its crap. i think of they anticipate all of us is down the pub, out clubbing in the different case having a social existence. once you have a 7 and a 0.5 month old infant, having a social existence and going out on the weekend isjust a tragic, hazy, distant reminiscence! And once you besides mght have a bigger half who works weekend nights then Saturday night television is substantial! regrettably i'd desire to be interior the minority, thats why theres no longer something on worth observing and that i'm at right here answering as a replace, lol! Dr Who became the only element worth observing on a Saturday night. aside from that its all repeats, Casualty and Ant n Dec type crappy interest exhibits.
2008-05-09 03:53:24 UTC
I'm active at night, lol..

I do most of my works at night, I never go shopping on morning unless it's really very important, I never have lunch at restaurants, it's always dinner!

I study at night(my mind opens at night and ready for accepting every information), I take a shower at night (sometimes at morning if I'm in a rush), I watch my anime at night, kinda all of my favourite shows starts at a night time, whenever we go to cinema to watch a movie, we reserve a night show...

I visit my friends at night since most of the parties and celebrations are held at night times, I talk to my cousin at night in the messenger and overall I'm a night fan! XD

the only thing I do at morning which is the most boring thing in the world is SCHOOL

: ( omg..... I hate it!!!

I get up early in the morning just to see the dull looking faces of my boring teachers and boring classmates, sitting at the same chair everyday in the morning for 9 months is like a.... oh whatever!!

I love the color black and I love the moon more than the sun, I'm a night freak >:D
2008-05-08 17:27:17 UTC
I don't mind the night. I absolutely love looking at the stars and trying to find the constellations! I love it when the sky is clear enough to see any comets, "shooting stars", etc. I can always, always find something interesting in the night sky no matter what the season!! I may be weird, but I also like watching tv shows like Ghost Hunters at night.
2008-05-09 03:06:49 UTC
i love darkness too

there isn't anything about the night that i dislike, i only dislike sunny days in winter and autumn.

the best night for me is when the moon is full and it's full of stars and u can see the light of the moon entering your house.

i also like when there's nothing on the sky only the darkness of the night.
Tri - Edge
2008-05-08 17:23:12 UTC
The night is one fave things in this life

right before it comes it is introduced by a sunset of immense beauty and at it's end is a sunrise with equal beauty...

at night you get to admire the heavens at it's most purest form viewed from the ground.
2008-05-09 06:24:07 UTC
Is this a quote?

If it's not then my gosh everything <3 I love being in the darkness! Especially alone where you can think about things deeply. It feels so good. Its like sometimes it gets depressing but if it does it's in a good way. I often go to graveyards just to sit out and think. ^_^
2008-05-09 04:17:13 UTC
I love the night, mainly because it's so quiet and peacful. You can basically do what you want (assuming its legal) because everyone is asleep. Plus, during the winter, you can walk outside and the sound of the snow crunching beneath your feet echos down the street because there's no other sounds.

~The Otaku Twins~
2008-05-08 16:20:17 UTC
I love the night because it reminds me of the creatures that come out to play; when the moon is out. Reminds me of werewolves, which is funny cuz one person mentioned that it reminds them of vampires. I love werewolves, beautiful and mythical creatures.

I also love the night because it's quiet and peaceful; the skies are most beautiful at night.
2008-05-08 15:15:12 UTC
i love when everything is calm but youre wide insomnia and you see things from the opposite side...

i mean theres the stars..but other than that its just beautiful darkness...

like we need the sun to survive..but the sun goes down and youre still awake...its like a dangerous feeling...suddenly all the world is yours at 2 in the morning..because ...everyone is sleeping..

The moon is amazing..its half the reason i stay awake...
2008-05-08 15:36:29 UTC
i like the night better than the day!! =D i'm a night fan like you!! maybe we're vampires!! lol jk! ^^

i like how it's calmer in the night time and, like you, that weird feeling =D its just so much more relaxing and peaceful at night!

i don't like how its dark and how you can barely see (ANYTHING can happen in the night >.<')

lol i'll be sure to remember you when i look at the moon...wait i forgot..JK lol =D
2008-05-08 15:19:50 UTC
i like it. i feel a lot more comfortable. it might be the lowered temp and the light breeze that makes u feel so relaxed. in the dark the moon is the sun :D that gives the nigth a nigthlight even though i dont use them =)
2008-05-08 15:15:46 UTC
I like the darkness

and I dislike the fact that I can't see in the dark.
2008-05-08 15:13:59 UTC
because the night belongs to lovers.. lol or so the song goes... you can get away with more in the dark and i love the moon! =)
2008-05-08 15:54:50 UTC
I dont like the night because even the most unscariest shadows look really scary >-<
2008-05-08 15:43:35 UTC
i like night when the stars are out and it always feels so peaceful to me i like night times,

what i hate about the dark is.... ..i don't know really lol
2008-05-08 16:26:40 UTC
I like the night!!!!!!!!

I like that its dark, and you can get to see the moon, and stars.

the only thing I don't like its that it can't stay dark, forever, and that in a couple of hours, its morning and the sun is out again!!!
sakura blossom
2008-05-09 15:27:36 UTC
i like to see the night sky and feel the night fresh air its so peaceful and what dont like that its sort of scary at night
2008-05-09 11:08:29 UTC
i like the night coz thats the time i sleep and i love sleeping and the sky looks awsome

2008-05-08 15:12:08 UTC
i am horribly terrified by the dark i hate it with a passion i still have to leave my lava lamp on for some light or i cant sleep
2008-05-08 15:41:40 UTC
I agree with you. But I just don't like how it means the day is ending and a new day will begin T.T
2008-05-10 11:11:05 UTC
i feally loney and sad ut happy at the same time oh ya are you a boy or a girl????
heather w died of natural causes
2008-05-08 15:53:57 UTC
i love the night...what do i like most of all?.....the quiet after all the chaos
~ame otaku~
2008-05-09 09:34:28 UTC
aw.........the night..........there are many things but my fave one is that it's as peaceful and quiet as it gets..........but when i rains at night i like to sit on huge building's roofs.........and just stay there until rain stops!!!!

i just love the night..........there are so many things to do at night...........when no one can actually see you.......:)
2008-05-09 03:15:26 UTC
i like the night...

coz i can see star....

and i can dream i have the best answer...


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