How much money would you need to sing the National Anthem before a World Series game?
Question Monster
2006-03-20 11:23:17 UTC
How much money would you need to sing the National Anthem before a World Series game?
Nineteen answers:
2006-03-20 11:41:08 UTC
I wouldn't need any money! It would be an honor to get to sing at the World Series.
2006-03-20 11:31:29 UTC
The true question would be "How much money would the audience have to be paid to listen to me sing the National Anthem at a World Series Game" :)
Kurt V
2006-03-20 11:24:56 UTC
One would hope none. There are some things in this world it would be nice if money could not buy. National Anthem at the World Series should be saved for local heros of the city and surrounding areas, not rich people or pop stars.
2006-03-20 11:35:08 UTC
I'D SING IT FOR FREE!!!! I would LOVE to have THAT much publicity! Seriously, all I have ever wanted to do is sing- then "life" got in the way of that- I had kids, etc.

But, if you ever hear of anyone in Pittsburgh needing a singer for the National Anthem, you know where I'll be....
2016-12-07 07:28:14 UTC
A: i'm an ok singer however the national Anthem is between the toughest songs to sing(not simply by words & each and every American could recognize the lyrics, whether it has countless extreme & low notes that are difficult to sing)
2006-03-20 13:38:04 UTC
Depends on how bloody good I am.

I, personally, think I am horrible at singing, and therefore I would need to be paid QUITE a bit before singing.

If I was any good, I don't think I'd need that much. It'd be an honour to sing, I guess, so I probably wouldn't need to be paid much. Just transportation and whatnot.
2006-03-20 19:21:21 UTC
If I could sing, I would consider it an honor. I might even pay for the privilege.
2006-03-20 11:31:03 UTC
I wouldnt ask for meny, but i wouldnt say no if i was offered it. Now if i got offered money or tickets to a gme, id take the tickets.
2006-03-20 11:31:13 UTC
Just letting me stay and watch the whole series would be payment enough!
2006-03-20 11:42:11 UTC
I'd do it for free. But I would wear a t-shirt bearing the logo of the highest bidder.
2006-03-21 06:37:49 UTC
10 bucks
2006-03-20 13:11:52 UTC
As long as the teams didnt suck i do it 4 nothing (if i could watch the game)
2006-03-20 16:39:45 UTC
I'd do it for free.

It would only last for one game....but I'd have a great time doing it!

You guys wanna hear me sing?
Adrian el maldito
2006-03-20 11:28:57 UTC
forget abut that man i think you should be able to do it for free if you ask it not a right for being a citizen?? i think they shouldn't charge. but maybe you would have to practice a bit just in case. good luck
Eye of Sauron
2006-03-20 11:30:02 UTC
They would probably pay me to quit singing.
2006-03-20 11:29:24 UTC
No money necessary .... After the Roseanne ordeal, there is no way I could do any worse :)
2006-03-20 13:03:47 UTC
right now 100 bucks would do since im broke
2006-03-20 11:24:12 UTC
I would not need to be paid at all. I would do it for nothing.
2006-03-20 11:24:04 UTC
money...I don't need no money..but a twelver of bud light would

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