2008-02-04 09:48:18 UTC
2) I am against abortion, regardless of the situation
3) I am for the death penalty
4) Men should not be stewardesses, woman should not be construction workers
5) I believe every American has the right to own a gun
6) It's Christmas, not X-Mas
7) Real men don't cry
8) Men are manly, metrosexuals are not
9) Astrology is pure fiction
10) I am (white/black/Latino, etc.) and proud. That does not mean I am a racist, I think everyone should be proud of who and what they are
11) Marijuana should be legalized, it's much safer than alcohol
12) Not all men are pigs
13) Not all woman are golddigging tramps
14) You don't go to a B.B.Q. expecting salad
15) Honesty is not always the best policy
16) The customer is not always right
17) Smoking should be banned in all public places
18) The toilet paper goes over the top and on the outside
19) Life's short, play hard
20) This quiz sucked