Fine you know what? Since i'm a newbie..?
2007-03-28 16:00:20 UTC
and apparently NOT a regular, and you guys want me to leave SO bad, I guess I WILL!!! I thought Y!A was a friendly place, and now everyone's hating! How will we become friends, if we're not given a chance to shed our 'newbie' skin? I'm so hurt *sniff* Laters, I guess i'll leave and never come back!
27 answers:
2007-03-29 08:48:04 UTC
It's the orange box, the orange box I tell you cyber babe.

Why the f*ck did yahoo curse us with this top contributor crap, since then we have all been marked and are looked badly upon.

Yaholes should be strung from the nearest tree and be made an example of for creating hatred among what was once a happy community.

Let's get the lynch team ready, I'll grab the ropes and light the torches.
2007-03-28 23:06:00 UTC
Your a level 5 and consider yourself a newbie. I don't think so. You have not been here as long as many but I don't think you would be considered a newbie. If others think that you should leave, think about the ones that have selected you as their best answers and you have helped. Hang in there. There is a chance that there will be one question that you will answer that will really matter to someone.
Les Gramps
2007-03-28 23:39:23 UTC
You don't need to leave. This is the thing , as you move up in points as most of the old regs. have you will have younger ones ( newbies) that will report you. That way you lose all your points and account.. Your turn will come where you will be reported so some other NEWBIE can move up.. The point greed is what kills the fun,,Stay, enjoy just don't report people, unless it is bad stuff...*
2007-03-28 23:11:21 UTC
Why so angry? No need for all that!

Don't take any of it personal.Just keep in mind that some people are more rude online than they are in real life! I call them "punks".

The same people that leave ugly answers for you are most likely the same people that don't know how to express themselves intelligently in person.Don't let a bunch of azzholes discourage you from enjoying Yahoo Answers!

I say "Welcome Newbie!" With time you will be one of the experienced contributors to our community!

Don't let the bastards get you down!
2007-03-28 23:11:58 UTC
No don't go. We wuv you. :)

It's breaking my heart you're leaving, baby I'm grieving

But if you want to leave take good care

Hope you have a lot of nice things to wear

But then a lot of nice things turn bad out there Sorry that song was stuck in my head

Seriously though don't go. You're good peeps.
2007-03-28 23:03:49 UTC
How are you a newbie and be a level 5..anyways..who care what peolple on Y!A thinks..
2007-03-28 23:14:10 UTC
What's a newbie?

...oh. I must be one, too. Oh, the curse of being a latecomer to the joys of Y! can we *bear* it?

Guess I can just keep ignoring it. La te da de da... :P
2007-03-28 23:07:39 UTC
you are not a newbie. don't let those elitist skuds try to make you feel that way. just keep going and I'll be here.

2007-03-28 23:05:42 UTC
wooh...don't leave, there must have been some kind of misunderstanding. Newbie?

You are not a newbie, and even if you were you are a part of P&S. Please re-consider.
2007-03-28 23:06:49 UTC
OK. I'll bite. What was it that caused you to feel this way? And if you are a "Newbie" how could you have already become a top contributor? Please explain, and please don't take your ball and go home. We love you and need you. Please!?
2007-03-28 23:05:09 UTC
Don't let it get to you. I've been saying all day that "this too shall pass" and it will. Just hang in there.
2007-03-28 23:32:35 UTC
No matter if this is your first visit or your millionth you are as welcome on Answers as anyone else. Don't let them rattle your chain. Judging from your record, you are doing just fine.
Jessica Marie
2007-03-28 23:03:16 UTC
Whoo cares what people on YAHOO ANSWERS think, Serrriously =]
2007-03-28 23:04:49 UTC
Gee. Can't we talk about this in the morning?
Angel Girl
2007-03-28 23:04:41 UTC
I'm sorry you feel that way

I have no idea what is going on
2007-03-28 23:05:19 UTC
what do you mean your a newbie...look at all the freak'n points you have...
2007-03-28 23:03:51 UTC
how can you be a newbie with an orange badge!?!? THAT'S where my badge went!! you stole it!! whaaaaaaaaaaaa!!! =o)
2007-03-28 23:03:24 UTC
Are you taking something personal?
2007-03-28 23:06:24 UTC
Drama, Drama, Drama !!!

I love it !

So stay could get interesting !
2007-03-28 23:03:21 UTC
You have to ask good questions, or answer cleverly.
2007-03-28 23:04:18 UTC
why???? who said that 2 u!? I want to become your friend!!!!!!!
2007-03-28 23:03:24 UTC
you havnt been mean to me=] so stay =]
2007-03-28 23:03:14 UTC
see ya
2007-03-29 23:37:37 UTC
nooooooooo! seriously don't lol!
2007-03-28 23:02:56 UTC
2007-03-28 23:03:41 UTC
aww i will be your friend. :)
2007-03-28 23:04:23 UTC
:( Don't leave!

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.