Politics : Poly (many) Ticks (blood sucking creatures :D
Interested: it would be shallow to say no because i am always doing some kind of politics in day to day life ... i really like this thought by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar :
"Do not let politics sway you away from your path. You have to cross the barricade of politics. It is a test of YOUR strength, your commitment and your focus.
You cannot avoid politics, but you choose whether to harbour politics in your mind or let them go. Even Lord Krishna was immersed in politics. And you say you do not want to get involved in politics ? The more you do not want it, the more you will harbor it in your consciousness.
When you recognize politics in any group, it is a blessing for you to be centered and to go inward. You can do that without blaming the group, without giving up. It can enhance your skill to act and to remain detached.
There are many advantages to becoming involved in politics. Politics amplify the diversity in people.It CONFRONTS you with different viewpoints, approaches and tendencies. It enhances your ability to communicate and act. It brings centeredness and dispassion. It shakes you up & makes you stand up to knowledge. It enhances your capacity to accept and tolerate. It makes you realize that all of life is a game.
The strong will smile through politics and the weak will lament."
I think this is a very good message.
Favorite Political Leader : i can remember only some now - Gandhiji , Sonia Gandhi
this question is dedicated to Y Rajashekar Reddy ji .. :)