Yes there is.
Idk, I am a pharmacologist, we design drugs, but the patient care is mainly up to clinicians. As a pharmacist too, I had patients who healed completely from Cancer last year. There was an antibody that came out for colon cancer which just 2 years ago, and colon cancer is the worst one, lung cancer had a monoclonal antibody back 4 years ago and it was even better... so again it depends...
But the patients I treated who got better, could have not been treated 30 years ago as the drugs were not there. In fact, I like you, lost relatives (grandparents) a long time ago, as there was not enough research... or there was research and not published.
I mean, 70 years ago you would die from diabetes, as there was no biotechnology, which you have today with the insulins... My doctor died last year, but I think it was because of the covid. And it could be your grandad could have got that too as cancer patients are immunosuppressed.
The best hospitals for Cancer are Cancer Institutes, we have those in Europe, not sure where you are from, but example my grandmom was in a country which didn't have it as they cared more about luxury items (luxury goods) than on necessity goods.
Cuba and Romania are said to have the best healthcare in the world, and they are considered "poor".
But I have heard really read dreadful stories about nurses too I won't share lol. The nurses I know all great, but there are stories I have heard of really bad nurses. I reject jobs with bad staff as I get angry, but example doctors take them on and it's not easy and they see stuff that is pretty scary too. And then the fault is of the doctor if they miss those "crazy" things... so yes healthcare can definitely be funded a bit more.
Edit: A lot of hospitals now offer gene therapy which cures cancer and it was discovered in the 80s by some French physicians, but in some specific religions it is not allowed and there are ethical discussions around it, but nothing stops you from taking the patient out somewhere else.