As a mother of 3 boys, one with mental health issues, I've only used the internet as a was a blessing, with my research, and a wonderful Doctor,.....I was unable to work outside of the home, but this was work.......unappreciated work. Not that I need reassurance, but to hear from their Father, "What do you do all day.....never getting it, never a kind word, or a "good Job!', "nice work",....a compliment?
When you get to go to a real paying job, outside of the home,money is not all you get. You get recognition when you do an exceptional job. I miss that feeling.
With me stumbling upon "Yahoo answers", I'm getting some of that back again. It has been the only time spent on the internet for me that's not work, but fun!! And when I get recognized, a "best Answer" gives me the pat on the back I miss so much. As an aspiring writer, it's giving me practice getting my mind back to the creative thought process,.... so I am thanking the people at yahoo for this , and patting the person, or people who's creative minds put this enjoyable idea together.