MOI!!!!!!!!! i'm bored. so lets make the good times role. i'm gonna tell you a made up story about my life to take the tim away and let you relaxe for a bit. maybe you'll give me 10 points for it, but you probably wont. but as long as you like it...things will go great!
My name is Betty Cramp. I am 23 years old. I grew up in the north pole but it got too cold so i moved to kansas to live with my aunt and uncle and their sons, but then one day my life really sucked so i ran a way. Suddenly this huge tornado flew by and i was swepped away back to the north pole. My parents had a huge party for me and found this penguin which they wanted me to marry, but he was too short and too fat and i was still freazing cold so i moved to hawaii. one day, while i was chillin on the beach, this really hot surfer bumped into me and "accidentally" pulled off my bikini. i was so embarrassed but he was too damn hot that i wouldn't dare leave those blazing eyes. so i went to his place and we got drunk and had the time of our lives. the next day i woke up next to his dog, FrooFee. i was so disgusted so i grabbed my suit. Grabbed FrooFee and set the guy's little house on fire where it burned to the ground. I made sure to poison him at his favorite bar and now i feel guilty. I am so emotinoally hurt that i can never forgive myself. Whatever. I can't think of anything to write. I know it was lame, but my imagination seems to have left me for the time being. maybe i'll have something better to say some other day.