Dummest Thing(s) You Did as a Kid?
Fonzie T
2007-10-15 08:54:52 UTC
When I was less than round 10, I:

- Once rang dozens of doorbells (w/ my friend) in order to find some kid's apartment JUST to tell on him for breaking a window. We were out til after dark, parents got worried, found us both in the elevator en route to the next floor. I got smacked upside the head for it.

-Forged my mom's sig' for a note that got sent home in 3rd grade...all done in my "best" 3rd grade handwriting. Teacher saw it for what it was, MAILED it home this time, DAD saw whacked for it.
34 answers:
Shooting Star
2007-10-15 08:59:42 UTC
dumbest thing ay? when i was 5..i was a zales and the lady left the ring display open and i stole two engagment rings...later on the news they were talking about a robbery at mom discovered the rings the next day and returned them
Sandy Sandals
2007-10-15 09:10:24 UTC
When I was 3, I snuck out of my babysitter's home very early in the morning and walked across a major highway and big intersections during morning rush hour traffic, headed for my grandma's house. It was January with at least 1 ft of snow on the ground and I was wearing no coat, a turtle neck, pants, and cowboy boots on the wrong feet with no socks. I actually made it quite far, walking about 20 mins and getting within 2 or 3 streets of my grandma's when someone spotted me and took me to a nearby convenience store to warm up and call my mother. What surprises me is that no one stopped me sooner. That was 27 years ago and I can still remember sitting on the pinball machine at the store, everyone crowding around me and giving me hot chocolate and wrapping coats around me. When my mother walked in crying and frantic they all looked at her like she was the worst mother in the world. I don't remember getting punished, but I did get a new babysitter.
2007-10-15 09:41:18 UTC
This occurred Halloween of 1975. I was supposed to meet up at a friend's house and their mom was going to take us Trick or Treating. On my way walking to his house, I stopped at various houses, collecting candy. I was having so much fun, I totally forgot I had plans. So I was out like past 10 PM (as a 6 year old, LOL) and my parents were freaking out, but with very good reason. But hey, time flies when you're having fun!
2007-10-15 11:53:42 UTC
My friend and I used to hang out in my moms car listening to the radio (we were maybe 7 or 8) when one day she dared me to turn the ignition on (we lived in an apartment/townhouse complex and happened to be parked facing someones fenced yard)...

Needless to say I was dumb enough to take the dare and managed to drive us ONTO the curb and into the neighbors fence - no real damage was done since we were going so slow (I didn't know you had to press the brake to get the car to stop) but the neighbor came out and made us tell our parents.

He was nice enough to move the car back into the spot but my friend also convinced me to call my mother back and tell her that I was joking about driving the car into a fence.

Wasn't friends with her much longer after that incident.
2007-10-15 09:01:12 UTC
Well after I gave MYSELF (4 yrs old) a hair cut, I thought it would be fun to tweeze my eyebrows and then cut them with my little safe scissors. NOT A GOOD IDEA! I looked like Fire Marshall Bill (jim Carey character from inliving Color)

When I was 7 me and my cousin, we used to play "Talk Show Host" in the Bathroom (the toilet was the host seat and the guest sat on the tub like a bench seat.)at my grandmas. well i offered my "guest" (my cousin) a drink from the sink and there was a little shot glass sitting on the bathroom sink. My aunt came in to see what we were doing and laughed at our creative imagination until she looked over at the sink and saw the shot glass empty. She started to panic and asked me what happened and if I touched the shot glass. Appearently, while visiting at my grandmothers for a long weekend she forgot her contact case. Needless to say I drank her
replay ray
2007-10-15 09:11:00 UTC
when i was 4 or 5 my dad bought me a kite and helped me launch it,then started to talk to somebody and i walked some distance away.the kite was so high i could barely see it,so i started reeling it in,wrapping the string AROUND MY THUMB! when my thumb started to look like a purple tootsie roll pop, i realized something was really started hurting too! i began to cry and then scream. my dad ran over,freaked out and unraveled the string as fast as he permanent harm was done but i think he said that was the the most idiotic stunt i ever pulled..
2007-10-15 09:02:05 UTC
ha alright..

i was always really short when i was little.. umm actually i still am.. anyways..

my dad had these crutches from when he had broken his leg.. and the top of them were above my head and the part that you grasp on to came to about my ribs.. that's how short i was.. and i was about six..

so i got this grand idea that i was going to make the crutches into stilts..

i grabbed them and climbed onto my kitchen counter.. i put my feet on the grasping part and help onto where your shoulders would go.. and then i tried to take a step..

well umm.. i went face first into the floor.. i never thought to put my feet out to break my fall lol..

after that my parents made my sister not let me out of her sight when they weren't home..

that's just one of the many stupid things i did as a kid..
2007-10-15 09:00:09 UTC
pulled a moony out of a bus window on a school trip when a lorry was going past on a narrow road. His fac was a picture to say the least!
2007-10-15 08:58:42 UTC
My mom, 8 months pregnant with twins of course had baby powder and the other 5 kids, well we found it and while she was napping we had the fan... pushing baby powder into it until it left a nice white film over everything. "Look mommy, it snowed". Oh, I'm sorry mom.
pepzi_bandit 2
2007-10-15 08:59:08 UTC
I cut the cat's whiskers, when I was about 4/5, was the dumbest thing I did cause the family went on about it for years and years
2007-10-15 09:03:53 UTC
well we youst to bend out wire coathangers leaving the hook at the end and throw them up so they would catch on the top high tension electric wire inthe street lights when the bottom part of the wire made the connection there were sparks everywhere ...fused the whole street........not much to do in dublin. lol
2007-10-15 08:59:14 UTC
forged report card signatures, skipped school a lot, drank alcohol, had sex, smoked pot (in college), drank alcohol at school, got into fights, was disrepsectful to my parents, dressed like a slut and wore a lot of makeup, was one of those "mean" girls, hit a car and didn't leave a note, toliet papered houses, stole money out of my mom's wallet. I was a hellion. Now I am an unstanding citizen praying my 13 year old doesn't do the same.
2007-10-15 09:04:39 UTC
when i was about nine a mate and me found some flares and poured all the gunpowder out of them into a big heap.guess which idiot put a match to it? yep me,burnt all hair off front of my head,eye lashes the lot.still have scar on forehead 37 years later.dumb enough for you or wot
2007-10-15 08:59:35 UTC
I once threw a rock at a passing car. It hit the door, the car stopped, the woman got out and was very angry with me. I didn't do it again!
2007-10-15 08:58:02 UTC
Bent a paperclip and stuck it into an electrical outlet. Totally could have started a fire (no shock cuz I wore rubber gloves. Thought I was being smart, haha).
2007-10-15 09:04:39 UTC
Let my brother play doctor and he put a Mimosa seed in my ear. He ended up pushing it so far in the ear canal, I had to go to a real doctor to have it removed. It hurt like crazy!!!!

I wanted to go play with one of my friends down the street and my cat wanted to go. (I wasn't suppose to take her away from the house) I picked her up and carried her with me. I knocked on the door, nobody was home....BUT, their dog heard my knocks and jumped up to the fence where I was standing. It scared my cat so bad, she tried to climb ME! I ran home with the cat on top of my head, her claws imbeded in my head, blood running down my face. My mom totally freaked! I still have a small scar on my face.
2007-10-15 09:00:22 UTC
- when i was 4, i rolled down all 12 steps on my stairs (they were carpeted luckily) horizontally.

- when i was 2, i was a pumpkin for halloween.

- when i was 7, i cried over a stupid paper and my best friend abandoned me.

- when i was 5, i was line leader for the first time ever and i blew it. (I led the line before every body else)

- right now, i just tripped over a chair.

- when i was 6, i ate those little black ants.
2007-10-15 08:58:33 UTC
At five, I stuck my tongue to the freezer in the dead of summer. Needless to say, I got stuck and ripped most of the skin off the surface.
2007-10-15 08:57:20 UTC
Slide down down the cellars storm wooden door . Talk about splinters OUCH
2007-10-15 08:59:12 UTC
Threw darts at a 'KISS' poster I had and then be surprised there were a million holes in the wall when I took it down.
2007-10-15 08:59:07 UTC
I picked my nose all the time, one day I was looking in the mirror and notice my one nostril was bigger than the other and went screaming to my mom, thought it was the result of me picking my nose.
2007-10-15 08:58:40 UTC
We ate some wild mushroom out in the woods. We thought/wanted um to be tripping mushrooms we walked around like we were tripping LOL it was so dumb and we really could have been very sick!!!
2007-10-15 08:58:24 UTC
Threw wet toilet paper balls at cars. Got a good whacking for that.
2007-10-15 09:00:20 UTC
Something I recently did: stuffed a big bunch of lit firecrackers into my teachers handbag.

I never regretted it HA!
2007-10-15 08:59:19 UTC
i was showing off one time about how good i could climb a tree, yep, climbed to the top and coulden't get back down, lmao, my dad had to come afterme
2007-10-15 08:58:20 UTC
When I was about three, my mom found me on the back steps happily eating roly-polies (you know, those little bugs that rolls up when disturbed). Sigh... didn't kill me, at least.
2007-10-15 08:57:50 UTC
Me and a friend started a fire in a field and it got a little bigger than we wanted it too.
2007-10-15 09:20:08 UTC
when i was four, i had a dora the explorer backpack that i LOVED! i carried it everywhere with me! i even went to sleep with it on!!! i still feel embarrassed about it. :)
It's Your World, Change It
2007-10-15 08:58:25 UTC
My brother and I set our backyard on fire.
Princess Penguin
2007-10-15 08:57:31 UTC
i used to eat flowers! and i touched fire to see if it actually burnt ( :( n it did )
2007-10-15 08:58:32 UTC
2007-10-15 08:57:56 UTC
i told my dad to fu-- off, i can still feel the pain.
2007-10-15 08:58:53 UTC
One time I spelled dumbest dummest... hahaha... just kidding dude...

I've never been that stupid...


...i'm so sorry.
Cleopatra mohamed'redouane's mom
2007-10-15 08:57:48 UTC
i lick candy sweat

and i cry when they refuse to give me something i want

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.