Since they have this category now....?
2006-03-20 09:49:23 UTC
What's your favorite question posted on here?
Thirteen answers:
2006-03-20 15:50:56 UTC
I don't really have a favorite question in this category because these questions aren't very good.
2006-03-20 11:29:38 UTC
This is the first time I thought about my favorite question. I guess I don't really have one, I just like answering questions.
2006-03-20 09:54:41 UTC
my favorite question often relate to something that requires research in many fields. Questions that really make people think or lead to future inventions or products
2006-03-20 12:58:40 UTC
The easy ones!
2006-03-20 09:56:14 UTC
'How do you pronounce this word?'

I can't download a sound file to explain it,

I guess you could write it out phonetically-

but you can get that from any decent dictionary.

Time waster...
2006-03-20 10:01:50 UTC
When I've posted it I'll let you know.
2006-03-20 11:52:27 UTC
too many good questions to count
2006-03-20 09:53:22 UTC
I like mine, about Craigs list. hardly anyone has answered it- so go answer it.
2006-03-20 12:11:38 UTC
All of them, and none of them..hehehehe
Duck Jr.
2006-03-20 09:51:53 UTC
"Why does your head itch when it be dirty" um...

"Would you rather have a million bucks or a whopper" umm...

2006-03-20 09:53:25 UTC
all of htem
2006-03-20 09:51:28 UTC
You know... I never noticed - until this question of course. Thanks.
2006-03-20 09:50:19 UTC
yours....wink wink

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.