Evolution or Creationism? What to believe?
2015-11-15 21:00:31 UTC
Both has strong arguments idk what to believe.
178 answers:
2015-11-16 19:50:48 UTC
Why not both? It is possible to believe in both. Take creationism and make your own ideas of how science might work with it rather than contradict it.

Evolution is not belief, it is proven with skeletons from the past. Creationism is based upon an ancient book passed along generations

For an example of science, if you drop a bowling ball and a golf ball, they will fall at the same time, but if you drop a piece of paper and a bowling ball/golf ball, the balls will fall faster then the paper. But if you crumple up that paper, it will fall at the same time of both balls. Why? It's because of how air reacts on the object. Without science, we wouldn't have that phone you are using, no electricity, no wifi, no nothing.

Science proves evolution is true, but that does not mean you can't unprove it. Things are getting unproven all the time! You'll need to make a science experiment, and if it is logical enough so that it cannot be proven wrong, then science will turn a different direction, and the thought of evolution would become history.

I cannot imagine a world without science, I use the things created by science every day.

Science = evolution, because evolution was made by science.
2015-11-17 12:17:34 UTC
2015-11-17 06:56:47 UTC
2015-11-15 21:06:24 UTC
Evolution is science and is, therefore, a matter of evidence, not belief. There is overwhelming evidence for evolution and it has been observed in the wild and in the laboratory. The Theory of Evolution is the model that explains how evolution works. The Theory might not be entirely correct, few models are but that does not make evolution any less a fact.

There is no evidence at all for creationism. It is a religious belief only, completely unsupported by facts. There is no Theory of Creationism, the model that shows how it works, there is not even a hypothesis.

If you want to learn some of the evidence for evolution you should read "The Greatest Show on Earth" by Richard Dawkins. It is evolution from first principles and ideal for beginners.
2015-11-16 07:27:40 UTC
I do believe that God created everything. But i do not agree with creationism. Why not? Because a number of creationist ideas actually conflict with the Bible. Consider the following two examples:

Length of the six days of creation. Some creationists assert that the six days of creation were literal 24-hour days. But the word “day” in the Bible can refer to a considerable length of time.—Genesis 2:4; Psalm 90:4.

Age of the earth. Some creationists teach that the earth is just a few thousand years old. However, according to the Bible, the earth and the universe existed before the six days of creation. (Genesis 1:1) For that reason, I have no objection to credible scientific research that indicates the earth may be billions of years old.

Although I believe in creation, i am not antiscience. I believe that true science and the Bible are compatible.
2015-11-16 07:15:58 UTC
It has little bearing on your present life.

If God created the Earth and then left it going like a pot on the stove, it doesn't matter. If God created the Earth and occasionally tosses ingredients into the pot, it still doesn't matter. If aliens seeded the planet with man seed and it spontaneously became filled with different species due to mud fish climbing from the ocean and growing legs, well this sounds fantastic but this doesn't effect what is going on with your life today.

I worked in a factory and made the mistake of asking what kind of car people though would be a good investment years before the Internet. This broke out in a dispute about Fords and Chevy's and avoiding foreign made automobiles. I regretted asking but assumed older people who had driven cars would be impartial. The majority of people have an agenda or a reason to think as they do about everything.

None of it matters.

You have to parrot out whatever your instructor wants for a class so always just go along and turn off your brain . You might do research in graduate school and try to rock the boat but it is best to have your own thoughts and keep quiet about it. Look at Ben Carson. He writes a book about his life and people say he is lying because they can't find any evidence he had enemies who would say anything bad about him. They did a comedy sketch based on this.

I believe in God and evolution.

See, I managed to avoid having to pick a side. It works for me because people are usually wrong for a few hundred or more years. They can get back to me later when they have pictures and an eye witness .
2015-11-18 01:18:48 UTC
Creationism.Because Evolution is intelligence without ANY shred of basic wisdom and understanding.The purpose of life is to test which of us are best in the eyes of God.The purpose of EXISTENCE ,is to worship God.God is known for making a lot of things such as the sun & the moon, humans, animals, etc. But...who made God?Tell me ,If god did not exist ,but the universe does then...what created that? What created that creator?What then created that creator etc. etc.

For reality as we know it to exist all effects cannot have a cause.Eventually there will have to be a starting point from which all emerged and which was not created.Not all atheists are morons ,but some are.They keep yapping about "Probability ! ,Probability !' yet they fail to realize that in all "probability" the likelyhood of all this coming by chance is so insignificant that the likelyhood of a God is more 'probable'. Now just think,suppose a evolution did happen and a micro organism formed by accident.At the immediate second it became alive it had to have the ability to eat,breath,excrete ,reproduce etc. (Characteristics of living things) at the very instant it was born. IF even one of the mechanisms did not exist then the organism would die the next second it was born.So how did everything come exactly as life would require it?And that too in a single instant the 'mistake' happened?Let us now consider single aspects at a time- So suppose if the organism was born it would have to have evolved the ability to reproduce (Any reproduction is a complex and surgical process and the reproductive capacity of the organism must have been near-perfect RIGHT FROM THE START )But it had no ancestors to evolve the ability from.So it could not multiply (without considering it would die due inability to breath,inability to eat,missing digestive system for specific food it eats etc.) and therefore no offspring.Therefore no life would be there today.The same applies to the other requirements for life.So you see,too many parts of living beings required a sudden leap to have formed and these leaps have had to come about in a controlled and/or meaningful manner.Scientist have created proteins in situations similar to those of a young earth.Guess what.Like DNA,protein does not mean life.It requires an already fully functioning body to be of any use in life processes. Further more,DNA is like a DVD that requires a computer to be of any use.DNA just floating around does not do anything .It requires a body capable of reading the information and then implementing it.You see ,so the first DNA organism ‘also’ had to have a DNA containing all the information of the body structure (even though the body structure was by accident-so how did it know?How did it ‘generate’ the information into encoded DNA?) and also a system capable of containing the information and processing it.

The ability for an animal or organism to learn from it's surrounding and genetically adapt is within the DNA.So what small modifications we 'do' see are nothing but "adaptive mutation".Without DNA that allows for the specific changes in DNA,evolution could not occur.So yes we are evolving now, but did not evolve into existence.The scaffolding concept is useless because there is no biological analogue.Many who do not believe in God embrace the theory that living things emerged from lifeless chemicals through unknown and mindless processes.

Supposedly, at some point a bacteria-like, self-replicating organism arose, gradually branching out into all the species that exist today. This would imply that ultimately the mind-bogglingly complex human actually evolved from something akin to bacteria.Bacteria!

Religion and ONLY the true religion is rational .Let not emotions cloud the minds of the wise-to-be !

Go to the link given below for a FULL explanation as to our life and also our existence's purpose.
2015-11-16 07:34:59 UTC
There is nothing to 'believe' when it comes to evolution; evolution is proven science. We know, for a fact, that there was and is evolution occurring. We are as certain that evolution occurred as we are certain that the Earth revolves about the sun, that there is gravity, and that microorganisms cause the flu. People who claim otherwise are deluded, lying, or both.

Those who call evolution a theory don't understand the word theory.

People who say the science is 'still uncertain' about evolution don't understand the science.

Most Christians do not believe in Creationsim and view the creation story in the Bible as only metaphorical. And, the largest Christian institution, the Catholic Church, has said that evolution is a fact.

Frankly, Creation explains nothing. Using the ideas of evolutionary biology, we have been able to create medicines, create disease resistant crops, create gene therapies, and even create computer programs. None of that is possible with Creationism as your belief system.
2015-11-15 21:44:04 UTC
You can do a Google search, that's what I did when I was looking into the creation/evolution controversy.

What I discovered was that the Bible and evolution conflicted with each other, and those Christians who tried to reconcile that by changing a few things around, were compromising- and I know a compromise when I see one.

I got a Bible and read it, I also read another book by Dr. Gish called "Evolution: the fossils still say NO!"

Then I watched the Bill Nye vs Ken Ham debate.

You can choose for yourself when you look at all the facts. As for me, I chose to believe in the Bible, and I believe in a literal biblical creation.
2015-11-19 17:19:03 UTC
2015-11-15 21:36:53 UTC
Science does not need your belief.

Science wants your skepticism.

According to the methods of science,

every explanation

should be tested against measurable reality,

in every way, possible.

If reality contradicts an explanation,

it must be discarded or altered,

to eliminate the contradiction.

Scientists want to know

where they have been mistaken.

Religions, not so much.

They protect their dogma

against doubt, testing and criticism,

at all cost.

There are no strong arguments

in support of creation.

Only insistently, emotional ones.

The theory of evolution is trustworthy

to be practically, if not absolutely correct,

because it has passed every test

that anyone could throw at it,

for 150 years, with only minor alterations.

It isn't exactly the same as it was 150 years ago,

because it has been improved, a few times

as new information about reality,

like DNA molecules,

has been included.



John Popelish
2015-11-16 21:10:06 UTC
We know there have been several mass extinctions. There were few mammals before the extinction of the dinosaurs 65 million years ago. Since then an entire zoo of new species have appeared and disappeared... the saber toothed cat, the cave bear, and the dire wolf for instance... yet a million years later there were lions and tigers and bears... not to mention human beans! The Bible mentions only one creation of critters, but no mention of any mass extinction of critters. Given that, where did all these new critters come from? Were there several 'creations' not mentioned? If there's any Bible accounts of several separate creations and extinctions some Bible scholar would have exhibited them by now. Or, all of that was 'left out'? My guess is that it was 'left out' because 5000 years ago nobody suspected that there were mass extinctions and subsequent new species arising from the genes of the survivors. Who knew from genes?

Evolution of species is 100% fact. The Bible account is based on several accounts from civilizations that existed long before the Bible was published. We have huge amounts of data on that. Use the Bible to learn how to be a better human being... use science to understand objective reality!
2015-11-17 04:56:46 UTC
Evolution, creationism (although the christian pigeons will deny it) became popular amongst theists because Darwin's theory of Evolution was becoming popular and accepted and they were desperate to have something to compete with.

Evolution has reliable sources and even creationists to a smaller degree will acknowledge things change (but to a smaller level).

ALSO, I find it funny that most scientists who support evolution have academic achievement, you'll find most creationists only are in the world of science because your religion can get you anywhere.

I NEVER refer to creationists as scientists as they don't deserve it AT ALL.

I find it hilarious when creationists try to lecture scientists about what's real and not real, people like Dawkins have been scientists all their life, creationists, as I said, are only allowed to be involved in science because of their faith, So I'd go with the philosophy of the individual who actually has the academic background to show for it.

PS, creationism is a joke.
2015-11-21 18:56:07 UTC
2015-11-17 08:04:19 UTC
Creation--all things were created by God. (Genesis Chapter 1) Regarding science, scientists "discover" what was already created. They develop from things already made. So science actually reinforces creation. Evolutionists find odd fossils and such and try to prove it evolved. God has created many many many things that man will never ever have the time to find. We don't know how old something really is unless we have something that old to compare with. Also creation is the only logical evidence of things and it doesn't compete with anything else! (Isaiah 45:18; Amos 4:13; Acts 4:24; Revelation 4:11; Psalm 90:1,2)
2015-11-21 14:55:57 UTC
I'm just going to say this: evolution has been proven. We can see examples of this today. For example: during the industrial revolution, soot and ash covered white aspen trees, giving them more of a grey appearance. There is a specific type of moth that rests on these trees, with white coloring for camouflage from predatory birds. In every species there is a dominant trait and a recessive trait. A dominant trait is the most common trait in the species, for this moth species it's white. A recessive trait that is uncommon in the species, in this species, it's black. Traits are simply a mutation in the genes of a species that was passed on from parent, to offspring. Natural selection is when nature determines if this trait helps this species in the environment, or doesn't. The reason why black moths are recessive, is because they are usually eaten by a bird because of it's non-camo coloring before they can reproduce and pass on it's genes. But when the soot of coal machines stained the white trees grey, the white moth became recessive, and the black moth became dominant. It's because white moths show up more on the tree than black moths. This is evolution. There is evidence everywhere.

But just because we know that evolution is real, doesn't mean that God doesn't exist. Who made the universe? How did the universe get here, or how did the big bang theory start? We don't know. Maybe God does exist, or maybe it doesn't. You can believe in both, but I advise you to read up on how evolution works, or the other creation stories from other religions. Just don't be ignorant.
2015-11-16 21:55:08 UTC
Your question: "Evolution or Creationism? What to believe? Both has strong arguments idk what to believe."

I generally would rather inform questioners how to think rather than what to think or what to believe.

If you have to ask, then you have no way of evaluating the answers you get.

You should believe only those things that by objective evaluation, using your best knowledge, seem to be probably true. And if your knowledge improves such that you find you were mistaken, you should change your beliefs.

I do not think you are asking because you really don't know. But I could be wrong. In that case, here:

Educate yourself. You will be pleased with the result:

• Where we live:

'Geosystems: An Introduction to Physical Geography'

Christopherson, Robert. (Prentice Hall)

• Where we came from:

'Introduction to Physical Anthropology' Jurmain/Kilgore/Trevathan/Ciochon. (Cengage Learning)

• What we have been doing:

'History of the World' Roberts, J.M.; Westad, O.A. (Oxford University Press: 2013)

• Life science:

'Biology' by Raven/Johnson/Losos/Mason/Singer (McGraw-Hill)

It is our natural inclination to acquire behaviors including cognitive and perceptual schemas by doing what we observe others doing, even from what we can construct mentally as models of what others might do. There is a neural basis for this, but even though such behavior is observable, until quite recently it was not known why such behavior occurs.

Neuropsychology, Mirror Neuron System:



Cognitive Behavioral Psychology, Observational Learning:


Social Psychology, Conformity:



Likewise, due to our ample neocortex, human beings also acquire abstract schemas. If you would like to see that in action, watch this video:

PBS Video, Cognitive and Behavioral Psychology: "A Class Divided"


Yet more:

"Science, Evolution, and Creationism (2008)"


Or read online:


I have not read it myself. I have never been a creationist either. I already know way more than enough to figure out the answer to your question. Do you?
2015-11-17 06:28:23 UTC
I've yet to see a strong argument for Creationism. Mostly, they take the form of a number of logical fallacies and mental gymnastics in order to assert that something unknowable, in this case God, had a hand in the creation of anything.

This goes against any sense of science by which we observe the world, nature and the universe at large. Arguments for Creationism rely solely on tradition and are all attempts to assert a predetermined conclusion to any findings.

Naturally, this does not disprove the existence of a deity's hand in the creation of life or the universe. But, as yet, there has been zero measurable evidence in support of an omnipotent consciousness whose will shaped the universe.

The only arguments in favor of Creationism have been appeals to tradition and emotion. Neither of which have any place in science.
2015-11-16 11:17:22 UTC
King Ragnor of Waterford
2015-11-16 17:15:40 UTC
Evolution is the only answer. Despite what some "true believers" say, there is plenty of proof, just look at Darwin's book on the Origin of Species!

Religions are just myths made up by people with no scientific knowledge, or the intelligence to investigate strange phenomenon.

Mark Twain had a perfect short story, (Some Learned Fables, For Good Old Boys And Girls), about the creatures of the forest who ventured out into the world to explore, and came up with what we know are ridiculous 'FACTS" about what caused certain things, like railway lines and steam engines. Religions are based on just such ignorance, and just as hilarious.
2015-11-17 07:39:52 UTC
They do not both have strong arguments. Evolution is a fact. There is an extremely large body of evidence for evolution.

Creation is not even an argument. There are numerous creation myths. That is very telling. They are all different and they only deal with the Earth. As we know the rest of the universe exists, which they fail to deal with, and they all give a different version of how they claimed our planet came into being. This enables us to know that they are human created stories. They have no veracity and they all lack a single shred of evidence.

I suspect that you refer to the Judeo-Christian version of creation. Are you aware that there are two different versions of creation in the Judeo-Christian heritage? There is one in Genesis 1 and a different one in Genesis 2.
2015-11-15 21:04:12 UTC
I'm an old earth creationist, so I fall into the latter category. I see no compelling Scriptural evidence for a young earth or a global flood. In regard to why I reject evolution: It's incompatible with the Genesis creation account. We've begun with the assumption it is true and must necessarily reject theories that contradict it. Similarly, since evolutionary scientists already believe evolution, it is natural for them to interpret data in light of this theory. Any evidence they gather must necessarily be put forth in support of evolutionary theory. The issue is, at its very core, a clash of world-views. One is built on the religious perception of the world. The other is founded through secular lenses, and so they deliberately turn their eyes away from Creation and prefer instead elaborate theories born in the minds of men which preclude the existence of a God.

Evolution makes sense in its own right. It really does. This is in large part the thing that drove me from theism to atheism a couple years ago. But upon conversion, I've come to realize that both views really and truly do make perfect sense—if you believe the respective worldview. And I thought to myself: I already have a creation account. Why wed a secular one not written in Scripture with what is God-breathed?
2015-11-16 08:45:10 UTC
Evolution. Creationism is just Evolution in reverse.
2015-11-16 19:37:50 UTC
Evolution theory has more holes in it than 3000 miles of window screen.The biggest is that it is mathematically impossible.genetic mutations do not occur frequently enough.Successful (helpful) mutations are less than 1 in 1000.For man to evolve beginning from nothing would take thousands of trillions of successful mutations.The earth would have to be 25000 times older than "science" claims it is.And why did the successful mutations stop ? There would have to be literal supermen,people who can run 50 mph etc...And if the earth was nearly that old you have problems with the size of the sun and the problem that technology (no matter how primitive) increases exponentially and we are far far behind.The theory of evolution would require a successful mutation occurring every 1/2 second on every square inch of earth.

It is so far beyond being mathematically impossible that it is just laughable.I know you are too lazy to do the math and prove it to yourself,so go right on believing your little darwinian fairy tale,and go to hell....I mean that literally of course...that IS where you will go.
2015-11-16 12:04:07 UTC
Evolution is as a point of fact merely a theory and as such not without flaw. It should be noted that the order of events of creation is exactly the same as the scientist say must have occurred also I am quiet sure when God created it all in the begining it did Make a BIGG BANGGG
2015-11-15 21:06:52 UTC
Atheistic evolution is a dead theory, but somehow the adherents have yet to figure that out. I disagree with theistic evolution, but I can at least respect people who believe in least they see that the complexity of biological life. and even the universe itself, require some sort of guiding intelligence. I personally believe in creationism because it makes the most sense and actually fits what we see. Here is hands-down the best resource for creationism:

There are thousands of articles, lots of should check it out.
2015-11-16 04:24:33 UTC
Evolution or Creationism? What to believe?

If you want to believe something, you might as well choose creationism. Evolution however, does not rely on belief, or blind faith, or consequential miracles that can be explained by mundane processes. It relies on actual evidence.

Because evolution disproves so much of christianity, many have chosen to toss aside the religion altogether. Without creation, you have no adam and eve, no original sin, and nothing for jesus to die for. It becomes totally meaningless. You should note however, it does not mean a god couldn't exist. It just means that the abrahamic creation myth is irrefutably wrong.

Now, the idea that creation still occurred and the descendants of adam and eve are somehow more speshul than other humans is an idea that's gaining momentum amongst the idiots who still cling to their mythology. At the end of the day, however, evolution will show that the only difference between people who think they're special and people who understand evolution as a part of what we know as reality is that one side tends to believe easier than the other. Ask someone who studies the brain, they can go into more detail than I can.

When it comes to Evolution or Creationism, the choice is always going to be yours in the end, however, I do have a suggestion. If you're a skeptic, don't bother with creationism. No matter how hard you try to believe, your rational mind will NEVER accept fairytales over reality.

If you're not a skeptic, by all means, seclude yourself in the same delusional bubble every other creationist lives in. Ignorance is, after all, bliss.
2015-11-16 23:51:04 UTC
They are both true. Evolutionary things are pretty much proven but i have seen proof of it's creation.

I don't trust them or worship them though, i just know they exist and did indeed create everything in existance.

Reality is like a tree. There is a root where it all came from and they and their world are the root.

But like i said, i don't trust them or worship them, honestly i think they might have gone mad at some point from living so long. I found though that they want us to question them and not accept blindly in the least.

To be honest i hate them, i simply despise them for what they have done to us all. But supposedly we will not fight with them forever. It's like some proverbial seemingly at random wrestling match or some ****, like some kind of metaphor in a book or something that involves wrestling.

If you are interested in science you might want to talk to them by the way. These beings have all of the science, any and all science they have it. Science can do great things and it always looked like magic to us because we didn't get it yet. Science can even bring us back to life.

Maybe i won't hate them forever, i don't know.
2015-11-17 12:28:58 UTC
There is some order in the process that is evolution, however there can be no disputing the SURVIVAL OF THE FITTEST for most if not all species on Earth (where man rises above this is that he/she makes efforts for those who otherwise may/might not survive aka the mentally challenged or handicapped to do so). Evolution as a process is FACT. Perhaps it is guided somehow by intelligences UNKNOWN, however the process has been going on for eons and continues to do so unabated. PEACE!
2015-11-16 19:02:00 UTC
Evolution. Creationism is ridiculous. There is practically zero supporting evidence. Honestly, why do you think they teach Evolution in schools? IT IS RIGHT. CORRECT INFORMATION. There is this absurd Creationism museum I went to once, and they literally had statues and paintings of human beings living alongside dinosaurs. Sound crazy? Wait. It gets better. They had some of dinosaurs with saddles on, and people riding them. You don't want to believe in that fairy tale nonsense, do you?
2015-11-16 06:32:16 UTC
2015-11-19 04:45:44 UTC
2015-11-17 14:50:55 UTC
We have evidence of evolution after the "Big Bang". All after that is proven to be "evolving" into today's "evolved" things.

The Big Bang itself has a scientific theory and I believe it. I believe that it was also a matter of evolution of some previous events.

However, long before that, creationism is what you want to believe. It is foolish to think Big Bang was beginning of everything, as the only scientific theory has "cosmic dust" before the Big Bang, so it as not beginning of everything.

Me myself, I believe there are gods, and even things like angels, archangels, even dragons or fairies! You may think I'm a fool. Why? Because you cannot prove that my beliefs are correct?

Well, you cannot prove that they are not, either.

And I feel like people usually don't believe something non-proven when opposite is not proven either. What a shame.
2015-11-16 19:53:31 UTC
I believe that God has created the world as we know it, despite all the theories hammered at me every day in my biology class. However, I should mention that I certain believe in microevolution, but macroevolution just seems ridiculous. Yes organism learn to adapt in order to survive in their environment, but because the bone construction of our hands are similar to that of a dolphin, does not mean that we have evolved or such an evolution is possible. It's ridiculous, and what's even more ridiculous is that my biology teachers are so bent on destroying creationism. You don't like that belief? Fine, but don't force me to absorb all everything as "fact" because it's the belief of the majority.
2015-11-20 02:51:40 UTC
I am a mix. I believe that God created the world, but at the same time i believe in the evolution in terms of, the favorable characteristics lead to survival of those who carry those characteristics. Reason I believe in God is because of 1) Kinesin and motor proteins. Search it up, it's fascinating. Something like this must have been designed, just like how us humans have designed motors. I do not believe such complex proteins could arise from a collision/the big bang. 2) Looking at the number of genes and proteins each and every one of us have. It is a miracle that we can code for exactly what we need, rarely making any mistakes. This is considering the hundreds and thousands of combinations of nucleotides. 3) Looking at history we have the 3 major religions, Christianity, islam, and judaism, all stemming from one God. Different names, but it is essentially one God. Also the bible says that there were witnesses that saw Jesus rise to heaven. People saw. if anyone in that situation saw it, they would immediately believe and want to tell everyone of it. So, Jesus must have existed considering how fast the news spread to everyone.
2015-11-22 17:31:08 UTC
You can believe that creationism is real but, there is no way to prove that. People have found proof for evolution.
2015-11-20 05:49:58 UTC
2015-11-21 17:20:14 UTC
Why would you even ask this? Every time you ask a question such as this one, ur gonna find a lot of evolutionists who are brainwashed by school systems and are too anal to believe that there are alternative theories. And, you are gonna see replies from creationists who think there is a gap in every gap in every gap. Just a side note: people tend to believe in the theory of evolution because it's convenient and easy to believe in since it's "served on a silver platter" in schools. It would be naive to believe that everything schools provide is true and unbiased.
2015-11-16 07:33:56 UTC
How life unfolded is only a science question.

The best way to learn isn't to start with a view, but rather to simply learn more and more of what has been found, and how it was dated. As you learn a great deal, you see how previous versions of theories couldn't explain everything (such as punctuated evolution, etc., etc., etc.), and new theories are needed to better fit the findings.


It appears God may have created all the Universe, and the life within it, simply by setting up perfect laws of nature -- physics. Once created, this physics we have controlled the Big Bang, the history of our Universe, and the processes of life. Perfect laws of nature. Genesis 1 is then, just as verse 2 suggest, best read as a poem, an inspiration or vision.
Doubting Like Thomas
2015-11-16 06:57:07 UTC
Imagine a Fundamentalist Christian arrested for a crime he or she DID NOT commit.

A child was kidnapped, tortured, sexually abused, murdered, and partially eaten.

DNA evidence STRONGLY SUGGESTS that this crime was committed by someone OTHER THAN the Christian.

However, since DNA evidence also STRONGLY SUGGESTS a common ancestor to all species of primates, even so far as to show that humans are more closely related to bonobos chimpanzees, than chimps are related to gorillas, we have an interesting dilemma.

Does a Fundamentalist Christian THANK GOD for the ACCURACY of DNA evidence in keeping him or her out of prison, but DENY the accuracy of DNA when it conflicts with the ancient Hebrew story of creation?

BONUS Question:

How many Creation Stories from how many OTHER ancient cultures do people even LOOK at, before publicly declaring that their research indicates the ancient Hebrew to deserve the points for being the "Least Silly" of the bunch?
2015-11-15 21:26:46 UTC
Evolution is a scientific fact. And Natural Selection is the scientific theory which explains the observable fact of evolution. Natural Selection has massive evidence to support it, including experiments in the lab--Creationism (aka "Intelligent Design") has not produced a shred of evidence in support, and supporters of Creationism can't even formulate a scientific hypothesis, and have yet do perform a single experiment. In no way can Creationism be called science. It has no place in the science classroom, and any efforts to do so (the "Wedge Strategy") are merely efforts to compromise science and foist religion on to impressionable students.

Please watch this Nova documentary to inform yourself:
2015-11-17 03:57:17 UTC
In schools the teach evolution, because we can see proof of it. Or at least, what we understand to be proof today. Science makes new discoveries all the time, so in 100 years, our great grandchildren may be having this same discussion about something completely different. I myself like to imagine a mix of both. At the end of the day, we have to ask ourselves what the evidence tells us. And ask ourselves the questions we don't know the answers too. What seems the most likely conclusion?
Anonymously Anonymous
2015-11-19 07:53:34 UTC
creationism is believed because a book says it. that's it, and you will only be dishonest to yourself if you think there are more reasons to believe it than just that.

the theory of evolution is an ever overwhelmingly growing body of evidence and a gigantic amount of confirmed predictions.

those are the facts. you make up your mind with all the good reasons.
2015-11-16 13:45:06 UTC
Do not believe anything. With proof you can know.

Any entity that lives off belief and not facts is a scam, especially if it asks you to build castles for something you can't see-SCAM!

If you want to waste your time and money on scams, believe whatever you like, but don't expect educated adults to follow you..

Creationism is a fable - one of thousands of creation fables from early, illiterate peoples.

It is 2015 for pity's sake, grow up!
2015-11-23 05:38:27 UTC
Let's remove all EMOTION for just a minute shall we. The fact is that ALL religions are mans way to explain what he did not understand and as a way to control the group he was part of. ( My use of the word man is gender non-specific.) You can see this by the way man has changed his religions at various times through history, to better explain different advances in science. Five hundred years ago Catholics imprisoned people that said the Earth revolves around the sun or that the Earth wasn't the center of the universe. I don't think right now you will find many Catholics that still believe the sun revolves around the earth.

IMHO religion is mans MORAL compass but the minute religion becomes his political compass....ALL HELL BREAKS LOOSE!!
2015-11-17 08:34:52 UTC
I do not see why it is impossible to believe both at th e same time yet in slightly different ways.

For example the book of books aka the bible states that each animal or plant on to its own shall reproduce and that is what evolution does. The Bible does not explicitly deny the possibility of evolution.

The universe is great and grand and we are tiny specks within it.

Who are we to say what can or can not be withing the limits of the universe we know and seek.
2015-11-15 21:32:31 UTC
I believe in both. There is no theory more logical than evolution, but how far back or to what extent, I do not know. But also, the universe had to have at least been started by a cause and with a purpose. That's where God comes in. Not necessarily the Christian God, but using the term "God" to describe what is undefinable/currently unknowable.
2015-11-16 21:30:22 UTC
Look, I believe that if there is a 1% chance that there s a God, I would believe in God. Because you know what, if that 1% chance is real, and you believe in evolution, you will spend eternity in hell. I m a Christian and I believe that God created everything, it s logic. For example, the house that you are in right now, if you removed every piece in that house and left it for billions of years, you think it would magically get together and be so strong? Now compare the human body and the universe with your house, which one is more complex? The human body is definitely more complex. You think that if you left your body for billions of years, it would be working like this? Just look at the cell. We have trillions of cells in our body. The human body makes about 3 million blood cells a second. I think it takes someone to actually create this to make it work so good. Just think about it, and you ll realize that God really is real. I know that I ll get downvotes for this, but it s the simple truth. Believe me friend.
2015-11-15 21:21:20 UTC
Are you kidding? Evolution is a fact, with a mountain of evidence, and it also doesn't disprove that it is the mechanism of creation. What it does disprove is the literal truth of the bible, which only a retarded child would try to believe in.
Tad Dubious
2015-11-16 09:46:51 UTC
I like to take the stance Woody Allen gave as a good reason to be bisexual: it increases your chances of having a date on Friday night. Evolution can be actually SEEN; creationism is a belief - a strong one. I take some of both, personally.
great knight
2015-11-16 14:58:52 UTC
Get a kjversion Bible and believe. Jesus Christ is the truth. Evolution is an admitted lie from hell! They admit "geologic column" does not exist! They admit the rock layers formed rapidly! They teach known lies like "biogenetic law" which was admitted fraud! They admit no "transitional fossils" with "punctuated equilibrium"! They admit you will never observe evolution but they claim it is still science, it is their admitted religion of "naturalism"! They have nothing to support it! See, and so on. AS the man says, what can they explain?! Nothing! It all refutes their religion of "naturalism". These are the laws of science not the sunday school lecture telling you all this!

See, and so on. All is as written. See, and part 2. This man here made predictions based on Bible and 6000yrs. The evolutionists made predictions on "millions of years". The data came back from OUTER SPACE and guess which shown? Evolution destroyed again and Bible shown correct again! Jesus Christ is the truth! There is no need to be deceived. Evolution is soo weak and pathetic that now after 200 yrs of lying and saying there is no evidence for creation, now they are lying saying, "well maybe aliens made it then!" They make up their own false religion to deny the truth. Jesus Christ is the truth. There is nothing scientific about this denial and delusion. Nasa scientists were screaming the moon doesn't exist because the evidence shows it is created as well! and soo on! And here come the even more delusional people saying, "well aliens made it then!" Sick denial. Jesus Christ is the truth.
2015-11-19 06:12:07 UTC
While both have supporting evidence, both have evidence that isn't concrete. I know that not being an evolutionist may be controversial but I am personally a creationist, and mainly for logical reasons interestingly, such as unexplained gaps in the fossil records or the fact that 'in-between' species often contradict other evidence. I won't get too detailed here, nor will I try to rub my opinion in anyone else's face, but I will say it, for consideration.
2015-11-17 18:09:54 UTC
There is an evidence trail for evolution millionjs and millions of years long, but none at all for creationism. Weigh the evidence.
2015-11-16 11:07:31 UTC
Personally? I believe God created the earth and mankind. It doesn't mean evolution wasn't used in this. But it certainly wasn't a random event. But I likewise don't believe it is relevant to you, or anyone else what I personally believe. People will still militantly shout down Christianity and Christianity will continue to vehemently deny evidence. Personally, I believe God is the reason why, and science is how He did it. There is no conflict for me in this.
Dream Achiever
2015-11-18 13:37:05 UTC
Evolution is creationism.
2015-11-18 14:19:05 UTC
It is preferred that public schools and people themselves should teach both evolution and creationism in order to avoid a certain kind of bias. It's an even-playing field.
2015-11-17 14:58:02 UTC
BELIEF in God and any religious dogma challenges my intelligence.

If God is so powerful why doesn't he obliterate the Devil.

If the leaves on the trees do not move without the will of God - shall we also believe that death and destruction and hunger and the Muslims and all their atrocities is the will of God.

If God is so loving and mercifull - why does he threaten to through us into a pit of fire and brimstones?

If God is the creator of all things in the Universe, why does he allow the exsistence of Earth, but no other worlds? ( all things evolve from nature, including natural phenomenons )

God has nothing to do about all the good things in our daily life - nor can we blame him for all the bad things in our life here on Earth. How can anybody believe that there is a Heaven somewhere in outer space!

I was astonished when I read of all the atrocities in the name of Jehova/God in the bible.

At 13 years old I realized from researching the Bible that by God almighty I must be an Atheist!

Sorry, but asking me to worship him, and asking me to give all my money and properties to the poor in order to get to Heaven, is a farse and an insult to my natural intelligence!
2015-11-15 21:25:15 UTC
Both. Did life evolve from single cell forms to more complex? Yes. Despite the total 100% impossible odds of this happening it did occur.... not once, but over and over and over again with each species. The fact that this did happen is a clear indication that there had to be an intelligence behind the process. The non-rational can never produce the rational. So from where did rationality come from if not from God?
2015-11-18 13:47:48 UTC
Neither are actually true science. Both are theories, NOT proven, NOT Law, not scientific. To be scientific, it has to follow the scientific method.

1. Observation

2. Hypothesis

3. Prediction

4. Experiment

5. Conclusion

Today, the origin of the earth has not been observed. People have developed a hypothesis based on an abstract prediction. This can never be experimented. And scientist still try to conclude on no data, no experiment, skewed hypothesis. So why do you accept one over the other just because it is science. Both are systems of faith, not science.
2015-11-18 09:10:25 UTC
To say Evolution and science are synonomous is the Grand deception of all time.

Science transcends human thought and existence and is governed by precise laws which operate according to demonstrably intelligent processes.Forget all the man made isms and focus on reality as in the fact that dna programming is affected by environmental factors yet in no way proven to affect progression from pond slime to homo sapien by a dumb process of chance mutations.
2015-11-19 01:58:17 UTC
"Evolution or Creationism? What to believe?"


I'm awesome.
2015-11-16 23:10:24 UTC
Both with a grain of salt. You can always believe in God even if you believe in evolution. Screw what some jerk wad scientist or priest might say. Follow conviction. Not your heart, that can be deceitful. But remember-all faith is based on some fact, and all fact is based on some faith.

Science is good for understanding the universe outside of us.

Faith is good for understanding the universe inside of us.
2015-11-19 02:49:51 UTC
Creationism has strong borders, spontaneous generation, instant results. No one really wants to change from this to a more messy belief, namely, evolution. But no one disputes their own faith. People honor their own. You really cannot make evolution neat and tidy. It wouldn't be legitimate to the truth.
2015-11-17 14:43:05 UTC
I believe in creationism
2015-11-15 21:28:35 UTC
Creationism. I don't have enough faith to believe in evolution.
2015-11-16 09:04:15 UTC
"Both has strong arguments"


Yeah, no. There is, on the one hand, centuries of collected hard scientific evidence now numbering in the trillions, each and every bit of which clearly demonstrates that evolution happened.

On the other hand there is wishful thinking, ignorance, deliberate lies, ignorance, and blindness, and an old book.

If you can't figure out which one is a "stronger argument" then you are a fool and an idiot. In other words, a creationist.
2015-11-17 06:10:25 UTC
Evolution is Creation in "Slow motion". Remember, the "Poof! there it is!" creation is an INTERPRETATION of MAN --made way before evidence of evolution was discovered. The Bible really does not say how long it took (in our time--rather than God's) to "create" animals into their present form.---Could have been Millions of years for all we know----Which means that Evolution IS how God "Created" current life forms. Genesis is an ALLEGORICAL Story anyway--not meant to be taken Literally. And the Lesson is WHO is responsible for creating life and NOT HOW he did it.
2015-11-15 21:19:43 UTC
No, you are incorrect. Evolution is science based and has strong evidence to support the theory. Creationism is a myth pulled out of ONE source, the Bible, and not supported by any evidence.
Joseph hola
2015-11-15 21:08:34 UTC
Both are compatible to a degree. Evolution is how life adapts and creationism is stating what it is and why the creation is here.
2015-11-17 06:44:16 UTC
watch the movie" God's Not Dead". It talks a lot on the differences between Evolution and Creationism
2015-11-16 11:27:54 UTC
Evolution you should believe, this planet has been around for way over 2000 years. Its prooven. These 2000 years are only as I believe we humans in this form have been around. Skulls, skeletons have been found showing stages of evolution.
2015-11-17 20:03:22 UTC
I think ill quote Tim Minchin for my answer here - Science adjusts its views based of what is observed while faith is the denial of observation so that belief can be preserved.

there is no evidence at all for a creationist origin whereas evolution is a proven FACT based on mounds of evidence, I think MangAnimeFan should rewatch the nye/ham debate as he or she must have ignored most of what bill nye said while drinking in ken ham's bullshit like the nectar of the gods, infact all of you should watch it and take note as it shows exactly why creationism is a pile of **** and totally incompatible with modern science.

god damn americans are stupid *****.. using the ark story as evidence of anything, if a flood caused a mass extinction then all the buried fossils would be mixed up with different things all occupying the same space, but what we find is everything in neat layers suggesting a slow process of yes - evolution, but hey don't let facts get in the way of faith eh, maybe god arranged them all in layers to confuse us or test our faith, or maybe he thought he should tidy them up for us ;)
2015-11-16 04:57:34 UTC
Both or nothing at all.....Law of conservation of matter remain just the same. from one state to another.some transmutation or evolution might occur through times or through climactic changes,but man is man,man was man,and man will remain as man.

If creationism you are referring is about The book of Genesis...then most likely it was completely misunderstood.

God created heaven(sky) and earth......the God here is the Word

so God created man....He breath a breath of life into his nose and he become a living a person become living person,meaning a person could be living and yet is the righteous teaching (breath of life) that make a man living....physically alive but spiritually dead...and the power of God is the Word.

From Eden...could be from other world....Man inhabited this earth from other man was man and man will always be man.....Man is not out of Evolution,and if that is the case then why apes remain apes,monkey remain monkey.
2015-11-17 08:31:16 UTC
Evolution I don't believe in silly stories mad up 2000 years ago . Just like I don't believe in Santa
2015-11-16 14:05:53 UTC
Evolution is bullshit theory. Infect its just a 'THEORY' we call it ''theory of evolution'' you can't justify this whole universe on the bases of nonsense theory its much complicated than that. However creationism acquires some exploring.
2015-11-16 03:51:00 UTC
*True* scientific discovery begs to follow the observational evidence, regardless of the destination, or where it might lead...

However, by making use of smart logic, the evolution establishment not only takes credit for God's creation, they also reject His existence.

Because of intelligent design by God, there's predictability and consistency of DNA design, otherwise humans would not exist. Unfortunately, this was hijacked by the evolution establishment who claims that it is proof of common descent which automatically disproves Intelligent Design.

Darwin, who hand zero knowledge of DNA, but morphology, came up with the concept of common ancestry, now called "common descent." -- It just so happens that intelligently designed DNA can also be used to claim common descent. -- One of those things which "fell into the lap" of the evolution establishment.

In short, the consistency of DNA design can be used to prove intelligent design or the consistency of DNA can be used to prove common descent.

Why would they dream of doing this? Because "intelligent design" would imply God exists. Thus, the result of Intelligent Design is turned into a *disproof of intelligent design* by using clever logic.

What the evolution establishment should say is this: "Our absolute control of the media, courts, universities and science journals is a proven fact." Then they would be telling the truth!
2015-11-16 20:17:03 UTC
Evolution. And you don't "believe" in evolution. It is not just a thought system, but a proven fact.
2015-11-16 02:07:50 UTC
Evolution or Creationism ? What to Believe ?

Believe defined as to Accept as True ?

The issue is WHY do you accept something as true ?.

The question states they both have "GOOD" Arguments. . Is that the Standard by Which you accept something as true ? so can some one use lies or truths or a combination of both to "CONVINCE" you of something

.Then the question I ask Is WHY do you wish to Convince me . Whom does it serve . do you GAIN something if you Convince me to accept something Motive intent and agenda ..the three Key factors I use. Just convincing That is Not the standard by which I determine something to be true

.Verification ,and facts are . What is the Source of Creationism . What is the intent agenda and Motive of Creationism.It is the foundation for a concept of a God to be the Authoritative power over humans and thus forms and maintains an organization to Regulated Human behaviors and .society .Run by other Humans .it exerts power and control it has political social and economic associations

. Evolution , Intent Motive and agenda . Intent defined as what someone plans to do or accomplish

.Evolution is an Explanation of how organisms change over time .by observation Identification description experimental investigation and theoretical explanation of Natural phenomena or natural world

it is Void .of Agenda it is not to promote any concepts of Authority regulatory status related to politics economics or an organization , It is not a means to regulate society to promote a authority to then be worshiped nor does it elicit certain behaviors it does not mandate laws nor rituals .It presents fact . It does not threaten with punishment nor promise of Reward to Accept the explanation it presents .

it just presents an observation explanation of how organism change over time . It ask nothing of you nor requires nothing from you
2015-11-16 10:09:38 UTC
Creationism: faith is required

Evolution: evidence
2015-11-17 12:05:14 UTC
You have asked a difficult question that can not be explained is simple terms... For we all should know and understand that life itself could not have create itself...... Which lead me to believe that life itself had a helping hand.......... I also believe that some form of evolution had to take place in order to create the huge variation of life that still existed on this planet we call earth.....................
Steve B
2015-11-16 19:15:09 UTC
I'm with you.


The Norse Creation Myth
2015-11-16 06:59:33 UTC
Evolution = science = fact.

Creationism = religion=fantasy

what you pick, is your choice
2015-11-16 01:13:30 UTC
The creationists have done no actual research and base their claim strickly on their belief in the bible dogma, whereas scientists have done many tests on the concept of evolution and hence the reason that now evolution is a scientific theory of fact. It is no longer just a concept.
2015-11-15 21:42:08 UTC
Evolution is a working biology theory. Biology is science. Science is not a believe system. Science never ask for believers. Science ask for a healthy skepticism and facts when someone make a claim...see the difference?
Doug Freyburger
2015-11-17 12:46:09 UTC
Make it about facts not belief. One has facts in support if it. The other has statements by some clergy about some book written many thousands of years ago.

But don't just make it about facts. Make it about educating yourself about facts. That includes the science. If you can not explain why the fact that genetic engineering works demonstrates that evolution is fact you have insufficient education on the topic. That includes the religions. If you can not cite the scripture of other religions that disagree with yours on the topic you have insufficient education on the topic.
2015-11-19 07:26:21 UTC
First God, then a mind in thought and find that all creation is before God. Without God there is nothing to hope of life of a mind. Debating belief is thinking. From God comes the spirit to belong in the thought of a soul, and if you can or will believe in life is a soul believing it lives. Living is the creation of God who hold the change to all within the days of life. One deliberate thought God has unfinished is our thought. Everything God creates for the day is good. Good is life graced with the tender loves from God to see of the days its pass in the rest of peace. So, the creation of the soil to carry the mind thinking so one exchange the other, man and woman made he for the fruit fullness giving of the earth. They then went swimming in the pond of life. Waters pure for its hold of life to give. The woman ministering, and the man ejaculating in the pond, and once in time the egg and sperm come together and a way of life crawls out the waters of pureness becoming life. All moments are the give of God by creation as his will of the days gives us all thought in living life.
2015-11-16 22:10:49 UTC
I thing I am Believe In Evolution../@/..
2015-11-16 12:35:18 UTC
Evolution because there evidence creationism is not real these are just charlatans who brainwashed people
2015-11-18 10:52:00 UTC
Evolution makes a change when people tired
2015-11-16 22:11:58 UTC
There's tremendously more evidence to support evolution. That you even have to ask this question tells me you ether lack the curiosity to read about all the evidence and then confirm it for yourself, or you've been shut off from the evidence by censors who don't want you to have the truth.
2015-11-15 21:05:47 UTC
Creation doesn't have any argument other than "have you ever seen a house build itself?" which really isn't a good one.

Maybe the singularity at the start of inflation had something to do with a divine being but I doubt it.
2015-11-21 13:35:02 UTC
I believe in what gives me proof I can believe instead of proof I have to believe. Evolution.
2015-11-17 05:24:25 UTC
You can believe both. They aren't completely incomparable ideas. I've personally known several scientists who believed evolution was directed by God.
2015-11-17 09:30:15 UTC
Why not both - I believe that God started the big bang which lead to evolution. Just pick out the things you believe and then adapt to your taste!
2015-11-18 12:08:53 UTC
Creationism rules!
2015-11-17 14:15:07 UTC
Creationism, but Yahoo Anwers is not the best place to be exploring this question. Internet atheism is not atheism's most thoughtful or intelligent variant, and it is rampant on Yahoo Answers.
2015-11-16 20:04:05 UTC
Evolution for sure
Dogstar Ascendant
2015-11-15 21:09:03 UTC
If you think that Creationism has strong arguments then there's no point in trying to reason with you.
2015-11-18 15:05:31 UTC
Intelligent Design by an Intelligent Designer. Evolution is a myth.
2015-11-15 21:05:14 UTC
I actually beleive if I create a human being it will evolve and die eventually. Creation and evolution together are two activities non of us can avoid.
2015-11-15 21:44:42 UTC
There are no credible, evidence based arguments for Creationism. End of discussion.
2015-11-16 14:04:57 UTC
Human beings could not have brought the human mind into existence. If the brain did evolve in a series of steps, as Evolution appears to suggest, then the first step had to be a greater brain or intelligence. to bring the human brain into existence, because the human brain could not have been brought into existence by a lesser brain which brain would then have to produce a brain greater than itself.
2015-11-16 11:35:08 UTC
If you think there exists a "strong argument" in favor of Creation Theory, I am not sure I can tell you anything that will change your mind. So, please, give me what you consider the strongest evidence that Creation Theory is true.
Uma Guma
2015-11-16 13:09:29 UTC
It depends on what kind of person you are. Evolution is for smarties and creationism is for dummies. Know thyself.
2015-11-16 05:40:06 UTC
Evolution has been proven. Creationism is a pile of crap.
2015-11-17 14:11:07 UTC
If you think God created the world then being God why could he not allow for evolution to take place after that
2015-11-16 11:48:33 UTC
I believe interstellar robots visited Earth once spreading the human genome here from local lightweight scratch.

Only robots can outbridge millions of years of hibernation on an interstellar mission. They seek and use planets to create humans .
2015-11-17 08:52:39 UTC
creationism is a part of evolution our brains evolve we create more
2015-11-17 14:29:39 UTC
I have a bs in Biology and study both I believe in God and creation Jesus Christ is Lord
Space Wasp
2015-11-16 02:23:55 UTC
There are no "strong arguments" supporting creationism, in fact there are no worthwhile arguments supporting the creationist position at all.

Evolution, on the other hand, is evidence backed science.
2015-11-16 18:09:09 UTC
Creationism doesn't have a strong argument lol
2015-11-21 08:13:11 UTC
You don't have to choose, If you truly belive in the power of God and you understand his teachings, then it will become clear to you that God created all, including the evolutionary route that life takes, Charlie Darwin ( a local lad made good) only reported what he found, God must have made what he found. Now, do you still have any questions?
2015-11-15 22:39:26 UTC
It is not an either or. Evolution as defined by the broad scientific community is not in conflict with the Biblical Creation accounts and the Biblical creation accounts actually infer Evolution as defined by the broad scientific community. Which is probably why, initially, it was widely accepted by the Christian community.

The broad scientific community simply asserts evolution consists of changes in the heritable traits of a population of organisms as successive generations replace one another. It is populations of organisms that evolve, not individual organisms. How exactly does this conflict with the Biblical accounts of Creation (Job, Genesis and II Peter)?

I believe evolution as defined by the broad scientific community, and Creation as represented in the totality of Scripture as both accurate and complementary.

Examining the issue it appears those who assert Evolution or Creation either do not understand one or both or has some kind of agenda.
Robert S
2015-11-16 19:37:06 UTC
Evolution is the methodology of creationism.
2015-11-17 18:50:52 UTC
Facts point toward evolution. Beliefs are only what you hope to be true.
2015-11-15 21:08:34 UTC
Evolution of man began millions of years before Adam and Eve (NEPHILIMS - Angels

designed for earth).

1. Man was "MADE(evolved), not in God's image, millions of years ago.

2. Adam and Eve were "CREATED(not made) in God's image over eleven thousand years ago.

Adam and Eve were suppose to teach, not mate(forbidden fruit) with mankind . If you mate with mankind you die(lose supernatural powers).
2015-11-18 09:41:55 UTC
Creationism, since I have a Roman Catholic belief system.
2015-11-17 18:39:05 UTC

1) Evolution's material-source must either be existent or non-existent.

2) Creationism's intelligence's-source must be existent or non-existent.
2015-11-16 03:11:25 UTC
Mankind did not evolve from apes or any other animal. That is a absolutely ridiculous theory.To not believe in god means to believe that everything came from nothing. Athiests say it takes millions of years for animals to turn to human,they think its unlikely that god made men and women and gave them the ability to bring new life in the world in only 9 months.

Believing in god does not mean you are anti science.God created humans and gave humans the intelligence to learn science.Its not silly to believe in god,it is silly however to think mankind used to exist as some kind of wild animal.
2015-11-17 12:14:02 UTC
Evolution is unbelievable
2015-11-19 14:51:41 UTC
Anyone who believes in creationism should be shot 30 times in their ******* retarded **** fairytale believing head. They do not have the right to live.
2015-11-20 06:29:35 UTC
evolution, well, technically, at some point in the universes time line, carbon-based lifeforms had to have been created, but those lifeforms have evolved over billions of years into what we now know to be humans and all the animals in the universe.
Sweetdaddy Rex
2015-11-16 09:43:04 UTC
Don't know; I'm still trying to find out how many dinosaurs were on Noah's boat ! HAD to be over 75 million years ago !
2015-11-16 04:24:27 UTC
Evolution is actually happening. Example when some bacteria become immune on some drugs.
2015-11-17 06:27:39 UTC
2015-11-16 01:36:29 UTC
Really? It takes more "faith" than I have to believe in a theory that

obviously has no evidence and never has had any. God says the

evidence of Himself is all around you, visible for you to see so that

no one is without excuse. Where is the evidence of evolution all

around you see species changing step by step? No you

do not, and never will. When we ignore the obvious, we are only

fooling ourselves into non belief.
2015-11-16 01:42:27 UTC
What is it you don't understand? The bundle of lies called evolution? Welcome to the club. It changes daily like a virus, first a theory then, oops, not a theory. Didn't disprove it yet (don't have to, not my burden of proof), it's doing that for me. Lies cannot be made into fact and truth, merely unfounded opinion, not unlike the atheist himself. He has built a mirror image of himself.

Previous post

Blue Cheese

The truth of the Bible is self-explanatory, has withstood the test of millennia, and science continues to verify its accuracy, it's authenticity, because it's the unchanging Word of God. Only God could make these descriptions of real people and events in real places so accurate and revealing and consistent throughout 40 chapters by different authors. Certifiably unchanging for 2,000 years confirmed by the Dead Sea Scrolls.

I hope you do realize that prior to evolution, most Christians were Creationists? The atheist/humanist agenda supplanted Creation with millions/billions of years. Smart fellas, upended truth, and turned a lie into "fact." But we already know there are no "facts" to evolution, so the liars knew this from the beginning.

To deny Young Earth Creationists like Kepler, Newton, and Galileo would be to deny Creationists with a history of science. Our goal is to prove how God did it using the same scientific method of Kepler. We do that by bringing a bit of heaven to us here, and truth repeats itself when revealed in the Unity of the universe.

Truth is limitless, powerful, nothing can assail a mountain of truth. You can just keep going into more truth when you find it. Building on it, building the mountain as you climb it. Sure, you have to work for it, do something; there is no wish machine. Swimming downstream with a river of truth behind me, geez, effortless, peaceful, no problem, I got this. That which is in me, is the river.

Atheists? Swimming upstream? You got problems bordering on pathological; cannot bear to look at your assumptions (scared to death of my assumptions), or show them, or mention them, always hidden. Denial is circular. Peculiar life choice. Deny verifiable history, but you cannot deny your own assumptions. Take a closer look at your idol, your myth and apply the rules of reality; doesn't work. Geez, how many contradictions is that?

Any Creationists got proof that Evolution ISN'T true?

Is the Bible a copy from Paganism

Seven Evidences for a Young Earth

Is Noah's Ark a Fairytale?

If the Earth is only 6000 years old? - Dinosaurs and fossils and POSSIBLITY OF CHANCE LIFE

How can the Earth possibly be only thousands of years old?

Question to YEC Christians about Genesis 1 ?

Is it written that GOD our Heavenly Father completed creation?
2015-11-16 17:53:20 UTC
my reaction to creationism:Experiment tests Einstein's 'God does not play dice' with quantum 'dice'

Date: October 21, 2015

Source: ICFO-The Institute of Photonic Sciences


my reaction to science:The power of magical thinking: Why superstitions are hard to shake

Date: November 9, 2015

Source: University of Chicago Booth School of Business


i will be happy to live one-year without god, if you will live one year without science.

it is too easy for people to be confused by religious philosophy and science philosophy, for me to think this is a valid concern of anyone.

if you want proof of what is true, try to create the peace of the united bring peace to even a single country is something which christian-religion has never done in over two-thousand years.
2015-11-16 16:03:50 UTC
Adullah M
2015-11-16 06:44:15 UTC
To be able to prove of it ,as being a strong argument ,then show me how the first life on earth being originated by explaning it in term of logical and scientifical point of views.Please do not use the words ,think,seems to be ,most likely ,speculation and whats nots.
Brigalow Bloke
2015-11-15 21:22:00 UTC
Young Earth creationism has no arguments or evidence, what it has is a string of deliberate lies.


In 1961 creationist Henry Morris founded the Institute for Creation Research. In 1978 Ken Ham and a few others founded the Creation Science Foundation, which broke up to form Creation Ministries International and Answers in Genesis a few years ago. Others have also started their own organisations. Taken together, these ministries have hundreds of employees.

Some "evolutionist" scientific achievements since 1961 -

1961 Crick, Brenner et al discover that three nucleotide bases are needed to code for amino acids, confirming a suggestion by nuclear physicist George Gamow.

1963 Effective measles vaccine.

About 1964 Har Gobind Khorana and others work out the genetic code.

1969 Arber and Meselson confirm that restriction enzymes cleave DNA.

1969 Rubella vaccine.

1971 Measles, mumps, rubella combination vaccine.

1972 Berg produces the first artificial recombinant DNA molecules.

1973 Boyer and Cohen make the first transgenic organism.

1978 Riggs and Itakura make the first genetically engineered insulin.

1978 Fred. Sanger et al publish the dideoxy chain termination analysis of DNA.

1980 Frank Fenner oversees the eradication of smallpox.

1980 Robert Gallo et al identify a human retrovirus.

1983 Recombinant insulin placed on market.

1988 Kary Mullis et al publish the polymerase chain reaction.

1988 Richard Lenski begins long term Escherichia coli experiment.

2000 Craig Venter et al publish a rough draft of human genome.

2005 Rough draft of chimpanzee genome published.

2006 Final draft of first human genome project completed.

2007 Horse genome completed.

2007 Anti-herpes vaccine.

2012 Richard Lenski's long term experiment continues, having demonstrated evolution of citrate metabolism in E. coli.

Thousands of patents in various forms of biotechnology outlining useful or potentially useful inventions.

Some "conservative Christian" scientific achievements since 1961 -

About 1970 Henry Morris misrepresents the probability of producing a protein.

1970s Duane Gish lies about the laws of thermodynamics.

1980 Barry Setterfield lies about the velocity of light.

1980s The Creation Research Foundation lies about a fibrous mineral being paper.

1982 Duane Gish lies about the Australopithecus fossil "Lucy" and Lord Solly Zuckerman. Though corrected on at least four occasions through the 1980s, he continues to lie about the matter until at least 1995.

1985 Duane Gish lies about Eugene Dubois, the Wadjak skulls and Java man.

1961 - 2015 Creationists persistently lie about what biological evolution actually is.

No identifiable patents.

Creationism has led nowhere except an orchestrated litany of lies.

Matthew Chapter 7, Verse 16. "By their fruits shall ye know them. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles?"
2015-11-17 06:53:49 UTC
Evolution. If not then plz go to stone age.
2015-11-18 13:35:01 UTC
evolution does not address hoe life began, but how it adapts. most christian denominations accept some form of evolution.
2015-11-16 14:13:26 UTC
2015-11-22 16:44:25 UTC
Real scientists believe in god . Stupids whose heared and fascinated By science are Atheists.
2015-11-15 21:32:11 UTC
Uh, there are no strong arguments for creationism.
2015-11-15 21:05:40 UTC
Evolutionism is supposed to be natural and scientific

no evidence we evolved from a ''Common Ancestor''

which eventually evolved from bacteria

anti-creationists have more to prove than just biological evolution
Grinning Football plinny younger
2015-11-18 12:12:29 UTC
You believe with your heart, you know with your head - can't your head and your heart come to an agreement - most believers do this.
2015-11-16 11:50:42 UTC
2015-11-16 10:50:07 UTC
And then God said, Let us make man in our image and let him have dominion over all the earth. GENESIS 1:26

God created with the power of his word. We in his likeness are driven to create.
2015-11-17 15:45:38 UTC
Evolution , any one who looks at the evidence has no chioce
2015-11-16 17:06:52 UTC
God created everything. Evolution isn't real.
2015-11-16 23:54:42 UTC
We are way over the what we call believe.We are in edge of the understanding.Creation and evolution are the same ,they work together and they are not separate .We just do not know yet how to connect those information together to get the answer .Let's say Biblical descriptions are very basic language information to pin point us to what really happened.Basic informations that are not organized with lot of details ,just guide us to the facts and let us to find out rest of the details.

First let me tell what is believe ,The word believe mean a fact that it can not be denied ,such as rain is cause of the clouds or sun it's rise every day .this are facts that happen and we know that they are happen and will .So we use word believe .Cause we are hundred percent sure tomorrow sun will rise in east .Rest of what we call belief is theory or our understanding of a matter as we understand it or as we understood ,plus some personal thought and questions .In matter of the creation we are all in this union of believe that was created ,now cause of accidental ,harmony,chance or violence ,but it had caused and that caused is creator of such creation ,It's energy ,it's power it's all those thing we can think of it ,but is not a person like us .We are just able of create like our own and many stuffs that it make us kind of creator .To order of this manner we need to have available energy ,intelligent ,tools ,material ,time ,ability ,skill ,experience or accidental information that make us to create some thing physically appearance.Same thing it's apply to whole the creation a force of nature in space it cause to every thing combine in away that creation was appear as we know .Evolution is try to describe the information and deformation of the creation but still is not complete or not connect the puzzle correctly ,so in some point it's not make sense at all .For example in manner of the Dinosaurs ,we believe they exist ,we have proof of the skeleton ,in manner of the human giant ,we believe they were exist ,we have proof evidences of bones reminded.Now this is evolutionist job to find out what time and where they were exist and connect the puzzle correctly.When all the pieces of the puzzle correctly connect to gather,then we understand how ,when ,where this creation start .Personal Ideas(information such as story ,history ,mysteries) and unorganized information is reason that is confused us.It's very important to clarify the facts from imaginations that may true or may made up .In order to get fact there need evidence and those evidence must be able of to connect the puzzle in a correct way.Such as age of the Super volcanic and relativity with dinosaur extinction .Therefore life can had extension period that is buried under the thousand tones rocks and soil and we can not access it (missing links) such as event big flood or Ice age ,these are almost known events for us ,we do not know yet causes and hoe truly life was at that time ,but we believe there were such period of the life exist on earth by founding evidences of that life.Time table on this section is too long that it make us believe things were not made at manner of blinking eye or as we read in the bible (let the sun shine and call it day) the process of the sun creation it may take million light years as creation of the earth has such long story 4.5 billion years age .That mean life it's form little by little or step by step in a massive time table as we see it to day .There are many stage of the believe ,Society believe,Personal believe,facts believe ,Some believes are force to us to believe ,such as rules and regulations,Some believe are personal experiences or found such as discoveries and invasions ,Some believe even does not need our proofs and they exist without we except or denied ,such as magnetism ,electricity,thermal waves ,signals ,etc ....In case of forced to believe there are many questions ,confusion ,arguments and difficulty to understand and understood.This part is relative to the Religions and governments ,which may have not have any reasonable fact beyond it and they are just for manner of the security and protection of group or groups .These beliefs does not do any thing with reality and thought of the creation ,they are changeable and may not apply generally and are just type of society measurement for better or easier the life for group or groups .

Some believe are cause of false or miss information or lake of information ,such as our believes on healing and medicines ,which we have lake of information to deal with ,example cold virus is a illness that still we do not know how to deal with ,so there's many believe to respond.

Some believe are personal experiences and may not be accepted by other,such as metaphysics experiences,Ghosts,phantoms,Discoveries of facts or invasions ,These are facts that are not yet proof and as soon as they proof they become new version of the believe Such as E=MC2 found by Einstein ,which now is foundation of the countom psych .

In fact we could not separate the creationism from the evoulosinest cause both are looking to same subject from different angle .
2015-11-16 06:55:10 UTC
I believe God created the universe including life on earth
2015-11-16 18:49:33 UTC
there is no doubt that we have evolved.

the real question is where/ how did we start.

saying that we started from seawater, rocks and lighting leaves many more questions than science can answer.

i lean toward a progenitor.
2015-11-18 10:57:03 UTC
2015-11-15 22:48:49 UTC
Evolution is a religion - plain and simple. Anyone who says it is a "science" and therefore set in stone as fact is lying to themselves. (see above nonsense comments).

"science" keeps changing its mind - particularity on evolution and the origin of space/time. Facts do not change - else they are false to begin with.

True science, such as mathematics/statistics, linked to the study of DNA disproves evolution and the common ancestor of all life.

Any idea that negates God is attractive to people that hate the idea that there is someone above them and that we have to answer to them.

The idea that "science" has given us such elemental things as the law of gravity is so blind as to be stupid. Gravity is an observation and a measurement. But has science proven HOW it exists? or Why it exists? No.Science in such things is just observation.
2015-11-17 13:29:22 UTC
I believe in both
2015-11-18 20:16:25 UTC
believe what you want

i like to believe both but at the end of the day there is only evidence for one of them.
2015-11-18 00:42:46 UTC
Evolution evolution evolution evolution evolution evolution evolution evolution evolution....!!!!! humans are completely idiots. !!!!!****..
2015-11-17 17:48:49 UTC
Evolved from our Creator
2015-11-17 14:35:44 UTC
Evolution is not science, nor is it a proven science. Proven = proof and there is nothing but theory, and an incomplete path of guesses leading to an impossible conclusion. Those wonderfully inept scientists can grow a kidney in a lab, but they can't grow a fungus into a human being. Wonder why? Science is replicatable.

Darwin was a naturalist, not a scientist. And he certainly wasn't a geneticist, genotypes and phenotypes being beyond him by what, an easy 100 years? Today we know that the genetic code is 3.5 billion letters long. Get one letter off and you're no longer a being of any kind.

I remember "junk dna." Turns out it's not junk after all. You not only had dna that told you to grow fingernails, you had dna to tell you WHERE to grow fingernails. Just like a Master Builder with a set of blueprints. Awesome, that.

Inside that 3.5 billion letter string of genetic code, you get a few that make you who you are. Those few genes that make you who you are don't negate the rest of the genes. Those other genes continue lurking in your genetic code, which is why your dark haired/dark eyed mama and daddy throw a red head with blue eyes. Oh, yes, everyone's looking at mom like she did something really wrong. Dad laughs and remembers that Great Grandma Tilly was Scottish and had red hair and blue eyes. Those genes just came forward.

They actually have genetic testing that can test 180,000 + genes in your body. ONLY. Why only? Why is that a bad thing? Cuz there's a whole lot more than 180,000 genes in your body.

Darwin OBSERVED things and drew conclusions based on things he saw on the outside, little tiny changes, like finches whose beaks got thicker because the conditions under which they were living required it; ergo, evolution. Oh, wow. So what? They're stil finches. They didnt' turn into butterflies. They didn't grow hands or sharp, razor-like eagle claws to tear meat. Why didn't they become fishing birds like sea gulls or penguins? Certainly a lot quicker, better, faster, cheaper, easier, more efficient to just go get some fish rather than lying around starving, waiting for your beak to "evolve" into a tool you can use.

Darwin looks through his 300 times magnification scope thing, looking at that single-celled organism and decides that it's simple, and so simple that it desired to evolve into something so complex that even now, with all of our technological advances, x-rays and CT scans, and MRIs and PET scans, and all those things that allow us to see inside the body, even with all of this we are just now beginning to scratch the surface of understanding the human body.

But this single celled organism KNEW what it needed? To be human? How? How did it even get the concept of humanity in order to desire humanity? That single-celled simple organism without any kind of brain or higher functioning or congnitive ability WANTED to evolve, and KNEW exactly what it needed to have in order to become. And took what, 100 million years to do it? Right.

How did that single-celled organism know that it needed arteries and veins to get blood to and from its heart? Wouldn't it be a happier, more self sufficient single-celled organism without heart and lungs and arteries and kidneys? How did it know how to process oxygen? Why even need blood? Or air? Why?

When I say one-eyed purple people eater, we all get a picture in our minds. One eye. Done. Purple. Done. People eater. Done. We can think of this -- our images will all be slightly different, but we all know "one-eyed," "purple" and "people eater." We get that. How does a protozoa get "human"?

Why is it so much easier to believe that we came from pond scum, something we scrape off the bottom of our shoes, an "accident" rather than one who is created with a purpose, a design, a REASON. We reason. We have intellect. Which means we were begat by one who has reason. Protozoas don't have reason.

God says each thing after its own kind. Consider this: Order creates order. Chaos creates chaos. We, as human beings, count on this. We plant in the springs and harvest in the fall. We don't plant potatoes wondering what we're going to get. We don't breed dogs and wonder if this time we might get a lion because last time we got a zebra.

We also don't just assume it will all work out when other guy's heart suddenly stops beating. We all know that if we don't get it going again he is as good as dead. If chaos ruled, it's a shot we could leave non-beating-heart guy alone and he would be just fine. But we all know that chaos doesn't rule. Order rules. And order dictates that if the heart stops, so does life. That's why we work so hard to get it beating again.

There's no chaos involved in the human body -- until it's BROKEN. It does exactly what it's supposed to do, all the time, every day, all day long, even when it's sick. We know something is wrong because something is out of order. Your amalaise is too high and it makes you feel thus. Out of order. Your BP is too low, and it makes you feel thus. Your heart is beating way too, way too fast. And you know it, and so does everyone around you. It's not normal and you know it. Why? Because order is normal. Chaos is trouble.

Even disease has order. That's why you don't stub your toe and get diabetes. Diabetes has things it needs to be diabetes. If you don't have high blood sugar, you don't have diabetes, period. Order.

Evolution takes so much more of a fantastical belief system than creation. Creation at least makes sense. The order of the universe makes sense. And people have been relying on that order for millennia, from farmers planting, to sailors navigating the night sky. Interesting, isn't it, there's only one star in the whole universe that doesn't ever move. Guess that's an accident too.

I'm not an accident, and you're not either. And you know it.
2015-11-18 10:16:45 UTC
Believe what you want to believe. No one will hold it against you.
woah !
2015-11-17 18:42:40 UTC
2015-11-15 22:19:29 UTC
SCIENCE goes by evidence not some religious logic
Freethinking Liberal
2015-11-15 21:10:56 UTC
"Both has strong arguments..." ????

Nonsense - Creationism is pure superstition with no evidence to support it.
2015-11-16 03:55:14 UTC
Specifically, if there is a God and knowing Jesus is real, the only true answer is that God and Jesus are the creators, Gid the Father created the firmament, and Jesus created all things in the and its heavens.
2015-11-15 21:35:09 UTC
One is based in facts.

The other based on ancient goat-herder fantasies...

This really is a tuffie ;)

2015-11-15 21:03:37 UTC
Then choose between Christ or Darwin and keep it as simple as it is.

@Thumbs down by atheists reveal a grand distaste for such honest simplicity. They'd prefer the complexity of mysticism.
2015-11-16 06:25:47 UTC
2015-11-17 19:17:22 UTC
I value being related to plants and animals. We need each other!!
2015-11-16 12:48:45 UTC
Its a better bargain to trust Jesus than no future!
2015-11-17 09:28:45 UTC
evolution i guess
2015-11-20 09:40:39 UTC
God caused the Big Bang, nothing else makes sense.
Babu Krishna
2015-11-17 02:34:40 UTC
2015-11-15 21:04:58 UTC
im a young earth atheist. i believe that the earth is 3,000 years old.
Mutations Killed Darwin Fish
2015-11-15 21:01:30 UTC
Believe in Jesus and live.
2015-11-15 21:24:52 UTC
Religion is the perfect lie. Well almost.
2015-11-16 04:17:00 UTC
i believe in cannot be created...& we dunno how life came on earth as we weren't there to see...i believe in god & science don't say god does not exist...we can believe in both at a time as religion & science both r necessary...Human body does change as it evolves as generations pass...i believe in both...:)
2015-11-15 23:07:28 UTC
2015-11-16 01:05:07 UTC
2015-11-15 21:29:39 UTC
This should give you some perspective.
2015-11-16 01:53:55 UTC
Both. As both theories are consistent with each other.
2015-11-18 20:20:36 UTC
i will take both of this
2015-11-16 20:07:00 UTC
Maybe both.
2015-11-16 11:03:53 UTC
all the above are just theories
2015-11-16 20:01:35 UTC
i dont no which one
✡mama pajama✡
2015-11-17 11:49:10 UTC
"believe" as in faith..isn't involved at all in evolutionary theory.

Intelligent Design, Creationism, whatever euphemisms anyone wishes to name the Genesis story of creation in attempt to interject religious dogma into public schools under the guise of science, simply does not work as science. This is why it has failed and shall continue to fail in any court of law to redefine Creationism or “Intelligent Design” as a science. Religious dogma cannot be considered an “alternative” to a scientific theory. Scientific Method is what determines if something is science or not. The theory of evolution is as true as germ theory, gravitational theory, and other theories of physics and math that enabled you to type this question onto a computer created through application of theories of math and physics. If one does not understand the definitions of the terms, or gives incorrect definitions and then finds fault with their own incorrect statements, this does not support claiming flaws in the theory. As I saw in a recent letter to a newspaper when a Creationism proponent gave his understanding of evolution to mean something that contradicts the scientific definition of evolutionary theory in several ways as, “A gradual process in which something changes into a different and usually better or complex form”.

Perhaps some of his misunderstanding arises from using a definition that only applies to the common vernacular use of the word evolve as one would apply it to a conversation, or a story plot. However, that definition has no application in scientific terminology or to evolution as used with regard to biological processes. Evolution does NOT imply advancement or increasing complexity, nor to any direction when referring to the theory of evolution. Some evolutionary changes become more “complex”, others do not. Not all evolutionary changes lead to speciation. Most do not. Some changes are beneficial for survival potential, most changes are actually benign, and some lead to disadvantages in survival potential and eventually to "evolutionary dead ends" for the species.

A simple definition of evolutionary theory is the changes over time in the genetic constitution of species. Evolutionary theory explains how species change, and how new species appear.

Scientific method is the best method yet devised by the human mind to determine if something is real or not. This is why theories change when new evidence comes into play. That is what makes it SCIENCE. Creationism/Intelligent Design is religious dogma. It cannot be tested, it cannot be changed, and to do so is heresy. It is religion.

Religion is belief in a deity or deities, with dogma. Religion is a method to seek meaning beyond our mere mortal life existence, find connections on a spiritual level, and to fulfill a sense of purpose of existence. Science is a method of seeking knowledge of how the universe works and steps to test every new idea to see if it fits with observable and testable reality. One may seek and find knowledge by using both in their life. I do and I understand their differences and their limitations to connect to one another. Theory isn't a guess in scientific method. Evolution is a cornerstone to understanding modern biology and medicine. As long as there is reproduction with exchange of genetic material, evolution happens. It doesn't require "believing in" but accepting the observed and tested reality. There has been absolutely NO debate in scientific circles over the reality of evolution for more than 70 years. What IS debated in Biology are the intricate details of the many processes involved in evolution. We know more about how evolution works than we do about GRAVITY. This "debate" between fundamentalist literalists and the scientific and medical community is NO different from the early medieval church condemning astronomers who put forth the notions of a heliocentric solar system.

I do not debate the now known fact of the solar system being heliocentric, nor do I debate the existence of germ theory as a means of spreading disease, or the existence of gravitational theory as a reality. I also do not debate the fact that as long as there is reproduction with exchange of genetic material in life forms, evolution happens. As long as life on earth exists, evolutionary theory is a fact.

I do not believe in evolution. It doesn't require faith but accepting the observed and tested reality.

Biology shows us that rather than life appearing on the planet *poof* in six literal days, as long as life exists, creation continues! As long as reproduction with exchange of genetic material happens, evolution happens. That is reality.

Biology does not support or negate a Creator.

Yet the same Torah that the Genesis creation story came out of is the same Torah those fundamentalist literalists reject in their commandments for Israel from God! They will argue viciously for the creation story to be taken as literal ,but just as adamantly argue that the commandments God gave Israel in the Torah that are repeated and stressed to be eternal, and that the covenant God declares a dozen times to be eternal, was "done away with" or "nailed to the cross". They've no problem ignoring that God said God doesn't become a man, and that no man becomes a god, or dismissing that God told Moses no one can take on the sin of another, but if you say that all life didn't appear on the planet as it is today in six literal days you're rejecting God. They will also insist that a literal belief in the creation story( from that text they argue has been superceded ) should be given a stauts of scientific theory or an “alternative” in a science class when it doesn’t fit scientific method. Religious dogma has no place in a science class.

Because a self-concept is often very strong, and they cannot reconcile the irreconcilable, they must resort to justify their belief with lies.

It really is NOT faith in a Creator/Creative force/God that is *threatened* in understanding biological processes of evolution, but in the fundamentalist literalist it is their SELF-CONCEPT that is threatened! I tested this over many years online. It is very rare when any "Creationist" would say YES to the following Yes or NO only simple question.

Are you an animal?

Most people will of course, say YES. Sometimes they will qualify it that our soul or spirit is different or that we have greater or different abilities, etc. But by definition, we are still animals. Almost all Creationists will give a knee jerk reaction that NO, we are human, and consider the term animal to be degrading.

When the very rare Creationist said "yes", it was ALWAYS with the qualifier that we are *above* and separate from all other animals. Well that changed the question a bit, but at least in a few, they recognized they were animals.

Our psyche is a wondrous thing. If our self-concept is threatened, the self-protective mechanism of denial kicks in to prohibit the shattering of self to be replaced by one that is unacceptable to them. That explains why they simply cannot see the literal mountains of observable, tested, verified, physical evidence that is SO VERY PLAIN to see to those whose self-concept is NOT threatened to know that they too are an animal affected by the same biological processes affecting all life. They are unable to consciously process things that would replace their self-concept with one that is degrading to them. Many of them are completely revolted by the notion that they are an animal. There is nothing inherently degrading about acceptance of our biological, mortal, physical self. Our very thoughts are electro-chemical processes. I **believe** that an Omnipotent Creator set every process at work in the universe in place. That belief of mine has no place in a science course. It makes no difference if one is atheist or theist in a science classroom; objective data reveals evolutionary processes and they are utilized daily in modern medicine.

If you sincerely want to know how evolution works, stop getting your information from clergy and start getting it from a study of biology.

I believe in God, that is my faith at work. I accept the reality of evolution. Faith is not involved in that.

I do not "believe in" evolution any more than I "believe in" germ theory. I know both theories explain facts of biological processes.

The Episcopal General Convention, the Unitarian-Universalist Association, the Central Conference of American Rabbis, the Lutheran Church, the Presbyterian Church, the United Presbyterian Church of the U.S.A, the Episcopal Diocese of Atlanta, the American Jewish Congress all have position statements speaking out against creationism posing as scientific method. "Intelligent Design" is a euphemism for creationism.

I am no more an "evolutionist" for accepting the reality of evolutionary process than I am a gravitationalist for accepting the reality of gravity, or a germist for accepting the reality of germ theory

Humans apply knowledge of evolutionary processes to help create bacterial strains to decompose hazardous materials. The ability to clone life ( plant or animal) wouldn't be possible without application of knowledge of evolutionary processes. Animal cloning disturbs me greatly on a moral level..but the knowledge of how to do it is real and based on real knowledge of biology.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.