Poll: For all ages:D?
Lauren L
2011-12-26 17:24:16 UTC
Haha I just love making these kind of polls:D

1. What's your age(optional)
2. Favorite Food?
3. Color Hair and length- do you wish it was different?
4. Do you have any pets? What are the names?
5. Kids or teens:What do you want to be when you grow up Adults: What do you do now?
6. How tall are you?
7. Favorite Color
8. Favorite TV show and/or movie
9.Favorite song
10. Favorite grade in school(as in like k-12)
11. Favorite Place to visit?
12. What country (state if in the USA) do you live in? (optional)
13. FAvorite season
14. How long are your nails? (long, medium, short)
15. How many brothers and sisters do you have(In- laws included)
16. If you could have a superpower what would it be?
17. Didn't you like my survay:DDD
27 answers:
2011-12-26 17:32:22 UTC
1. 17

2. Beets

3. Dark brown, medium to long

4. A kitty named Simba <3

5. I'm going to a medical institute in Russia next year. (:

6. 5"3

7. Gold and purple

8. Dr.Zhivago

9. Katyusha

10. 11

11. Russia

12. Alaska

13. Winter

14. Medium

15. 3 sisters

16. To fly

17. YES! I've never done one before, its fun tehe <3

(: Happy Hanukkah! Or whatever you may celebrate <3
2011-12-26 17:42:00 UTC
1. What is your age? Not telling:p

2. Favorite food? Tacos :O

3. Hair color and length? Do you wish it was different? Black and couple inches past my shoulders. I wish it was longer.

4. Do you have any pets? What are they're names? I have a dog named Sonny

5. What do you want to be when you grow up? A dancer

6. How tall are you? 4'7"

7. Favorite color? Lavender

8. Favorite tv show and movie? Glee and Glee 3D concert movie

9. Favorite song? Super Bass, You Make Me Feel So

10. Favorite grade in school? Fourth

11. Favorite place to visit? Disney World

12. What country do you live in (state if USA)? New Jersey, USA

13. Favorite season? Spring

14. How long are your nails? Right now, short

15. How many brothers and sisters do you have? 1 older sister

16. If you can have a superpower, what would it be? Teleportation, so I can be anywhere at any time

17. Didn't you like my survey? Ya, I did :D
Star ツ
2011-12-26 17:30:47 UTC
1. What's your age(optional) -14

2. Favorite Food? -soup

3. Color Hair and length- do you wish it was different?- my hair is brown with blond highlights and it's kind of long

4. Do you have any pets? What are the names?- i have a dog. his name is chipper

5. Kids or teens:What do you want to be when you grow up- a vet or something i really love animals :] Adults: What do you do now? well not a adult lol

6. How tall are you?-5'5

7. Favorite Color- green

8. Favorite TV show and/or movie- show: Drake and Josh. movie: the lightning thief from percy jackson

9.Favorite song- when you're gone by Avril Lavigne

10. Favorite grade in school(as in like k-12) 5th

11. Favorite Place to visit? corpus christi

12. What country (state if in the USA) do you live in? (optional) texas

13. FAvorite season- summer

14. How long are your nails? (long, medium, short) meduim i gues

15. How many brothers and sisters do you have(In- laws included) i only have a 19 year old brother

16. If you could have a superpower what would it be? controling water! :D

17. Didn't you like my survay:DDD yes :333
2011-12-26 17:33:53 UTC
1. 17 nearly 18.

2. Honey-baked ham.

3. Blonde and medium, it's alright.

4. Cat: Chancey Pants. Dog: Julio.

5. I don't know maybe a mortician or working with animals.

6. 5 foot 6 inches.

7. Red.

8. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind.

9. Home by Edward Sharpe & the Magnetic Zeros.

10. I hated every grade, glad I'm out of school.

11. Toss up between San Diego, Portland, and Amsterdam.

12. California. Used to live in the Netherlands.

13. Used to be winter but it's so cold I wish it was summer!

14. Long.

15. 2, one big brother and then his wife.

16. Teleportation, go anywhere any time.

17. Yes indeed.
Carole Kingg
2011-12-26 17:35:54 UTC
1. 53

2. Peppermint Patties

3. Auburn? Some stupid color people call different colors. and short. Yes I wish it was different

4. foster cat named Pumpkin

5. Library Assistant in a prison

6. 5' 4 1/2"

7. Dark blue

8. Mr. Ed tv show, Paper Moon movie

9. The Charleston

10. School sucked! I suppose first time in 4th grade maybe, or 5th grade except for the bad grades

11. Hawaii

12. Pennsylvania

13. Summer

14. Medium

15. No full/real ones, one half sister who I only met once.

16. The powers of God

17. Yes!
2011-12-26 17:34:00 UTC
1. 15

2. Chicken Stir Fry

3. Dark brown, middle of back- no, I love long hair!:)

4. Yes! Three dogs, two cats: Stella, Mandi, Baby; Sammie, Spooky

5. I'm not completely sure: Dog trainer, Air Force Reserve, Veterinarian, Animal Photographer, Wildlife Rehabilitator

6. 5'7''

7. Blue

8. The Lion King

9. Right now it's: " Cowgirls don't cry" by Brooks & Dunn, it changes quite often though! x)

10. Eh last year, so... 9th grade! x) Good times!

11. The mountains

12. NC

13. I love Summer and fall, but when it's winter in the mountains it's beautiful!:)

14. Umm,,, shortish medium?

15. I have one brother

16. To fly!

17. Yesh!:D
✰ Nιcσℓє ✰
2011-12-26 17:32:45 UTC
1. I'm 14, almost 15

2. My favorite food is steak

3. I have lightish brown hair, it's growing back to be quite long, and yes I need a haircut!

4. I have a black lab mix named Midnight (girl)

5. I've always wanted to help people or take care of animals, so Nurse...Vet...Counseler... or a writer works too.

6. I'm 5'3... and 1 centimeter! It counts! Lol

7. My favorite color is blue- any shade of it

8. Favorite tv show... that's a hard one.. Impractical Jokers :D, favorite movie- Crazy, Stupid, Love

9. Favorite song "Dear Agony" by Breaking Benjamin

10. My favorite grade was 7th grade :)

11. I love Cedar Point!! Woohoo for big kid rides, lmao

12. I live in the USA, in Michigan

13. Autumn is my favorite season, decent weather, pretty colored leaves I get to jump in!

14. My nails are short, I can't stand long nails

15. I have 2 half brothers, 1 stepbrother, 1 half sister, no full ones :(

16. To fly! Or invisibility works too..

17. Your survey kept me quite entertained, thanks haha

~Nicole =)
2011-12-26 17:29:16 UTC
1. I'm 13

2. Probably Mickey D's!

3. I have long golden brown hair. I wish I was blonde!

4. I have a cat. His name is Gus and he's huge!

5. I want to dance at a professional ballet company, hopefully at Pacific Northwest Ballet.

6. I'm 5 foot and 8.5 inches

7. I love all colors!

8. Pretty Little Liars and Black Swan

9. Take Me or Leave Me from Rent the Musical

10. 8th

11. New York, New York!


13. Spring

14. Short as heeck

15. I have one big brother

16. To read people's minds!

17. Yes it was a lot of fun!
2011-12-26 17:36:43 UTC
1.) 17

2.) Mozzarella sticks

3.) Long brown curly hair; I love it!!!

4.) A Golden Retriever named Noodles and a guinea pig named Pepper

5.) I want to either be a Chemist or a Dentist

6.) 5'4''

7.) Blue!

8.) Dr. Phil (Don't laugh lol)

9.) The Best Day by Taylor Swift (This always changes for me!)

10.) 4th grade!

11.) The beach!

12.) NJ

13.) Spring and summer

14.) Medium, I do tend to bite them though!

15.) One sister

16.) Heal the ill and less fortunate!

17.) Yeah, it was fun! :o)
2011-12-26 17:35:27 UTC
1. 21

2. Japanese food.

3. Blonde, medium length, and no. I love my hair.

4. Yes, I have a dog. She's a golden retriever named Abby.

5. Still in college and haven't decided yet.

6. 5'4".

7. Black.

8. Don't have one.

9. Don't have one.

10. 1st grade.

11. The coast.

12. Oregon.

13. Autumn.

14. Medium.

15. One brother and one sister.

16. The power to have ALL the powers! :D

17. Yeah, it wasn't bad.
2011-12-26 17:32:19 UTC
1. 15

2. Hotwings

3. Dark Blond, Yeah i wish i had brown hair

4. My dog died

5. Dunno

6. 5 ft. 8

7. Black

8. Probably robot chicken/ Insidious


10. WTF?

11. I live in the US and i like it...

12. Florida

13. Summer

14. Short

15. 2 brothers 1 sister

16. Invisibility

17. I guess....
2011-12-26 17:47:37 UTC
1. 20

2. Ooh that's hard, probably cheese pizza

3. I have dirty blonde hair that's a little past my shoulders ~ I like it

4. Four cats: Vitamin C, Snarjay, Patches, Emma <3

5. I work in retail

6. 5'4

8. Probably Family Guy, The Goonies!

9. "I saw the sun"

10. 8th grade

11. My grandma's

12. Illinois

13. Summer

14. Short

15. Seven! (three are half siblings though)

16. Teleport

17. Yeah! Good boredom buster :)
2011-12-26 17:28:56 UTC
1. 15

2. Potatoes

3. Medium, brown; nahh.

4. No :(

5. Umm...a photographer.

6. 5"5, I think.

7. Turquoise


9. Legacy - Black Veil Brides

10. 9th

11. The mall!

12. Stinky old Alabama xP

13. Winter

14. Medium

15. 2 older bros :)

16. The power to read/ control minds

17. Sureeee.
2011-12-26 17:28:32 UTC
1. 14

2. Pie

3. Dark brown and long. No.

4. Dog-Lucky. 2 guinea pigs - Sheila and Cookie.

5. Veterinarian.

6. 5ft 1

7. Pink and green

8. Two and a half men..when Charlie Sheen was there.

9. Imagine by John Lennon

10. 5th

11. New York

12. California

13. Winter

14. Short

15. One older brother

16. To be invisible

17. Yes. :)
2011-12-26 17:31:08 UTC
1. Not putting that on :).

2. Frozen Yogurt or Pizza

3. Black. Medium ish. And No

4. I used too. I had a rabbit and its name was rabbit. I also had 2 turtles and fishys

5. I want to be a singer or an make-up artist

6. Uh..I don't know..I grew..

7. Purple

8. Movie: Mulan :)!

9. SNSD- Run Devil Run

10. Favorite grade? I dunno

11. Mmmm...Sea World I guess

12. Not answering that

13. Summer or Winter

14. Short

15. 1

16. A little blanket that would turn you invisible

2011-12-26 17:36:15 UTC
1. 15

2. Dont have a favourite

3. Brown and shoulder length, yes

4. A cat called Poppy, and rabbit called Freddy

5. I have no idea

6. 5'6

7. Blue

8. Dont have a favourite but i like im a celebrity get me out of here

9. Dont have one

10. Dont have one

11. The eiffel tower the best place i can remember going to

12. England

13. Summer

14. Short ( random question)

15. 1 brother

16. Invisibility

17. It was ok
2011-12-26 17:30:13 UTC
1. 20

2. Chicken

3. Blond, short

4. No

5. I don't know

6. About 5'8

7. Orange

8. The Simpsons/The Lord of the Rings

9. How You Remind Me - Nickelback

10. Probably 3rd grade

11. Probably London

12. Ireland

13. Either summer or winter

14. Medium

15. Two brothers but no sisters

16. Maybe super strength or be able to fly

17. I liked it
2011-12-26 17:29:42 UTC
1. -4

2. Metal bars

3. Blue, 1523'

4. I have a pet phoenix and a liger.

5. I want to be a stripper.

6. 3"

7. Brown

8. Barney

9. Friday by Rebecca Black

10. I'm -4 and haven't been to school so I don't know

11. Your mom's house

12. Louisiana...Fast!

13. My FAvorite season is summer because it's colder than the winter.

14. I don't have any nails I ate them all (see #2)

15. I have 23 brothers and 24 sisters.

16. To be able to do work instead of wasting my time answering question on yahoo! answers

17. No
2011-12-26 17:33:05 UTC
1. 16

2. Pizza!

3. black and longer than my shoulders

4. nope

5. A teacher :))

6. 5'4

7. Purple ^_^

8. Southpark

9. I like too many i can't choose D:

10. 8th

11. Miami

12. Washington :/

13. Don't have one

14. medium

15. 3 sisters, 2 brothers

16. To fly!!! :D

17. Yes :3
Aurora Borealis
2011-12-26 17:29:13 UTC


Blonde, long- Nah.

Turtles- Zeus, Sparticus, Pierre, and Goliath. Dogs- Skye, Angel, and Gus.

Pediatric Oncologist



I don't know.

Negative Creep- Nirvana


Grandmas house haha

West Virginia



1 sister..her gf counts? Then 2

Mind reading

Yeah haha
2011-12-26 17:29:45 UTC
I'm 19 years old


Black hair, short length, wish it was longer

No pets

I will like to be a photographer



Teen Mom

12th Grade

Atlanta, Georgia

United States


Long Nails

3 sisters

To read people's minds

Yes, I liked your survey. I was bored. You gave me somehting to do. This was nice.
2011-12-26 17:32:34 UTC
1. teen

2. ice cream

3. dark brown wavy and it's up to my chest & no

4. No, my fish died

5. Singer/Actress or a doctor (backup)

6. 5'4

7. blue

8. Don't have one

9. young forever - the ready set

10. 8th

11. Mall

12. USA

13. winter

14. short i clip them regularly

15. no siblings

16. invisibility / able to read people's minds

17. sure kinda long but yeah xD
2011-12-26 17:27:41 UTC
1. 22

2. pizza

3. blonde

4. Zorro, my chihuahua

5. I work in animal care

6. 5"5

7. blue

8. true blood/a walk to remember

9. fields of gold

10. 12th

11. mountains

12. PA

13. summer

14. short

15. 3

16. telepathy. it would be useful

17. yes
2016-10-24 01:22:31 UTC
Mine is ..... Earth:- I m on floor floor Water :- I hv a fish tank which has water. Sky:- I hv a ceiling Wind:- each and every person can count type hearth:- none of those that u stated.
2011-12-26 17:32:21 UTC
2. cheesecake

3.blonde and shoulder height

4. 2 parekeets nibbles and mystery =D

5. pastery chef

6. 5 feet

7. hot pink

8. teen mom

9. we found love by rihanna


11. bahamas

13. summer =]

14. medium



17. i love it =]
2011-12-26 17:28:11 UTC
1. 15


3.Brown and medium.. yes

4. Hell no

5.Nurse.. nothing


8. worlds dumbest

9.without you


11. florida

12.New York

13. summer


15.2 bros. no in laws

16. i would wanna be invisible:P

17. yes:P
2011-12-26 17:26:26 UTC

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.