Fun survey!?
Captain Morgan
2008-06-07 15:06:25 UTC

1) Whats your favorite color?

2)When is your birthday?

3)What state do you live in?

4)Whats your favorite food?

5)What is your favortie celebrity(male or female)

6)Whats your favorite flavor of koolaid?

7)Are you single, dating, married, or divorced?

8)How old are you?

9)Whats your favorite clothing store?

10)Whats your favorite food?

11)Whats your favorite band?

12)Favorite song of you favorite band?

13)What sign are you? (Ex.Leo, Virgo)

14)Do you own a phone?(if no skip 2 #16)

15)If so what kinda?

16)Do you have any pets?

17)Whats your name?

18) Was this survey fun?

19)Will you give me a star?

20)What are you going to do now since you are done doing this survey?
32 answers:
Hαír Pεace Šmûrƒ Pεαce
2008-06-07 19:58:16 UTC
1) Whats your favorite color? Blue... or Teal... Aqua... ooo Lime Green is nice!

2)When is your birthday? May 22

3)What state do you live in? NJ

4)Whats your favorite food? Just about anything that tastes good...

5)What is your favortie celebrity(male or female): I'd have to say all 4 Beatles, live celebrities, i'd have to say all 2 live Beatles ( :-( )

6)Whats your favorite flavor of koolaid? The red kind

7)Are you single, dating, married, or divorced? single

8)How old are you? old enough to be your... k i'm 14

9)Whats your favorite clothing store? eh, as long as it fits and is comfortable!

10)Whats your favorite food? wait... didn't i answer this already?

11)Whats your favorite band? Psh, THE BEATLES!

12)Favorite song of you favorite band? Psh, ALL OF THEM!

13)What sign are you? (Ex.Leo, Virgo) Gemini

14)Do you own a phone?(if no skip 2 #16) yes.

15)If so what kinda? Nokia... T-Mobile service

16)Do you have any pets? yes, and he is the cutest dog in the world named George!

17)Whats your name? None of your beeswax! (sorry, that's confidential)

18) Was this survey fun? eh, it was alright...

19)Will you give me a star? sure, why not...

20)What are you going to do now since you are done doing this survey? Tissue... stupid allergies! and then sleep... maybe, or answer more questions and then sleep... it's freakin 11:00 already! TISSUE!!!

that was probably obnoxious and i apologise for that...
2008-06-07 17:41:32 UTC
1) Whats your favorite color? Red and Blue

2)When is your birthday? July 22

3)What state do you live in? Arizona

4)Whats your favorite food? Baked ziti and pizza

5)What is your favortie celebrity(male or female) Don't have one

6)Whats your favorite flavor of koolaid? Don't have one

7)Are you single, dating, married, or divorced? Single

8)How old are you? -----

9)Whats your favorite clothing store? Target

10)Whats your favorite food? Baked ziti and pizza

11)Whats your favorite band? The Beatles

12)Favorite song of you favorite band? All of them

13)What sign are you? (Ex.Leo, Virgo) Cancer

14)Do you own a phone?(if no skip 2 #16) Yes

15)If so what kinda? Virgin Mobile Cyclops

16)Do you have any pets? Yes

17)Whats your name? Sarah

18) Was this survey fun? Yeah

19)Will you give me a star? Sure

20)What are you going to do now since you are done doing this survey? Answer more questions
2008-06-07 15:34:23 UTC
1) Whats your favorite color? - all shades of purple

2)When is your birthday? - April 30

3)What state do you live in? - Western Australia

4)Whats your favorite food? - Pasta

5)What is your favortie celebrity(male or female) - Jennifer Aniston

6)Whats your favorite flavor of koolaid? - lime

7)Are you single, dating, married, or divorced? - married/separated

8)How old are you? - 37

9)Whats your favorite clothing store? - Target haha

10)Whats your favorite food? - again? ok pasta

11)Whats your favorite band? - ABBA, I know, I know!

12)Favorite song of you favorite band? - Dancing Queen

13)What sign are you? (Ex.Leo, Virgo) - Taurus

14)Do you own a phone?(if no skip 2 #16) - yes

15)If so what kinda? - motorola

16)Do you have any pets? - dog, cat, 4 guinea pigs

17)Whats your name? - Silvia

18) Was this survey fun? - yes, it passed the time

19)Will you give me a star? - yes, ok

20)What are you going to do now since you are done doing this survey? - answer more Q's

2008-06-07 15:24:17 UTC
) Whats your favorite color? Black

2)When is your birthday? Jan.16. ****

3)What state do you live in? Ga

4)Whats your favorite food? Spanish, Rice and beans

5)What is your favortie celebrity(male or female)? Charlize Theron

6)Whats your favorite flavor of koolaid? I hate koolaid

7)Are you single, dating, married, or divorced? Married

8)How old are you? No comment

9)Whats your favorite clothing store? When you have kids you dont have a favorite clothing store but foe my kids it would be the CHILDRENS PLACE.

10)Whats your favorite food? Did'nt you ask that question already?

11)Whats your favorite band? None

12)Favorite song of you favorite band? well i like that new coldplay song-viva la vida

13)What sign are you? Capricorn

14)Do you own a phone? or course, Who doesnt

15)If so what kinda? Motorola sumthing sumthing

16)Do you have any pets? Im allergic

17)Whats your name? Sharee

18) Was this survey fun? It was ok

19)Will you give me a star? Im thinking about it..ill get back to you.

20)What are you going to do now since you are done doing this survey? Answer more questions.
Carrie S
2008-06-07 15:22:19 UTC
1) Whats your favorite color? Green

2)When is your birthday? February 5, 1993

3)What state do you live in? New York

4)Whats your favorite food? Pizza

5)What is your favortie celebrity(male or female) Selena Gomez

6)Whats your favorite flavor of koolaid? hmm..thats hard umm orange and lemonade together

7)Are you single, dating, married, or divorced? dating

8)How old are you? 15

9)Whats your favorite clothing store? Marshalls

10)Whats your favorite food? Pizza (you already asked this one) :D

11)Whats your favorite band? ACDC/Aerosmith

12)Favorite song of you favorite band? Hell's Bells/Dude(looks like a lady)

13)What sign are you? (Ex.Leo, Virgo) Not sure

14)Do you own a phone?(if no skip 2 #16) yes

15)If so what kinda? Trac Fone

16)Do you have any pets? yes 2

17)Whats your name? Carrie

18) Was this survey fun? Yes I love short n simple surveys like these

19)Will you give me a star? Sure

20)What are you going to do now since you are done doing this survey? Go in the pool it's 95 degrees out
2008-06-07 15:16:25 UTC
1) Whats your favorite color? Red :)

2)When is your birthday? August

3)What state do you live in? I live in England :)

4)Whats your favorite food? Italian

5)What is your favortie celebrity(male or female) Female- Reese Witherspoon, Male- Matthew Fox

6)Whats your favorite flavor of koolaid? Orange

7)Are you single, dating, married, or divorced? Dating :)

8)How old are you? 18

9)Whats your favorite clothing store? Morgan

10)Whats your favorite food? Italian

11)Whats your favorite band? Dont really have fave bands. I like Justin Timberlake :)

12)Favorite song of you favorite band? What Goes Around

13)What sign are you? (Ex.Leo, Virgo) Virgo

14)Do you own a phone?(if no skip 2 #16) Yep :)

15)If so what kinda? Hello Kitty AL61

16)Do you have any pets? A shi tzu doggie called muffin :)

17)Whats your name? Cristabelle

18) Was this survey fun? Yeah! :)

19)Will you give me a star? Yeah defo :)

20)What are you going to do now since you are done doing this survey- watch a movie :)
2008-06-07 15:13:07 UTC
i always copy and paste..

1) Whats your favorite color? pink :)

2)When is your birthday? october 22

3)What state do you live in? new york

4)Whats your favorite food? anything italian

5)What is your favortie celebrity(male or female) no fav..

6)Whats your favorite flavor of koolaid? idk

7)Are you single, dating, married, or divorced? single

8)How old are you? 15

9)Whats your favorite clothing store? hmm..have a lot

10)Whats your favorite food? you asked that..

11)Whats your favorite band? red jumpsuit apparatus but i have more..

12)Favorite song of you favorite band? your guardian angel

13)What sign are you? (Ex.Leo, Virgo) libra :)

14)Do you own a phone?(if no skip 2 #16) mean skip 15 :)

15)If so what kinda? verizon...voyager :)

16)Do you have any pets? no

17)Whats your name? victoria

18) Was this survey fun? yeahh

19)Will you give me a star?

i did before i answered lol :)

20)What are you going to do now since you are done doing this survey? get off the comp.

2008-06-07 15:20:27 UTC
1) Whats your favorite color?


2)When is your birthday?

April 9th

3)What state do you live in?


4)Whats your favorite food?


5)What is your favortie celebrity(male or female)

too many lol

6)Whats your favorite flavor of koolaid?

wild berry

7)Are you single, dating, married, or divorced?


8)How old are you?


9)Whats your favorite clothing store?


10)Whats your favorite food?


11)Whats your favorite band?


12)Favorite song of you favorite band?

Whatever it takes

13)What sign are you? (Ex.Leo, Virgo)


14)Do you own a phone?(if no skip 2 #16)

yes i do

15)If so what kinda?

razor LOL i dont use it much though..

16)Do you have any pets?


17)Whats your name?


18) Was this survey fun?

it was (:

19)Will you give me a star?

i sure will!

20)What are you going to do now since you are done doing this survey? go answer more Q's lol
2008-06-07 15:17:10 UTC
1) Whats your favorite color? BLUE

2)When is your birthday? JANUARY 12

3)What state do you live in? UNITED.

4)Whats your favorite food? PASTA&TUNA FISH TOGETHER :)

5)What is your favortie celebrity(male or female):JUSTIN TIMBERLAKE!

6)Whats your favorite flavor of koolaid?CLASSIC CHERRY

7)Are you single, dating, married, or divorced? SINGLE!

8)How old are you? 15

9)Whats your favorite clothing store? FOREVER 21

10)Whats your favorite food? DIDN'T YOU ASK THIS ALREADY?

11)Whats your favorite band? ACTUAL BAND? WE THE KINGS.

12)Favorite song of you favorite band? CHECK YES, JULIET!

13)What sign are you? (Ex.Leo, Virgo) CAPRICORN

14)Do you own a phone?(if no skip 2 #16) YEAHH

15)If so what kinda? SAMSUNG SLIDER

16)Do you have any pets? YUCK, NO.

17)Whats your name? MANDY:)

18) Was this survey fun? OF COURSE

19)Will you give me a star? MAYBE

20)What are you going to do now since you are done doing this survey? HAVE A PARTY?
2008-06-07 15:13:27 UTC
1) Whats your favorite color? Hot Pink

2)When is your birthday? October 23

3)What state do you live in? NC

4)Whats your favorite food? Steak and/or shrimp

5)What is your favortie celebrity(male or female) Jack Black

6)Whats your favorite flavor of koolaid? Lemonade mixed with cherry

7)Are you single, dating, married, or divorced? Married

8)How old are you? 22

9)Whats your favorite clothing store? Hot Topic

10)Whats your favorite food? same answer as q 4

11)Whats your favorite band? Kottonmouth Kings

12)Favorite song of you favorite band? Proud to be a stoner

13)What sign are you? (Ex.Leo, Virgo) Libra or Scorpio?

14)Do you own a phone?(if no skip 2 #16) no

15)If so what kinda?

16)Do you have any pets? yep cats, dog, ferret

17)Whats your name? Ashley

18) Was this survey fun? Yep

19)Will you give me a star? Yeah, why not

20)What are you going to do now since you are done doing this survey? Answer more questions
~ Mommy Of 5 ~
2008-06-07 15:15:00 UTC
Fun survey!?


1) Whats your favorite color? lavander

2)When is your birthday? 01/29/84

3)What state do you live in? utah

4)Whats your favorite food? chicken fried rice

5)What is your favortie celebrity(male or female) Sandra Bullock

6)Whats your favorite flavor of koolaid? wild cherry

7)Are you single, dating, married, or divorced? married

8)How old are you? 24

9)Whats your favorite clothing store? don't have one

10)Whats your favorite food? you asked this one already

11)Whats your favorite band? don't have one

12)Favorite song of you favorite band? don't have one

13)What sign are you? (Ex.Leo, Virgo) Aqaurious

14)Do you own a phone?(if no skip 2 #16) yes

15)If so what kinda? a house and a cell

16)Do you have any pets? no

17)Whats your name? nonya

18) Was this survey fun? No

19)Will you give me a star? no cause you asked for one

20)What are you going to do now since you are done doing this survey? answer more intersting questions
2008-06-07 15:14:43 UTC
1) Whats your favorite color?


2)When is your birthday?

July 8 (31 DAYS!!!!!!!)

3)What state do you live in?


4)Whats your favorite food?


5)What is your favortie celebrity(male or female)

Johnny Depp

6)Whats your favorite flavor of koolaid?

Green apple

7)Are you single, dating, married, or divorced?


8)How old are you?


9)Whats your favorite clothing store?


10)Whats your favorite food?

You already put that dear

11)Whats your favorite band?

Disturbed or Five Finger Death Punch (i cant choose)

12)Favorite song of you favorite band?

Disturbed- Inside the Fire

Five Finger Death Punch- A Place To Die

13)What sign are you? (Ex.Leo, Virgo)


14)Do you own a phone?(if no skip 2 #16)


15)If so what kinda?

The ghetto kind. lol

16)Do you have any pets?


17)Whats your name?


18) Was this survey fun?

I guess

19)Will you give me a star?


20)What are you going to do now since you are done doing this survey?

Probly go clean my room so my stops yelling at me.
Jill H
2008-06-07 15:13:28 UTC
1) Whats your favorite color? apple green and black

2)When is your birthday?july 16th

3)What state do you live in?CA

4)Whats your favorite food?the kind you eat

5)What is your favortie celebrity(male or female) none really

6)Whats your favorite flavor of koolaid?the red kind

7)Are you single, dating, married, or divorced?single baby!

8)How old are you? almost 16

9)Whats your favorite clothing store?walmart :P

10)Whats your favorite food?asked that already

11)Whats your favorite band? good charlotte, simple plan, hellogoodbye ect

12)Favorite song of you favorite band? Grow up - simple plan

13)What sign are you? (Ex.Leo, Virgo) cancer

14)Do you own a phone?(if no skip 2 #16) no

15)If so what kinda? nada

16)Do you have any pets? yes

17)Whats your name? Jill

18) Was this survey fun? passed the time

19)Will you give me a star? prob. not

20)What are you going to do now since you are done doing this survey? surf the net
2008-06-07 18:01:42 UTC
1) Whats your favorite color? its a tie between purple and yellow

2)When is your birthday? september 28

3)What state do you live in? california

4)Whats your favorite food? mexican food

5)What is your favortie celebrity(male or female) daniel radcliffe

6)Whats your favorite flavor of koolaid? ehhh fruit punch i guess

7)Are you single, dating, married, or divorced? singlee

8)How old are you? 15

9)Whats your favorite clothing store? old navy

10)Whats your favorite food? mexican food

11)Whats your favorite band? escape the fate

12)Favorite song of you favorite band? the day i left the womb

13)What sign are you? (Ex.Leo, Virgo) libra

14)Do you own a phone?(if no skip 2 #16) yesss

15)If so what kinda? strawberry chocolate

16)Do you have any pets? yess 1 dog

17)Whats your name? catlynne

18) Was this survey fun? sort of

19)Will you give me a star? no

20)What are you going to do now since you are done doing this survey? i dunooo
♥aman-duh leigh♥
2008-06-07 15:27:24 UTC
1) Whats your favorite color?


2)When is your birthday?

-----May 10th

3)What state do you live in?


4)Whats your favorite food?


5)What is your favortie celebrity(male or female)

----Justin Timberlake

6)Whats your favorite flavor of koolaid?


7)Are you single, dating, married, or divorced?

---Taken =)

8)How old are you?


9)Whats your favorite clothing store?

---Too many to chose from =)

10)Whats your favorite food?

---Chicken Pasta

11)Whats your favorite band?

--Maroon 5

12)Favorite song of you favorite band?

---She Will Be Loved

13)What sign are you? (Ex.Leo, Virgo)


14)Do you own a phone?(if no skip 2 #16)


15)If so what kinda?

---Sidekick and some flip phone

16)Do you have any pets?


17)Whats your name?


18) Was this survey fun?

---Ehh I guess

19)Will you give me a star?


20)What are you going to do now since you are done doing this survey?

---Go out n about
2008-06-07 15:26:30 UTC
1) Whats your favorite color?


2)When is your birthday?

-march 10

3)What state do you live in?


4)Whats your favorite food?

-hot pockets

5)What is your favortie celebrity(male or female)

-james marsden

6)Whats your favorite flavor of koolaid?

-never tried koolaid

7)Are you single, dating, married, or divorced?


8)How old are you?


9)Whats your favorite clothing store?


10)Whats your favorite food?

-hot pockets

11)Whats your favorite band?


12)Favorite song of you favorite band?

-hey jude or all you need is love

13)What sign are you? (Ex.Leo, Virgo)


14)Do you own a phone?(if no skip 2 #16)


15)If so what kinda?

-sidekick lx

16)Do you have any pets?


17)Whats your name?


18) Was this survey fun?

-i guess

19)Will you give me a star?


20)What are you going to do now since you are done doing this survey?

-answer another question
2008-06-07 15:20:52 UTC
1 favorite color_blue

2 when is your birthday_december 13

3 what state do you live in_washington

4 what your favorite food_chinese

5 what is your favorite cleb_jack black (cuz hes hella funny)

6 what is your favorite flavour of koolaid_grape

7 are you single, dating, married, or divorced_in a relationship

8 how old are you_16

9 what your favorite clothing store_value village

10 sweet and sour or orange chicken

11 what your favorite band_panic at the disco

12 favorite song of your favorite band_nine in the afternoon

13 what sigh are you_sagittarius

14 do you own a phone_yes (finally)

15 if so what kind_a samsung by verizon (its awesome and blue!)

16 do you have pets_no (but my mom does)

17 what your name_tahlissa (like melissa but with a t)

18 was this survey fun_yeah

19 will you give me a star_sure

20 what are you going to do now since you are done doing this survey_ pick my nose
2008-06-07 15:15:41 UTC
1) Whats your favorite color?Baby Blue

2)When is your birthday?December 8th

3)What state do you live in?The Desert

4)Whats your favorite food? Everything

5)What is your favortie celebrity(male or female)?Don't have one

6)Whats your favorite flavor of koolaid?Watermelon or Grape

7)Are you single, dating, married, or divorced?Single

8)How old are you?14

9)Whats your favorite clothing store?Target

10)Whats your favorite food?Again?

11)Whats your favorite band?Weezer

12)Favorite song of you favorite band?Pork and Beans

13)What sign are you? (Ex.Leo, Virgo)sagittarius

14)Do you own a phone?(if no skip 2 #16)Yes

15)If so what kinda?Verizon

16)Do you have any pets?3 dogs 1 hamser 2 lizards and 1 cat =D

17)Whats your name?I shall not say

18) Was this survey fun?Kinda

19)Will you give me a star?Sure

20)What are you going to do now since you are done doing this survey?Find another one
2008-06-07 15:20:44 UTC
) Whats your favorite color? RED

2)When is your birthday?OCT.26

3)What state do you live in?-INDIANA

4)Whats your favorite food?-MY MOMS

5)What is your favortie celebrity(male or female)-CHUCK NORRIS

6)Whats your favorite flavor of koolaid?-THE RED KIND

7)Are you single, dating, married, or divorced?-DATING

8)How old are you?-14

9)Whats your favorite clothing store?-HOLLISTER

10)Whats your favorite food?-STEAK

11)Whats your favorite band?-UMMM GORILLA ZOE

12)Favorite song of you favorite band?- POPPIN BOTTLES

13)What sign are you? (Ex.Leo, Virgo)-SCORPIO

14)Do you own a phone?(if no skip 2 #16)-NO

15)If so what kinda?

16)Do you have any pets?-YES A DOG NAMED JACK

17)Whats your name?-EVAN

18) Was this survey fun?-YES

19)Will you give me a star?YES

20)What are you going to do now since you are done doing this survey-GO HUSTLE SOME MONEY
2008-06-07 15:15:11 UTC
1) Whats your favorite color?purple

2)When is your birthday?10/7

3)What state do you live in?new york

4)Whats your favorite food?bbq pizza

5)What is your favortie celebrity(male or female)trace cyrus/adam lazzara

6)Whats your favorite flavor of koolaid?grape

7)Are you single, dating, married, or divorced?single

8)How old are you?14

9)Whats your favorite clothing store?kohls

10)Whats your favorite food?yuo asked this already

11)Whats your favorite band?metro station/a7x/mcr/taking back sunday/patd

12)Favorite song of you favorite band?shake it/afterlife/cemetary drive/makedamnsure/i write sins not tragedies

13)What sign are you? (Ex.Leo, Virgo)libra

14)Do you own a phone?(if no skip 2 #16)yes

15)If so what kinda?motorola

16)Do you have any pets?2 dogs

17)Whats your name?emily

18) Was this survey fun?yes!

19)Will you give me a star?maybe...of course!

20)What are you going to do now since you are done doing this survey?answer more questions
2008-06-07 15:14:16 UTC
1) Whats your favorite color? purple

2)When is your birthday?September 7,1995

3)What state do you live in?Arizona

4)Whats your favorite food?JUNK food

5)What is your favortie celebrity(male or female)Amanda Bynes

6)Whats your favorite flavor of koolaid?Straberry and pineapple

7)Are you single, dating, married, or divorced?single

8)How old are you?12 going on 13

9)Whats your favorite clothing store?Mervyns

10)Whats your favorite food?question 4

11)Whats your favorite band?Danity Kane

12)Favorite song of you favorite band?Sucka for Love

13)What sign are you? (Ex.Leo, Virgo)Virgo

14)Do you own a phone?(if no skip 2 #16)yes

15)If so what kinda?Virgin Mobile-Wildcard

16)Do you have any pets?yes,dog

17)Whats your name?Stephie

18) Was this survey fun?yeah

19)Will you give me a star?i dont know how but i will figure it out and yes give you a star

20)What are you going to do now since you are done doing this survey?find another question to answer!
2008-06-07 15:13:29 UTC
1) Whats your favorite color?

blue or pink.

2)When is your birthday?

April 16th.

3)What state do you live in?


4)Whats your favorite food?

any fruit! :)

5)What is your favortie celebrity(male or female)

I don't really have a favorite :) I do like Cameron Diaz though :)

6)Whats your favorite flavor of koolaid?

the red kind :-P

7)Are you single, dating, married, or divorced?

dating someone :)

8)How old are you?


9)Whats your favorite clothing store?


10)Whats your favorite food?

fruit, again lol.

11)Whats your favorite band?

Hollywood Undead. :)

12)Favorite song of you favorite band?

Knife Called Lust or My Black Dahlia.

13)What sign are you? (Ex.Leo, Virgo)


14)Do you own a phone?(if no skip 2 #16)


15)If so what kinda?

Verizon Pink Venus.

16)Do you have any pets?

yep. two dogs.

17)Whats your name?


18) Was this survey fun?

Well it gave me something to do, so sure :)

19)Will you give me a star?


20)What are you going to do now since you are done doing this survey?

answer more questions :)
Never To Much
2008-06-07 15:13:08 UTC
1) Whats your favorite color?


2)When is your birthday?

Feb 5

3)What state do you live in?


4)Whats your favorite food?

Chicken Wings

5)What is your favortie celebrity(male or female)

Yo Gotti(rapper)

6)Whats your favorite flavor of koolaid?


7)Are you single, dating, married, or divorced?


8)How old are you?


9)Whats your favorite clothing store?


10)Whats your favorite food?

Chicken Wings

11)Whats your favorite band?

Dem Franchize Boys

12)Favorite song of you favorite band?

Come C-um

13)What sign are you? (Ex.Leo, Virgo)

i dont know

14)Do you own a phone?(if no skip 2 #16)


15)If so what kinda?


16)Do you have any pets?


17)Whats your name?


18) Was this survey fun?

it was alright

19)Will you give me a star?

i guess

20)What are you going to do now since you are done doing this survey?

go outside
2016-05-25 07:42:27 UTC
1. Whats The Last Thing You Bought ? Skinny Jeans :) 2. What Color Is Your Phone? Pink 3. Whens The Last Time U Went Swimming? Last week 4. What Color Is Your Shirt? Black white and gray 5. Have You Ever Liked The Jonas? They're ok. 6. Are You Wearing Socks? No 7. Whats The Last Thing u Ate? Chips 8. Would u Dye Ur Hair Purple 4 Your (GF or BF) Yeah :) 9. Last Thing u Said Out Loud? "Did you find it?" 10. Can u Dance? A lot of people say I dance good but I just do it for fun so I don't know.
2008-06-07 15:28:42 UTC
1) Whats your favorite color? black

2)When is your birthday? none of your ******* bussiness

3)What state do you live in? none of your ******* bussiness

4)Whats your favorite food? sea food boricua food french italian

5)What is your favortie celebrity(male or female) amy lynn lee

6)Whats your favorite flavor of koolaid? i dont like kool aid

7)Are you single, dating, married, or divorced?none of your ******* bussiness

8)How old are you? 9875834764 again none of your ******* bussiness

9)Whats your favorite clothing store? melrose agacci

10)Whats your favorite food? look at # 4

11)Whats your favorite band? linkin park, evanescence, 30 seconds to mars, three doors down, nickelback

12)Favorite song of you favorite band?to many to name

13)What sign are you? (Ex.Leo, Virgo) gemini

14)Do you own a phone?(if no skip 2 #16)

15)If so what kinda?

16)Do you have any pets? no

17)Whats your name? jhftrsreazerw honestly get a life

18) Was this survey fun? **** no you sick minded pervert

19)Will you give me a star?read above!!!!!!!!!!

20)What are you going to do now since you are done doing this survey? none of your ******* bussiness
lovee, always. <3
2008-06-07 15:22:30 UTC
1) Whats your favorite color?

Pink Or Greeeen :)

2)When is your birthday?

May 3

3)What state do you live in?

North Dakota

4)Whats your favorite food?

Dunnnoo. :)

5)What is your favortie celebrity(male or female)

Dunnoooo. But Johnny Depp Is Frickin Sexy :D

6)Whats your favorite flavor of koolaid?

All Of Them ;p

7)Are you single, dating, married, or divorced?


8)How old are you?


9)Whats your favorite clothing store?

Not Sureee, Lots. :]

10)Whats your favorite food?

Love All Fooodd. Except raisins..and squash. :|

11)Whats your favorite band?

Uhh, dunno.

12)Favorite song of you favorite band?

Love Lots Of Songs.. HaHa :]

13)What sign are you? (Ex.Leo, Virgo)


14)Do you own a phone?(if no skip 2 #16)


15)If so what kinda?

Alltel Keyocera Strobe :)

16)Do you have any pets?

Yeahh.. Rabbit, Dog, Cats, TONSS Of Fish, Pig, Lots Of Turtles, Snake, Frog, Tons Of Bugs.. I Think Thats It.. ? :D

17)Whats your name?

Brianna ;p

18) Was this survey fun?

Hahha Totally :)

19)Will you give me a star?

Haha Sure Why Not.

20)What are you going to do now since you are done doing this survey?

Go Play In My Sandbox. :)

2008-06-07 15:20:07 UTC
1) Whats your favorite color?---purple,gold and white

2)When is your birthday?----october 21

3)What state do you live in?----indiana

4)Whats your favorite food?----chicken lol

5)What is your favortie celebrity(male or female)---tpain

6)Whats your favorite flavor of koolaid?----the blue kind lol

7)Are you single, dating, married, or divorced?---single

8)How old are you?---12 lol

9)Whats your favorite clothing store?---american eagle or aeropostale

10)Whats your favorite food?---u already asked that {whoa deja vu}

11)Whats your favorite band?--the hives?

12)Favorite song of you favorite band?----tick tick boom or walk idiot walk

13)What sign are you? (Ex.Leo, Virgo)---LIBRA!

14)Do you own a phone?(if no skip 2 #16)---not cell

15)If so what kinda?-------__________

16)Do you have any pets?--yep a dog and 2 cats

17)Whats your name?-courtney

18) Was this survey fun?--CHEA

19)Will you give me a star?PROBABLY!

20)What are you going to do now since you are done doing this survey?haha check my EMAIL for new ANSWERS to my latest QUESTION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2008-06-07 15:15:16 UTC
1) Whats your favorite color?


2)When is your birthday?

jULY 17

3)What state do you live in?


4)Whats your favorite food?


5)What is your favortie celebrity(male or female)


6)Whats your favorite flavor of koolaid?


7)Are you single, dating, married, or divorced?


8)How old are you?


9)Whats your favorite clothing store?


10)Whats your favorite food?


11)Whats your favorite band?


12)Favorite song of you favorite band?


13)What sign are you? (Ex.Leo, Virgo)


14)Do you own a phone?(if no skip 2 #16)


15)If so what kinda?


16)Do you have any pets?


17)Whats your name?


18) Was this survey fun?


19)Will you give me a star?


20)What are you going to do now since you are done doing this survey?

2008-06-07 15:15:51 UTC
don't know how to copy and paste.

1. black

2. 30 december

3. ohio

4. roast beef

5. johnny depp

6. blueberry

7. single

8. 55

9. thrift shop

10. see #4

11. led zepplin

12. stairway to heaven

13. capricorn

16. papillon

17. lida

18. ok but not fun

19. not now

20. take a nap.
Good Evening, Miss
2008-06-07 15:19:17 UTC

november 30


vegetarian/vegan food


i dont like kool-aid



dont have one

you asked this already

suicide silence

sagittarius i think


motorola razr v3 getting an i-phone soon

yeah a gold fish and i use to have a dog



answer more questions
The GM of Sports
2008-06-07 15:13:33 UTC

every year

one in the us


daniel radcliffe



between 1-100

hate shopping for clothes

still pizza

green day

american idiot

that will tell you my birthday



a dog

Dr. of Thugonomics


Answer more questions
Twinkie Thief
2008-06-07 15:15:36 UTC
i don't do cut and paste answers.... but my personal favorites of all times is wouldn't ya like to know.........




chinese food

curious george


This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.