2010-04-27 02:40:57 UTC
[]Police officer.
[]Private Investigator.
[]Vice Squad.
[]Computer expert.
[]Military type.
[]Naval Type.
[]Mafia Type.
[]F.B.I Agent type.
[]Other such religious person (Please state -----------)
[]Superhero type.
[]Undercover Agent.
[]Rock star.
[]Metal Star.
[]Rap Star.
[]Solo Artist.
[]Other type of music sensation (Please state -----------)
[]Artist (Fine arts, sculpture, Paiter etc...)
[]Hitman/woman for hire.
[]Con Artist.
[]T.V Host.
[]Other character type I haven't mentioned. (Please state ------------)
In regard to your chosen character type above would you be... (Tick as many as you like.)
[]Anti hero.
[]A real scaredey cat.
[]A real pig.
[]Others I haven't mentioned.
Special skills. (Choose as many as you'd like.)
[]Computer Skills.
[]Piloting skills.
[]Martial Arts.
[]Survival Skills.
[]Code Breaking.
[]Making Traps.
[]Covert operations.
[]Business Skills.
[]Mountain Climbing.
[]Lock Picking.
[]Scuba Diving.
[]Kite Flying.
[]Others I haven't mentioned. (Please State. ----------------)
Favoured weapons. (Tick as many as you'd like.)
[]No Combat Skills.
[]Unarmed combat.
[]Does not use weapons.
[]Machine Pistols.
[]Short Swords.
[]Throwing knives
[]Shuriken (Throwing Stars.)
[]Quarter Staffs.
[]Bow and Arrows.
[]Flame Thrower.
[]Grenade launcher.
[]Home-made Explosives.
[]Laser guns.
[]Blow Darts.
[]Others I haven't mentioned.
Describe here a little (or more details) about yourself as a fictional character.)