2011-09-28 09:58:12 UTC
2 - What's your House?
3 - Are you happy with your wand and House?
4 - What House did you expect to get into?
5 - Did you get into the House you wanted? (Remember, what you expected and what you wanted are different!)
6 - What did you do when you got your Pottermore e-mail?
7 - Did you get an eighth question? (Which House would you rather be in?)
I have a wand that's almost a Draco Malfoy replica - hawthorn and unicorn core, eleven inches and slightly springy. (Draco was hawthorn and unicorn core, ten inches and reasonably springy.) I'm a Slytherin. I'm very proud and happy with my wand and House. I expected Ravenclaw the most, and wanted Ravenclaw or Slytherin. When I got my e-mail I was overjoyed and started hyperventilating. I got an eighth question: Hufflepuff or Slytherin? (How odd am I? Very!)