I think it's especially worse in America because the teens grew up in a time of economic prosperity, time to spend, spend, spend until you drop
Now all of a sudden, spending isn't an option and everyone's got to tighten their belt and suck it up.
Teens are also too busy losing themselves (with Twilight, Hannah Montana, etc; with PC and video games, with cell phones and texting, with computers and internet)
Although, there are some teens who are just Lost. They don't know who they are or where they stand in the world, they're just so insecure that they have to act out in order to hide the fact that they're scared.
And of course there are some nice teens who are still respectful, but it's definitely not that many
But you also have to note that there are adults who haven't really set a good example either...whether we like it or not, everyone has been influenced by their parents. Try to resist it, but you'll always take a part of mom and dad with you when you grow up.