What are the consequences of whithholding your feelings?
2006-03-22 07:02:59 UTC
What are the consequences of whithholding your feelings?
Four answers:
2006-03-22 10:51:01 UTC
Emotions are for expressing. All of the positive emotions should be expressed immediately. This makes communication with others much easier.

Negative emotions are usually tainted with thoughts or memories. It is usually best to understand these connections before expressing them.

I am told that unexpressed emotions can be suppressed into the unconscious. It that is so, then they will continue to have an effect on ones behavior. Best to deal with stuff while you know what you are dealing with than to pull a “Scarlet O’Hara” and put it off until another time.
2006-03-22 11:07:31 UTC
It is not that easy to give a simple answer.

There are many "arenas" in life, and each one of them has a different consequence for withholding or not our feelings.

In love?

well, the consequence can be devastating, sometimes we keep to ourselves feelings for others, and eventually we suffer, because we never let out what we feel.

In a society?

Witholding feelings of anger, injustice or revenge can lead to different scenarios.

Sometimes WE MUST withold what we feel in order to keep from hurting someone, or because sometimes we must exercise PRUDENCE, and tolerance to others.

But in the end, we can WITHOLD telling, yelling, asking, claiming, talking..etc, and each scenario, and cirncunstance can be as diferent as a fingerprint.

But DENYING our feelings to ourselves, or WITHOLDING our feelings to ourselves, I think in general the consequence can be to kill our own soul.

as much as we STRENGTH ourselves and withold our feelings (when most of the times we do it so IT DOES NOT HURT ) We are also closing the door the good feelings.

Bad and Good feelings enter and leave trought the same door:

our heart.

hope is useful.
2006-03-22 12:52:57 UTC
You will create a weight on your shoulders by not being honest with others how you truely feel. It will cause more stress to you holding it in than just spitting it out.
2006-03-22 11:11:16 UTC
one day you will burst for an insignificant reason

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