1. Age
2. Complete this sentence: Jonas Brothers sound like__________
rubbish i think, i haven't really listened to them
3. Do you like boobs? (0}Y{0)
on me (Y)
4. What do you think of emos?
There ok, don't have a problem with them
5. What was your last meal?
it was lunch, and i had a hotdog, because my co-worker insisted i have it, im not a big eater btw
6. If you had to bring one thing to a deserted Island, what would it be?
My husband
7. 3 top fav movies
50 first dates
The Notebook
Rush Hour
8. Gerbil, Rat, Mouse or Hamster?
Hamster, i remember i had one when i was a kid, but my cat killed it :(
9. Fav dog?
one that doesn't bite haha
10. Fav band?
strangely enough, all time low
11. Fav Color?
light blue
12. If you were forced to have sex with any animal, what would it be?
this made me laugh, erm a lion :|
13. Haha Is this survey weird?
Very very very weird