Just because the men want to stereotype us as weakest of the sexes, doesn't necessarily make us that way.
Consider this...why would God choose that women bear children? Could it because He knows we are the strongest. Physically...no, but intellectually, spiritually, emotionally.? The 3 aspects that together are stronger than any man's physical state.
He knew we had the ability and the mind capacity to develop such a strong bond, as what we now know to be a "motherly instinct". And to do it well!
He knew that we were going to be the most compassionate, therefore He made us the special ones to carry His new creations into this world and show His children right from wrong. And do it well!
He knew that us women were emotionally stable enough, unselfish enough, to look pass ourselves and put another Human Being before us, one that we would die for. And do it well!
Now, who do you REALLY think is the strongest sex?