1) How old are you? 19
2) Are you often out late after dark? Yes
3) Do you do any of these:
-Smoke~ No
-Drink~Yes, often,
-Hard drugs~ No I don't do drugs, drugs destroyed my family, killed my mother and brother, I will *never* do drugs.
4) Are you sexually abstinent? No, I am sexually active.
5) Do you do your homework every night? Have you ever cheated on a test? Do you ever skip school? Do you get good marks? Wow that is like 4 in 1, lol ok. Yes I do my homework, but I don't have it every night sense I am in college. No I have never cheated on a test. I skipped school a lot when I was younger, but now I don't. Yes I make straight 'A's.
6) Have you ever been:
-suspended? Yes, when I was 14, I got into a bad fight.
-expelled? Yes, when I was 15, I skipped school to many times, and I cussed out a teacher.
-in trouble with the police? No, I never got caught.
And yes I know what you thinking "Wow, this kid is a mess, she is probably a bad person cause she go in a lot of trouble when she was younger.". But you know what I am not that same person now. I got over all the things that made me act that way, or at least am dealing with them. Your probably thinking " How did she get straight A's?" Well, because I might have been a rebel(with a cause) but I wasn't stupid when it came to academics.
Lol so yeah I am done with my little rampage there, isn't it good to let out some steam once in a while? ;)