You're not Emo. Maybe depressed but not Emo. Emo is cutting your rists and dressing in black, etc.
I listen to those bands. I write poetry when I'm angry. I don't think looks matter that much;thoughts, opinions, and [of course] actions do. My friends are punks and I'm not like them, it's okay. I'm deeply sorry about your problem here. I can't stand it when people are so sad. Life isn't about reaching the top or waiting until you die. Listen, everybody's got x amount of years, months, days, seconds to live:it should be considered a gift, work with it not against it. I know, I know, you're probably thinking what does she know or she doesn't know what it feels like to live like this. Actually, I do. I've suffered from moderate depression and let me tell you, it's hard. You know somethings wrong when you start to think about killing yourself. One part of me said: I don't want to live like this. My mind aches and I'm just so tired of it. It was that cry for help in my brain out of desperation that saved me. When there is something wrong, I, too, have a hard time admitting it or accepting the fact. I cried when other girly, pretty, girls called me the girl that never smiled. Things have more of an impact on a person when things go wrong -i call it negativity mode-.
Poetry is a gateway to expressing your anger but don't go too far with it. Instead of naming all the bad parts of your life or what you don't like about yourself, name 5 things a day you like about yourself/your friends like/you have that make you fortunate. List one [realistic] thing that you don't like and develop a plan of how you can change it. Wait. If you've got something you want--bad---then get it and try to make things better. Life has influential, meaningful, and sometimes challenging events that come when least expected. There's a way to get out. I know this wasn't really answering the emo question but I thought I might voice my opinion. I think human life is beautiful and shouldn't be destroyed. I hope I helped you out but if not, i'm deeply sorry