Does this make me Emo?
2008-01-25 14:47:59 UTC
I like bands like Death Cab for Cutie, Bright Eyes, Brand New, Radio Head, Bob Dillan, Alkaline Trio... I had so much heart break I said F this love thing and grew a beard to make me unattractive which didn't work but I kept it anyway. I have attempted suicide countless times. I write poetry when I am angry at the world which is all the time. I don't die my hair but I don't care how it looks either. I think life is about art and feeling not what ever the hell every one else is on.
Plus I cried when someone said I was Emo when I didn't want to be Emo. Actualy I have no self control when It comes to emotional out burst. I punch holes in walls and stupid stuff like that. I get along real well with punks even though I don't dress like one because I think that would be uniformity which is a system which isn't punk at all. So I guess does this make me emo at heart?
53 answers:
2008-01-25 14:50:09 UTC
yeah pretty much
2008-01-25 15:31:18 UTC
You're not Emo. Maybe depressed but not Emo. Emo is cutting your rists and dressing in black, etc.

I listen to those bands. I write poetry when I'm angry. I don't think looks matter that much;thoughts, opinions, and [of course] actions do. My friends are punks and I'm not like them, it's okay. I'm deeply sorry about your problem here. I can't stand it when people are so sad. Life isn't about reaching the top or waiting until you die. Listen, everybody's got x amount of years, months, days, seconds to live:it should be considered a gift, work with it not against it. I know, I know, you're probably thinking what does she know or she doesn't know what it feels like to live like this. Actually, I do. I've suffered from moderate depression and let me tell you, it's hard. You know somethings wrong when you start to think about killing yourself. One part of me said: I don't want to live like this. My mind aches and I'm just so tired of it. It was that cry for help in my brain out of desperation that saved me. When there is something wrong, I, too, have a hard time admitting it or accepting the fact. I cried when other girly, pretty, girls called me the girl that never smiled. Things have more of an impact on a person when things go wrong -i call it negativity mode-.

Poetry is a gateway to expressing your anger but don't go too far with it. Instead of naming all the bad parts of your life or what you don't like about yourself, name 5 things a day you like about yourself/your friends like/you have that make you fortunate. List one [realistic] thing that you don't like and develop a plan of how you can change it. Wait. If you've got something you want--bad---then get it and try to make things better. Life has influential, meaningful, and sometimes challenging events that come when least expected. There's a way to get out. I know this wasn't really answering the emo question but I thought I might voice my opinion. I think human life is beautiful and shouldn't be destroyed. I hope I helped you out but if not, i'm deeply sorry
2008-01-25 14:54:46 UTC
You can consider yourself "emo" if that's what you feel what you are. Emo is a stereotype. Just because you do certain things, it doesn't put you into a certain clique. And if you want to be "emo", really don't worry about it. I've been through that. And you know what I learned? Just be yourself, wear whatever you want, like whatever you want, do whatever you want. Be yourself. Me? Well, I like 'emo' bands, write poetry, wear what some people may consider 'emo', but I'm just me. And I love being me.

From another point of view, you may have some anger management issues or maybe just things you need to work out. If you are an adolescent, then what you are going through is waaay normal, so no worries. It's all part of the hormones.

Only be emo if you want to be. I'll say it again, nothing you do, wear, or like can make you 'emo'. Don't let other people push you around or put thoughts into your head if that's not how you think.
2008-01-25 14:50:44 UTC
What makes you a part of the "emo" fad is declaring yourself "emo" and performing the usual rituals. What you have explained is REAL emo... not the fad emo. After all, if you didn't know, we are ALL emo(tional) at heart.

I think the entire group of kids at my Starbucks who declare themselves as "emo" are really good kids, but just misunderstood. It's possible that you're misunderstood by people, and that those friends are the only ones who do seem to understand you. I understand you... because I have been through the same thing. That was until I realized I could just be the emotional, but still logical me. =]
2008-01-25 14:53:54 UTC
I personally would not call you emo at heart because you are still talking to people and liking the bands that you listen to is alright, there are many who have emotional outbursts that take it out on everything you should not care about what others say this is you personally and if your fine with it stay the way are you are.
2008-01-29 10:25:32 UTC
well to me it seems that you are an original emo and you think you're not emo because you as every one else,think emo is these ******' bi wannabes and whores who wear black and a lot of make-up and pretend to have serious problems.I like these bands and dress up like the female version of Forrest Kline.that's emo
Missy Mae
2008-01-25 14:53:15 UTC
Oh my goodness, grow up.... No such thing as EMO people do this crap for attention..... Sounds like you have a chemical in-balance in your brain, go to the doc and get meds.... It's all for attention and people to feel bad for you, if you really wanted to die then you would have killed your self, it is not that hard, get over your self bud.
David M
2008-01-25 14:54:06 UTC
I dont think you should care! if it makes you happy (or whatever you wanna be like) just do it regardless.

Nice choice in bands btw! On the basis of what you said you have some emo like characteristics but so do most ppl in a way!
2008-01-25 14:51:02 UTC
Emo is just another dumb label that causes people to judge you before you know you. So, unless you're looking for people to get pissed off at you, I suggest you avoid asking questions like these.
2008-01-25 14:52:25 UTC
I dont think i am anything really but just me. You're probably emo if you like the label of being emo, If you dont like the idea then your notm your just whatever you wanna be lol.

p.s i listen to heavy metal sometimes+rap/hip hop and then techno and other soft stuff
2008-01-25 14:52:57 UTC
Only you can decide if you're 'emo'. Be what you want to be. Emo is just a silly kid thing anyway. When you grow up you'll realize how silly it is.
fruit salad
2008-01-25 14:54:39 UTC
labels are for bottles. If you don't want to be emo that you probably aren't. Don't get upset when some loser puts a label on you. Be yourself and don't act to depressed.
2008-01-25 14:50:56 UTC
No. You may want to think that you are 'emo' but in fact you are just acting like everyone else; aka TRYING to be different.
2008-01-25 14:51:43 UTC
None of that made you emo, right up untill you posted it for all to see. Congrats, now your a total emo boy. Enjoy your pants.
2008-01-25 14:50:51 UTC
No but you sound like you want to be known as an emo. You want it so much. Your probably gagging for attention too by the sounds of it.
2008-01-25 14:56:02 UTC
Be who u are. If thats really u and people who know u call u emo, then I guess u are.
2008-01-25 14:51:57 UTC
emo is just a label

you need to calm down and find

out why you are so angry

good luckk =/
Satellite Eyes
2008-01-25 14:51:12 UTC
no Trust me, Your not. No one is "emo", Its a made up thing and people who strive for its low standards are losers.
2008-01-25 14:51:10 UTC
I think that makes you a troubled teenager. Talk to your parents to get some help.
2008-01-25 14:57:07 UTC
lol your taking the piss out of emos... you must put alot of thought into this
2008-01-25 14:51:35 UTC
Labels are for soup cans.

Real "Emos" wouldn'tbe labeling themselves. They would call them selves " Me."
2008-01-25 14:51:44 UTC
who cares if they think ur emo do you think ur emo there answer solved with another question
2008-01-25 14:50:28 UTC
Get some help, either from friends, family, or medical.
2008-01-25 14:56:02 UTC
i don't know think about it look up the definition of emotional then look up emo then reread what you put down.. :(
Adam J
2008-01-25 14:50:28 UTC
Just live your life
2008-01-25 14:51:50 UTC
of course not!! emos r gay retarded fags emo= stupid death haters, rockers and goths= beautifful style, not sad, good music
2008-01-25 14:50:38 UTC
No.Emo is a type of music not a style
Fallen Angel
2008-01-25 14:50:17 UTC
ummm i'd say yes, but you don't have to put a label on yourself....just say it's the way you are. i mean do you wear eye liner and flatten your hair out? lol sounds like you just might be in touch with your feelings.
2008-01-25 14:51:17 UTC
umm u don't cut urself soo no if u think ur not emo then ur not
2008-01-25 14:50:57 UTC
hell yeah it does!

congrats on being emo.

you are the FULL definition of emo.
2008-01-25 14:51:56 UTC
dude, it does... grow a pair, shave your beard, get a gf, dont have a grudge against the world and SORT YOUR LIFE OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2008-01-25 14:50:56 UTC
no it doesnt make you emo, maybe your just different and have some deep feelings.
I <3 MY PUPS <3
2008-01-25 14:50:13 UTC
no it makes u look like u need a load of therapy!
irish rocker
2008-01-25 14:52:41 UTC
Its up to you it shouldnt matter what people think of you
2008-01-25 14:51:50 UTC
no, but , i think anger management wouldnt hurt
2008-01-25 14:50:54 UTC
you said you're emotional so yeah
2008-01-25 14:50:51 UTC
2008-01-25 14:51:29 UTC
no everyone thinks that wat an emo is but thats what people make it out to be

your just you

&& yu really need to get yurself sorted out
2008-01-25 14:50:31 UTC
you think you are emo if you think you are
2008-01-25 15:10:13 UTC
maybe just a little
2008-01-25 14:51:24 UTC
i think you know the answer without asking
Lost Poet
2008-01-25 14:50:52 UTC
That makes you at heart.
2008-01-25 14:51:35 UTC
nah your just super cool :) xx
2008-01-25 14:51:13 UTC
just be ur self
2008-01-25 14:51:02 UTC
Andy S
2008-01-25 14:52:37 UTC
umm... the answer is pretty clear so why are you asking?
<3yes..he's mine!<3
2008-01-25 14:52:02 UTC
do you cut yourself and hate life??
2008-01-25 14:51:28 UTC
y do u want that label
2008-01-25 14:50:44 UTC
She's Back
2008-01-25 14:50:43 UTC
ummmmmmmmm yes.
Oguz Altinbilek
2008-01-25 14:49:55 UTC
2008-01-25 14:51:25 UTC
2008-01-25 14:50:09 UTC
Please, please, please tell me you've taken my sarcastic EMO plea and copied it????????!!!!!!!

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.