id ont judge them at all
(gay people)
but i dont believe they were born that way
i also dont think it is fully their choice
its their choice to act on it
but not their choice to be feeling that way
everyone and i dee mean EVERYONE
has curiousity about the same sex sometimes
whether or no they act on it
or do anything about it
they do feel it sometime
i think they can change to be straight if they want to
but they would have to really want it
and try really really hard
and then i think they could do it
but it wouldnt be easy
and that doesnt mean they wont ever have feelings for the same sex
im only 14 so im still figuring it all out
but all i know it that you have to accept gay people
because they are the same
and they do deserve to be treated the same way
i dont agree with it
(i am a true christian which means
that i do fully accept any person
no matter what their lifestyle choices are)
but i do accept it and i would love them (as people)
just as much as i could ever love anyone else