2010-01-28 19:47:53 UTC
Alternative - 90 songs
Alternative & Punk - 94 songs
Alternative Rock - 31 songs
Blues - 4 songs
Comedians - 26 songs
Comedy Songs - 79 songs
Country (Classic, nothing new)- 14 songs
Disco - 7 songs
Electronic - 9 songs
Garage Rock - 5 songs
Grunge - 32 songs
Hair Metal - 54 songs
Hard Rock - 151 songs
Instructional - 1 song
Instrumental - 14 songs
Jazz - 3 songs
Metal - 90 songs
Pop (mostly 80's and earlier, barely anything new) - 94 songs
Psychedelic Rock - 52 songs
Punk Rock - 186 songs
R&B/Soul - 9 songs
Rap & Hip Hop - 45 songs
Reggae - 11 songs
Rock and Roll (ex: Elvis Presley, Stray Cats) - 26 songs
Ska - 121 songs