I started to read some of the "answers" to this question and from the spelling, grammar, and insults you have to disqualify most the writers as fools. Maybe that's who you are talking about... You seem to lump a number of questions under one heading but you seem focused on Iraq.
Saddam Hussein ordered his fighters to fire missiles into the USS Stark back in the eighties. A number of sailors died but the ship was saved. Saddam invaded Kuwait believing that he could threaten Saudi Arabia after he consolidated power. GHWB sent people like me to the Gulf to push him out of Kuwait. Those were our orders; push Iraq out, not destroy Saddam.
GWB comes along after years of attacks on our aircraft by Iraqi forces flying in the no-fly-zone that Saddam agreed to.
It was discoverd that Saddam was trying to build nuclear weapons and he was further along than most people thought. Of course we destroyed the equipment but Saddam was not going to give up so we inspected.
In 2003 Bush had just come from 9/11 and the fight against world terrorism. Saddam was paying people in Israel $25,000 per family for suicide bombers. Saddam had thrown out the weapon inspectors that were supposed to prevent Saddam from building nukes. The UN voted 14 times to inpose sanctions on Iraq including military action. Colin Powell stood in front of the UN and gave 17 different reasons why Saddam had to be deposed. WMDs were not number one on the list. GWB asked Congress for permission to take action, they gave it so they democrats are very hypocritical by complaining now. They would be justified of complaining of progress, but they say the Bush lied so that lets them off the hook. Bill Clinton called for war in 1998, Al Gore called for war, John Kerry called for war and said that we had to be prepared to go it alone if necessary, and John Edwards called for war. Hillary voted for war.
Now we have two choices; go or stay
If we go the middle eastern countries will never trust the US again. Israel will be in more danger because Iran and Syria will believe that we will not support them. A million Iraqi people will be slaughtered and the terrorists will establish a government in Iraq with the help of Iran. The war against terror will get more difficult.
If we stay then more troops will die. However, we believe that at some point the Iraqi people will stand up and say enough with this killing. We lived with each othe for years until these radicals showed up. A democratic Iraq will threaten the governments of Iran and Syria through their people.