Aids Virus identified by French Immunologist
AT&T Broken Up
The first Apple Macintosh goes on sale
Sony and Philips introduce the first commercial CD Players
Sony makes the first 3 1/2" computer disk
The Space Shuttle Discovery has its maiden voyage
First Ever flight in Space by Human untethered using jet back Packs
Genetic fingerprinting or DNA profiling was developed and is now in wide by Forensic scientists when obtaining evidence in a crime
Indian Prime minister Indria Ghandi assassinated
Widespread Famine in Ethiopia after political conflict with charities believing as many as 10 million people are facing starvation
Hundreds die on December 3rd from the effects of toxic gases which leak from the Bhopal Union Carbide Factory
The UK and China agree Hong Kong will revert to China in 1997
A Man shoots 20 dead and wounds 16 in McDonalds Restaurant on July 18th in San Ysidro California
A giant gas works explosion on the outskirts of Mexico City left 500 dead
Truck containing 500 kg of high explosives destroys the U.S. embassy in Beirut, Lebanon killing 12 people.
Gang warfare in Sydney, Australia during the "Milperra Massacre" leaves seven dead.
The Olympic Games are held in Los Angeles
USSR And soviet block boycotts the Olympic games in retaliation for Western Boycott in 1980
A Union Carbide Pesticide plant in Bhopal India leaks the lethal gas killing more than 3,500
Twelve month long strike by coal miners begins in British coal industry, during the strike pickets and police clash multiple times at pits and collieries around the country.
WPC Yvonne Fletcher a London police officer is shot and killed by Libyan Diplomat
English pound notes are to be taken out of circulation
700 year old wing of York Minster destroyed by fire
By the year end more than 70 US Banks fail
IRA Bomb goes off in Grand Hotel Brighton during Conservative Conference
Virgin Atlantic Inaugural flight .
Indian army troops sent into the Sikh rebel held Golden Temple compound in Amritsar
PEMEX petroleum storage facility at San Juan Ixhuatepec in Mexico City explosions ignites a major fire and kills more than 500
Ethiopian famine begins
Typhoon Ike strikes Philippines leaving over 3,000 fatalities.
( Subway Vigilante )Bernhard Goetz shoots four black youths on a Manhattan subway
Brunei Gains Independence From Great Britain
The UK replaces GCE O-Level's and CSE's and replaces them with GCSE's
The Summer Olympics are held in Los Angeles, United States
The Winter Olympic Games are held in Sarajevo, Yugoslavia