The best stories are the ones that have an element of truth to them, so I'll share something that happened after my grandfather passed away clear back when I was a junior in high school in 1968. To be perfectly honest, the whole darn thing is true, but you'd have to have been there to completely believe it.
We had been extremely close, and he was diagnosed with terminal cancer of the gall bladder. It hit him pretty quickly and, since he was in his 80s, was not in the physical condition to fight too long. We lived 180 miles away, and my Mother (his daughter) and I went up to visit him when he did not have too long to go. I of course wanted to stay with him until the end, but he rightfully reminded me that I couldn't do too much except worry, fret, and miss my school. I agreed to go home, but first of course visited with him in earnest because I knew I would not see him again. Well, having been as close as we were, we agreed that, sort of like Houdini did with his wife, IF THERE WAS ANY WAY POSSIBLE to prove the existence of life after death, he would contact me.
Move ahead a month. He's buried, and I'm back home in bed, sleeping in until the very last minute until I can get up, jump in the shower, then race to school four blocks away just before the tardy bell rings like I did the day before - the first day of my return from the services. I wake up, immediately glance across the room at my wall clock to see what time it is, and it immediately falls off the wall and cracks the case holding my autographed baseball from the '67 SF Giants - one of my most prized possessions.
That was interesting, for sure, since it was only about a six inch drop, and it came crashing down hard enough to seriously crack the case that I hadn't damaged the time I dropped in on the sidewalk just after I had taken it over to show a friend a few months earlier. Grandpa had always said that it was almost worse to show up late to something than not to show up at all, so I guess that was the way he needed to show me he wasn't too happy with my pre-school, hope-I'm-not-late routine...
Well...EXACTLY 24 hours to the minute later the next morning, a 6 lb. decorative ceramic coffee pot FLEW about four feet from its resting place and smacked my Mom on her behind, giving her a SERIOUS BRUISE. Now, Mom and I were the only ones in the house at the time. Dad was at work, and I was in another part of the house... I ran out the minute I heard her scream, only to find her pale as.....death. According to her description, the coffee pot had smacked her, then the thing had landed very softly on the floor and ROLLED another fifteen feet to the hearth in front of the fire place - FOLLOWED BY ITS LITTLE COPPER STAND where they both came to rest completely undamaged! Hm....
Now, some of you out there reading this who know anything about teenage angst and its accompanying phenomena would simply chalk it up to the idea that I, being a teenager filled with the angst of having recently lost my best friend in Gramps, was the one guilty of causing the phenomena - possibly psychokenesis.
It sounds like a good idea to go that route, until not too long after that, I became increasingly creeped out by the feeling that there was a presence in my room ALL THE TIME. Now, I loved my Grandpa; he was my playmate, best friend, and confidante. However, to be perfectly honest, I felt almost self conscious getting undressed to go to bed or take a shower. Then, one night, WHEN I COULD SEE THE DEFINITE, CLEARLY OUTLINED IMPRESSION OF A BODY LYING ON MY OTHERWISE SMOOTHLY MADE BED, I had to have a heart to soul talk with Gramps and suggest that maybe he had better things to do and better places to go than hang around with his increasingly nervous grandson!
Guess what! We never had any more phenomena or have I had the feeling he was anywhere around since...