Sephiroth~The One Winged Angel~
2011-03-21 10:27:40 UTC
Most people my age I know do not own these types of cars... especially TEENAGERS who are still in high school!!!! (I'm 20 to be fair) but even no one my age has these types of cars unless their just.. rich naturally.
I mean this article is really catering to the rich kids and not focusing on the MAJORITY of teens which can typically only afford an old 90s or early 00's car at most with a part job at McD's
I've never owned a vehicle in my life and take the bus everyday to college and back home. Unlike many kids my age; I'm not overweight, I actually do this wierd thing called WALKING to the bus stop. Yeah it's called exercise and I think more teens and young adults could use some!
Why are we promoting consumerism in these yahoo articles? Is there something sinister and sad about taking public transportation to college and back home.
Even if I become Rich one day; I swear on it on my life that I NEVER buy my kid a car of that class. it will be an old car that would cost under 4000 dollars if even that. My father never bought me a car, so I don't see the reason to award my child with a luxury that isn't a necessity.
If you want something you work for it. You earn it on your own.