Americans, if Netanyahu were an American, would you prefer him over Obama as President?
Uncle Pennybags
2015-03-03 09:26:28 UTC
Americans, if Netanyahu were an American, would you prefer him over Obama as President?
136 answers:
2015-03-03 14:34:16 UTC
Netanyahu showed he can think while Obama shows he can't. I like Peace I'm a vet. Only a fool attacks a stronger foe. The reason the USA in the past has had such a strong military is so that for the most part we don't have to enter into a shooting war.

Obama doesn't like to create Peace.
Big dummy with common sense.
2015-03-04 02:24:53 UTC
Let's see, if Netanyahu were President of the United States, he would try to start a war with Iran which could throw out the balance we have with 2 billion Arabs around the planet.

How many of you know your geography? There is a bend in the Persian Gulf called the Straight of Hormuz that runs right by Iran, about half of the entire planets oil supply is shipped through this bend in the river. If anyone starts a war with Iran, the first thing Iran will do is to shut down ship movement through this bend which will double the price of oil overnight, within a week, the planet will see the highest oil prices that they have ever seen, within a month, there will be chaos. If you understand this, then you will understand why any sensible man will explore every possible alternative before going to war with Iran.
Yoi and Double Yoi
2015-03-06 21:08:36 UTC
Not setting the bar very high, are you? The list of people I'd prefer to Obama is, shall we say, lengthy to list here, but it does include the names Roger Goodell and Jerry Jones on it....which is quite an indictment of Obama, don't you think?
2015-03-05 00:49:25 UTC
Yeah, but that's not really saying anything.

I'd prefer most 12 year olds raised by good parents over Obama.

However, for the sake of argument, I will state the most obvious items that I like about Netanyahu, which goes without saying that it's way above Obama's, but again, to say that it's way above Obama's is not really saying anything. A lot of people are way above Obama. Most 12 year olds raised by good parents are way above Obama even in this area. Well, okay, I'm exaggerating, maybe not way above, but still above. Bear in mind, most kids typically are NOT good in this area, but if they were raised good by good parents, they are typically still better than Obama, even in this area I'm about to mention.

Netanyahu is not a complacent fool who would sit back and allow his enemies to grow and build towards the goal of attacking and destroying his people, and Netanyahu has demonstrated that he can actually listen to those around him, and can bring himself to actually cooperate even when he completely disagrees. Furthermore Netanyahu doesn't just pretend to cooperate only to flip last minute and demand that everyone comply with his wishes.

Obama lacks in all of those, and frequently pretends to cooperate only to flip last minute. It's like Obama's never grown up, and Obama must have had parents that taught him that stupid was somehow smart, and I don't think there is many even 12 year olds raised good by good parents that have demonstrated to be as complacent a fool as Obama has demonstrated himself to be.

Note, I say raised good with good parents because otherwise, we have seen many examples of youth who are far worse than Obama. The problem with Obama is he never got the experience. Life was handed to him on a silver platter, got his school paid for by the state classified as a Kenyan immigrant, always lived with a moderately well-to-do family, and in politics was given higher places more rapidly because of how radically left wing he is combine with his two distinguishing skills that set him apart from most all other radical left wingers. Well, one is a skill, the other is something you're either born being capable of, or you aren't. He's eloquent, which is the skill, and he's photogenic. The fact that he has a darker skin tone only helped to get him in the right place at the right time and to get the blind undying support of certain people. It's not necessarily what gave him what he has, it only opened doors for him and gave him an advantage he would not have otherwise had if not for the darker skin tone.
2015-03-06 06:21:33 UTC
2015-03-04 18:22:04 UTC
Netanyahu has an american citizenship...
2015-03-03 09:31:25 UTC
Of course. Not only is Obama antiamerican, he's anti western. I would have voted for snoop dog over Obama.
2015-03-03 09:32:32 UTC
Heck, I'd prefer most people over 0bama. But yes, I would vote for him. There would have to be a pretty good opponent for me to vote against him.
2015-03-04 22:15:18 UTC
Yes, I would prefer anyone over Obama.
2015-03-06 13:42:22 UTC
I prefer inanimate objects as president over this f*cking waste of space Obama who is taking up other people's good oxygen!
2015-03-05 19:16:04 UTC
Not a chance. I really don't want a leader but a person who listens to the people. I am quite able to lead myself. Netanyahu wants war and is incapable of any other vision. Obama is a good man but restricted by the system that he is part of. We are better off without any leaders and with a limited government. Give up on the attempt to shape the world; limit globalism and only accept immigration from people who have something to offer. Then don't give one damn about what somebody does on the other side of the world. It is high time we stopped worrying about Ukraine; Serbia or Israel. They are not in any way our business. Folks: you are on your own. No more world policeman or policewoman. Not my problem to worry about your pi*** matches.
2015-03-03 09:31:21 UTC
Oh yeah. Bibi rocks. He's experienced, shrewd, pragmatic and an accomplished leader. Everything that Obama is not.
who WAS #1?
2015-03-03 10:36:09 UTC
Absolutely yes !!

Unlike Obama, who apparently arrived out of the blue in a spaceship, Netanyahu knows how to operate in bad neighborhoods.

Plus he is 1,000 times smarter than Obama.
2015-03-03 09:27:23 UTC
He's already more American than Obama will ever be.
2015-03-05 18:57:12 UTC
Our Founding Fathers left We, The People a great and blessed country. Since then we have turned our backs on them and God. Thus we deserve what we have now, no matter who is president.
2015-03-05 02:33:18 UTC
Netanyahu is Jewish and he is very clear that he has only interest in the future of Jewish people. He has no interest in the pursuing the better future of US citizen. You can choose him as US President but basically all money of US go to Israel.
2015-03-03 09:38:27 UTC
YES, of course. Netanyahu laid out the facts that the 0bama Administration is hiding. I liked the fact that he wasn't intimidated by 0bama as the Republicans in the Senate are by saying that Israel has the ability to defend itself and stand on its own if they have to....

Making a deal with Iran will make Iran even more dangerous. And as Netanyahu said "the enemy of your enemy is still your enemy". That couldn't be more true.
Make America Great
2015-03-04 15:23:30 UTC
YES I would rather have Netanyahu. I am sure he would never sell America out> Would obamay sell us us for his goals? DAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA in a heart beat
2015-03-05 04:24:57 UTC
Its like the difference between Neville Chamberlain and Winston Churchill. The leader of the free world spoke to congress. It was not Obama.
2015-03-03 09:27:20 UTC
Absolutely not! One of the reasons I didn't vote for McCain is because he was a warmonger. But Neti is far more bellicose than McCain ever thought about!
2015-03-05 06:50:37 UTC
Obama has been so routinely anti-American on the international scene that it makes one wonder if he is really some mechanical automaton programmed with computer tapes defining his actions and speeches.
Kansas Z
2015-03-04 14:46:59 UTC
No way! He could never be loyal to this country. If America ever went to war with Israel, it's obvious which side he would choose.
2015-03-05 06:26:43 UTC
I would take just about any world leader over Obama. I don't think Kim Jong Un could even do as bad a job as Obama has. Castro, Putin, Chavez would all be better.
Maria S
2015-03-04 23:59:53 UTC
Yes. But then I would prefer a chimp over Obama.
Special EPhex
2015-03-04 23:32:57 UTC
I would even take Joe Biden over Obama. A broken clock is right at least twice a day. Obama always seems to be wrong.
2015-03-05 14:16:49 UTC
Even if 0bama were an American, I would still probably prefer Netanyahu. But then, I have always had more respect for people who will tell me what I need to know, instead of what I want to hear.
2015-03-04 08:23:25 UTC
Netanyahu's popularity with Republicans baffles me somewhat....he is the leader of a nation predicated on the establishment of kibbutzim, which are basically "localized Communist neighborhoods"...

Is it really possible so many American conservatives are so under-educated they do not realize that?
2015-03-05 10:42:20 UTC
You obviously don't need to be an American to be president and furthermore almost anyone would be preferable to Obama
Weasel McWeasel
2015-03-04 01:51:59 UTC
Prefer him over Obama? No, thank you. I like Obama just fine.

and I can respect Netanyahu for leading his country........but he oversteps his boundries when he tries to lead ours.

His move to go behind Obama's back, and speak out against the Presidents policies borders on treason and harmful to US interests.

It's the disturbing lack of protocol here that bothers me. It's no secret Netty backed ROMNEY in 2012.

What he's doing now, is another slap in the face to the sitting president.

Regardless what anyone thinks of Obama...........he's disrespecting the OFFICE...... something he himself surely would NOT tolerate in HIS why is he doing it in ours?
2015-03-05 19:17:11 UTC
Yes. But then I would prefer a chimp over Obama.
2015-03-05 06:13:00 UTC
...Netanyahu is a real leader ! Experienced in the Military and not afraid to tell the truth !
2015-03-05 08:02:00 UTC
I prefer a leader who supports the security of the country they lead. That isn't Obama.

We need allies in the Middle East, particularly given the boldness of our ever growing list of enemies, termed "JV" by Obama.

I am looking forward to 2016 when we can elect a President who actually does his job for ALL Americans, and doesn't discriminate against those of a particular faith, preferring to always side with those who are now termed to be "freedom fighters" and who simply want jobs.

Kumbyah and all that.
2015-03-04 14:45:21 UTC
Unlike Obama he has a clearer vision of whats going on in the Middle East and unlike Obama he has the stones to do something about it. By that I don't mean send in a million American soldiers to fight endless wars. There are other diplomatic and economic means to make them mind their manners.
Armchair Goddess #1
2015-03-04 09:54:28 UTC
To all you misinformed propaganda-dependent, hate-filled President Obama naysayers, would you change your opinion at all if you discovered a simple truth: President Obama gave Israel the highly effective IRON DOME Missile Defense System (see Deputy Prime Minister of Israel and the Defense Secretary Ehud Barak has heaped high praise on President Obama in 2010 and again in 2012 for being "the best I have ever seen" in defending and protecting Israel.

The rightwing misinformed ones are out in full force here, it seems...wrongly attacking our recession-reversing, auto-industry-rescuing, jobs-creating, economy-growing, revenues-generating, manufacturing-base-rebuilding, greedy-insurers-reforming, banks-Wall-Street-reregulating, criminal-past-illegals-deporting, Dow-Jones-elevating, deficit-slashing, bin-Laden-getting, marriage-equality (for all Americans) endorsing, international-coalition-forging (to go after ISIL), nuclear-disarmament-deals-brokering, highly intelligent (graduated Magnacum Laude from Harvard), deeply patriotic, and incredibly patient President Obama without any consideration whatsoever for the idea that we remain a nation at war---which means that all hate-mongering and dissention should STOP AT THE WATER'S EDGE. Otherwise, you all are lending aid and comfort to all would-be U.S. enemies with your vitriolic spews against our democratically elected U.S. President.

Netanyahu is a petulant Dick-Cheney wannabe who resorts to lies, distortions, fear-mongering, war-mongering, and bully-brat behaviors to get his spoiled-brat (wrong-headed) way. The man is a war criminal who should be facing a War Crimes Tribunal at The Hague for his genocidal behaviors towards the Palestinians, and for his ongoing ILLEGAL BLOCKADE of land he COVETS that belongs to the Palestinians, the Gaza Strip.
2015-03-05 02:43:14 UTC
2015-03-09 15:16:05 UTC
I'm sorry, I'll avoid the question and ask another.

2015-03-05 16:28:18 UTC
That does not matter that one person need to be an American to be president and I prefer Obama.
2015-03-03 09:28:03 UTC
No. Not to say he is wrong; but his situation and country are in a different place than the US is. I think he is probably the right guy at the right time for them; not here.
2015-03-04 13:32:44 UTC
It's the Republican thinking that I find absolutely foolish, idiotic, moronic . Look at how they adore the 1% and ignore the 99%. Now they'd rather have Netanyahu than Obama. Jeeeez Krust? They went to war in 2003 for nothing. They went to war in Afghanistan and do we get? Netanyahu for president of the U.S. is absolutely Republican thinking that's idiotic, moronic, foolish.
Atsa me Atsa you?
2015-03-04 12:07:25 UTC
I would rather have my 12 year old grandson for President other than Obama, he has more common sense than O does.
2015-03-05 12:49:49 UTC
That's the point. He is american. That's why he's not qualified to do that job.
2015-03-06 15:06:03 UTC
All Americans, maybe its time we moved to Mars.
2015-03-04 11:46:24 UTC
I would vote for Donald Duck over obama. At least a fictional president couldn't do any harm. Anyone

over obama, except Hilary Clinton.

I'm not a con., either. I'm independent
2015-03-04 15:18:08 UTC
I have rather the economy in great shape than having fancy toys that wouldn't used that much.
2015-03-04 12:25:07 UTC
I would like to a person who is NOT a racist in the office. We currently do not have such a person - in fact it seems that most of his cabinet qualify for this label.
2015-03-04 12:06:19 UTC
Netanyahu raised the top income tax in Israel to 50 percent (which is more than 20 percent higher than in the US)....
2015-03-04 10:09:11 UTC
My vote goes to Netanyahu. He leads his country!
2015-03-03 09:33:00 UTC

All day long, and twice on Sunday
El Tecolote
2015-03-06 01:49:04 UTC
My 20 year-old nephew with his three semesters of college under his belt could be a better President than Obama.
2015-03-04 13:22:07 UTC
Prime Minister Netanyahu has passion for the protection of his country.

I would love for him to be President of the United States if he was a citizen.
2015-03-04 11:17:06 UTC
Yes. If Obama loved America the way Netanyahu loves Isreal, we'd have a much safer, happier, better nation.
Hin Long
2015-03-03 15:43:45 UTC
It's crackhead
2015-03-03 19:37:58 UTC
Hell no! He's a mad man, he wants us to help him go to war with Iran without a scrap of evidence they have nuclear weapons or if they're even gonna use them for evil (it would also cost us billions cause wars are expensive). He also has no regard for peoples safety, I mean just look at the death count of innocent civilians in Gaza from the recent war. He's a right winged bigot asshole just like McCain and Romney and he's the last person I would vote for. All just my opinion though haha. :)
2015-03-03 14:38:06 UTC
No. I would prefer we got back to our roots as a nation. What made us great, died in the 60's. These people pleasers will need to be dealt with.
2015-03-03 22:28:54 UTC
I put Obama in the same category as Nero. Most evil president this country has ever had. Noone has done more damage to this country than Obama. If he is a citizen he is definitely anti-American and if not Muslim then has an agenda that is Socialist/Islamic. Mad man. Trying to get the point across would prefer just about anyone over Obama. Netanyahu is for the well being of his country.
2015-03-04 04:50:00 UTC
The man is brilliant with an I.Q. of 180 He vigorously defends the people of Israel and is willing to take on terrorists without hesitation. They do not deal under fire, or lose a battle. He is not a weak willed man who lets other countries dictate how he should defend his country. He would make a marvelous president bringing this country back to the respected nation it once was. Israel is surrounded by enemies, is small and lacks money. He is forced to go on the world stage and plead for the help he is not getting. I would elect him without a second thought.
2015-03-03 19:51:38 UTC
No, I have been to Israel. They live in constant fear. It is like living in a war zone every house has shuttered windows and people are barracked inside at night. You have to go through multiple security check out points entering and leavening. They question you and you better give the right answer. They play rough over there. The people of Israel are friendly to Americans.

Netanyahu has not been a good leader and things are getting much worse over there. That is no way to live. so why would I wish Netanyahu to do the same to My beautiful America.
2015-03-05 21:34:05 UTC
Definitely. At least with him we would know who wore the pants in the house. Also, the world would know where they stood. At least you won't see him bending over for any one or reason.
2015-03-03 10:37:58 UTC
Yes,and even if he was only half devoted to America as he is to Isreal,it is better then what we have now. All we have now is a whimp that does nothing but kiss the a-- of murdering radical muslims.
2015-03-03 16:59:59 UTC
He grew up in Chelthem just outside of Philadelphia
2015-03-05 09:38:12 UTC

God has given us the president he has put in this country, so I am just satisfied with the President I have. God knows best.
2015-03-05 13:14:32 UTC
I would prefer him over obama,he is a much better leader than this idiot in chief,so,that is my best answer i can think of.
2015-03-04 06:29:13 UTC
Any person who would do that is not an American nor a military veteran and unpatriotic. Netanyhu like his predecessor Ariel Sharon were directly responsible for the death of american military personnel in Lebanon. They refused to halt the bombing even after assuring then Pres. Ronald Reagan they would not bomb the harbor. Reagan asked Tunisia to take the PLO to stop the shelling of the Druze in south and eventually stop the war in Lebanon. Both men betrayed Reagan completely and Israel even went so far as steal an opportunity to have two Jets strafe the PLO in Tunis which caused them to later apologize and say it was an accident. I am a Jewish American military veteran. I was apart of the the Peacekeeping force in Lebanon 82-84. Many Jews have I known but I will never ever trust a Israeli or the two people known as Netanyahu or Sharon and Regan came to that opinion too. That is the truth and the facts of the period and no military officer there or personnel can deny it.
2015-03-05 13:11:36 UTC
Netanyahu has a complex of wanting to dictate the entire world that he has the knowledge and can foresee whatever is coming ahead. He is so arrogant that besides the US, he want to teach also China, Russia, Great Britain, France, Germany that he's the only one knowledgeable and the rest of the world, just must listen to him, He's such a despot, arrogant and narcissist , that we are all dummies.
Bad Speller
2015-03-04 17:05:37 UTC
you must be joking! Netanyahu is a criminal in the whorls aye , if he was in America the Americans will hung him in the middle of the square and have the best musician's play happy music, and calibrate the day as piece of the world .
2015-03-04 09:56:54 UTC
No, he is too much like Cheney the war criminal.

Why do you hate Obama so much?

He has done a good job but you won't admit it because you are phuqed in the head.
2015-03-06 20:54:08 UTC



2015-03-04 14:35:56 UTC
You couldn't pay me to vote for a Nixon Republican.
2015-03-04 16:31:36 UTC
Benjamin Netanyahu is a war criminal bastard who supports killing the people of Palestine. And also Obama isn't as great as you think more people have died because of American soldiers during Obamas reign than in bushes what does that tell you? They are all bastards we need more people like Gaddafi who was going to stop trading in the $ and use a gold currency (along with a few more countries) because he knew that America were bastards so the yanks captured him and killed him
2015-03-05 15:25:07 UTC
In a word YES.
Andy F
2015-03-04 16:10:15 UTC
No -- and beyond that, HELL no!

Netanyahu wants the United States to go to war for ISRAEL, because Israel doesn't have the military clout or the political prestige to take out Iran on its own. Let's not do this - and let's not allow Netanyahu to have ANYTHING to do with US politics or US foreign policy.

Israel also is known to be a major nuclear power that cares NOTHING for any kind of international supervision or control over their bomb-making and bomb-delivery capabilities. Netanyahu, in focusing on IRAN'S nuclear ambitions, is being a total 100% hypocrite.

Netanyahu's ideas about Iran basically require that the USA get into a shooting war with that country.

A shooting war with Iran -- a nation of some 70 million people, with large oil revenues and a big army, and the allegiance of Shiite Muslims in many other nations -- would be a disaster for the US.

Yes, with our nuclear weapons and all, the US ultimately would win. But we'd lose power, position, and military lives and lots of military material in the process. If Netanyahu thinks it's so important to stop Iran, why doesn't ISRAEL do this -- without dragging the US into the fight?
2015-03-03 09:33:43 UTC
Well both Netanyahoo and Barry are foreigners, but I'd cast a vote for the Israeli over the Kenyan any day
2015-03-03 10:20:22 UTC
Conservatives want him for President, regardless.
2015-03-04 17:57:08 UTC
No. Of course not. He's a tyrant.
Tired Of Lies
2015-03-06 02:10:37 UTC
In a heartbeat.
2015-03-05 09:09:40 UTC
Netanyahu is a Zionist. He is more interested in Zionist expansionism than the interests of the American people. If he were President of the the US the wars we would be involved in would bankrupt us faster than Bush's wars did. Supporting Netanyahu over our Constitutionally elected President is anti-American and possibly treasonous.
2015-03-05 04:30:01 UTC
yes. Obama is a low-life dirt bag scum bucket. So is that thing he is married too
2015-03-04 01:19:39 UTC
No but I would love to have him over for some watersports..........he'll be the target
2015-03-04 04:14:04 UTC
I'd prefer a homeless man's a$$ lint being president than Obama
2015-03-05 22:56:42 UTC
no question about it... Israel avenges their citizens and their military... obama lets americans held captive rot or be beheaded while he plays golf
2015-03-04 15:42:49 UTC
2015-03-03 09:34:04 UTC
Yes I would. But since he is not an American, he is not eligible, and no, I would not support changing the constitution to make him eligible.
2015-03-05 12:59:11 UTC
2015-03-04 15:25:43 UTC
It is a hypothetical question, not going to happen
Captain Obvious, Defender of Snack Pudding
2015-03-03 11:26:30 UTC
Cons certainly would not, he is 2 things they claim to hate about Obama, non-christian and a Socialist.
2015-03-03 21:26:58 UTC
Of course not, I don't want the latest flavor of the month who can mouth the right angry words leading the country.
2015-03-03 12:53:19 UTC
2015-03-04 16:35:52 UTC
I would prefer many, many, many Americans over Obama, so this is a very low bar you've set.
2015-03-03 16:45:07 UTC
No. He's a semi-competent conniver, like Giuliani.
2015-03-03 09:33:10 UTC
Well in comparison to this guy, oh hell yes
2015-03-05 12:00:01 UTC
the war on my iraq was fro oil and yes you capitalism killed more than communism
2015-03-04 21:08:09 UTC
In a heartbeat.
2015-03-03 13:41:24 UTC
America and the world would be a lot safer.
2015-03-03 09:35:15 UTC
I would prefer my dick over Obama... at least it would be looking out for my interests.
2015-03-05 22:25:35 UTC
He's not, so no.
2015-03-05 04:17:58 UTC
of course,if it is anyone who is patriot or devoted to his own country i would love to
2015-03-03 11:49:55 UTC
Of course he and just about anyone else.
2015-03-03 17:32:55 UTC
Nope he would be into military expansions and more conflict then even some of our hard right people.
2015-03-04 01:31:54 UTC
No, he is not as competent as Obama.
Gone Rogue
2015-03-03 14:43:49 UTC
He'll yah!
2015-03-03 20:26:28 UTC
I would be most honored and proud to have Netanyahu as my President. Man spoke

from the heart. Not his ***. As the sitting Muslim does in the White House.
2015-03-05 06:02:59 UTC
No chance.
2015-03-06 19:24:57 UTC
Yes, he;s a real leader......!!
2015-03-03 22:11:11 UTC
Hell yes! He has guts and knows that you can't trust Iran.
2015-03-03 09:31:48 UTC
Heck no.
2015-03-03 17:15:18 UTC
ABSOLUTELY! He seems like an intelligent, compassionate man. One who wouldn't call me STUPID like Obama did. He also seems to get that sometimes people lie. He LIVES in the middle east. Obama lives in disneyland.

Obama seems to believe everything everyone says including muslims and now iran. "our religion is peaceful" "we dont want a bomb" Yeah right.
2015-03-08 23:14:00 UTC
2015-03-04 06:15:51 UTC
100% yes
2015-03-03 09:37:17 UTC
I personally wouldn't. But I bet the con birthers would eat it up like candy, even though it can be conclusively proven that Netanyahu was born in Kenya. LOL.
2015-03-05 15:42:19 UTC
2015-03-04 06:15:19 UTC
without question Mr. N would be a better leader.
2015-03-05 20:33:31 UTC
2015-03-03 21:20:22 UTC
yes because he has balls and Obama is a pussyy
2015-03-04 02:59:19 UTC
2015-03-05 17:39:33 UTC
common cents
2015-03-03 18:36:59 UTC
Hell yes!! This guy is a leader. Obama is not only not a leader but I seriously doubt he's even an American. I know he's not a Christian, if he's not a Muslim he sure had me fooled.
2015-03-03 14:43:22 UTC
2015-03-03 21:36:59 UTC
OH MY GOSH, YES, YES, YES, a million times OVER and OVER !!!!!!!!!!!!!
2015-03-05 21:24:37 UTC
2015-03-04 00:15:44 UTC
Not really.
2015-03-03 17:57:06 UTC
yes, he is a better man all the way around then Barry.
2015-03-04 14:19:53 UTC
anyone over 0bama......
2015-03-03 10:10:06 UTC
2015-03-03 23:51:25 UTC
To be honest, I would.
2015-03-05 06:56:20 UTC
2015-03-04 05:35:34 UTC
A Monkey would be better than Obama!!!!!!!!!!!
2015-03-05 09:18:14 UTC
stupid Q
Warren T
2015-03-05 20:55:28 UTC
2015-03-04 17:03:16 UTC
2015-03-03 09:37:10 UTC
No way in hell.
2015-03-03 09:30:58 UTC
2015-03-03 09:34:04 UTC
Well fvck no.
Hamzah Nolley
2015-03-05 21:32:37 UTC
screw n
2015-03-03 14:56:45 UTC
HELLS yes!
2015-03-03 09:33:24 UTC
2015-03-03 16:34:54 UTC

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