What are you excited about???
2008-05-20 18:53:19 UTC
I'm excited about FINALLY getting to level 5 (UNLIMITED!!! OH YEAH!!!) and about the American Idol finale. I'm going to vote soooooo many times! We have until 1 in the morning, you know! And I'm also excited about the last Twilight book coming out in a few months, about summer vacation soon, and about the Harry Potter trailer that should come out any week now... I wonder how I'm going to be able to sleep with all this excitement... So, what are YOU excited about? *lol, I just read that and I sound HYPER. Beleive me, I'm exhausted*
99 answers:
2008-05-20 22:26:13 UTC
the end of school!!

but i'm also sad about it cuz i have to leave all my friends
♥..Mexican Hottie..♥
2008-05-20 18:58:37 UTC
Excited About The Summer Vacation...

Excited About...Havin A New Bestie=)

And Excited About My Birthday Comin Up=)
2008-05-20 18:57:42 UTC
I'm Excited About When Bush Leaves Office - January 20, 2009.
2008-05-20 19:04:04 UTC
I am VERY excited about Thursday being Day 1 for school, and then I have sewing class and get to make my gym bag, WHICH by the way is my EXTRA project because I'd finished all the assigned projects because I'm just that GOOD!!

SO happy. =]

And I have gym tmrw, which usually I hate but we're doing badminton while the guys go outside, and I like badminton.

Also the fact that theres less than a week of school left, because theres Life Week [a week of hanging out and field trips at school] in June.

That's pretty much it. I missed a day of school today and I have to go school early tmrw to see my evil Math/Sci teacher for missed work.

Also I have a Trigonometry test friday, FIVE reviews which are each a cm thick to get through for exams.

But I love sewing, that's what gets me through. =]
I am Me
2008-05-20 19:11:57 UTC
I am so excited that I was selected to receive two tickets to the Antiques Roadshow in Dallas on 6/28! I know I have a pair of chairs that the "twins" are going to trip themselves over - if they are there.

If you need to answer another question click on my avatar and see if you can go to my questions asked so you can get more points. if this does not work go to Entertainment & Music Polls & Surveys 4 hours ago and 2 for 21 hours ago under Alzie. Just trying to do my good deed for the day!

Good luck tonight, and take a B.C. powder or some Tylenol for your sore fingers and headache you are surely to get!
2008-05-20 18:56:31 UTC
December 23, 2012.
Kimberly is [epic©]
2008-05-20 18:57:20 UTC
* Final series in hockey.

* End of school

* Summer

* Vacation is North Carolina

* Being able to get a tan

* Did i mention the Penguins are in the final series?! so excited for the game Saturday.
2008-05-20 19:02:23 UTC
tommorow's the last day of school, the Twight book and movie come out and the last book in the Inheritance trilogy, I get to go to Indiana, I should get a driver's licence soon, Harry Potter 6 comes out this year, the presidential election will FINALLY be over...

the list goes on
2008-05-20 18:58:04 UTC
I'm excited about summer and school being over. Getting to visit my family. Hanging out with friends. Relaxing. Reading some more great books. I love to read. Did I mention school will be out. ;)
Robert W
2008-05-20 18:56:56 UTC
Summer. Vacation.
2008-05-20 18:56:51 UTC
Going to see The Trailer Park Boys live show next week!
2008-05-20 18:58:36 UTC
I'm also excited about the american idol finale ,DAVID COOK ALL THE WAY! and going to the allstar game for baseball in july!
Emmanator rocks
2008-05-20 18:57:37 UTC
Summer 8 and a half days of school left
2008-05-20 19:01:41 UTC
School's out in about 1 week! Yay!

Going to VN for summer vacation in 2 weeks!

Semester exames are here, finally!(I've been waiting for this since forever!)

I think that's all for now....
Here I come I am cinnamon
2008-05-20 18:57:41 UTC
I was hyper earlier and excited about the Dancing with the stars finale winner. Now I'm tired.....
2008-05-20 18:59:01 UTC

American Idol!


Summer camp!

My birthday!

High School!

Days at the pool!
2008-05-20 18:57:11 UTC
Im going camping with my whole class for 3 days tomorrow. Were gonna have a dance party and swim in the lake at 6 in the morning! im pumped!
2008-05-20 19:00:28 UTC
1. School Is Almost Over.

2. My favorite game BIOSHOCK is becoming a movie.

3. The Uncut DVD release of ONE PIECE.

4. And how well my video on youtube about Asperger's is and it almost has a million views:
♥ℙяÍⓝc∉§§ Ʀiʈą ℙяモ§モレ∉Y ♥
2008-05-20 18:59:17 UTC
Congratulations! I will be getting my black belt soon and my sister's are coming over from Australia in Summer time and then we will drive to Toronto,Canada from Pennsylvania but we will go to New York for a day first.
2008-05-20 18:56:24 UTC
I hope David Cook wins...and I'm excited about going on vacation and seeing Tom Petty in concert for the third time! YES
2008-05-20 18:58:19 UTC
I am excited about the harry potter trailer. I am excited about my sister being here, my daughter turning 2, my man loving me so much, having God in my life, being so blessed, losing weight, learning how to play tennis, and just being so damn sexy!!!
natalia k
2008-05-20 19:07:08 UTC
I'm excited cos' next week my parents go on their third honeymoon and my sister and I are staying alone for a week!, yeah! I can already see lots of nights filled with joy, we also plan to go to chinatown, rent lots of movies, etc... can hardly wait!, also on friday I'm going with some friends to an amusement park, so... cool!
Chiamaka E
2008-05-20 18:58:18 UTC
Well... im bored 2 so i guess I'll answer this...

I'm excited 4 the end of the school year! Friday is almost here and finally! School is over!!!

To high school i goooooooooo!!!
2008-05-20 18:57:16 UTC
Haha ummmm I'm excited for SUMMER and going to Portugal and Waterfront concert and camping
2008-05-20 18:57:44 UTC
6 1/2 days of 8th grade and Jr. High left
AHHH real monsters~!
2008-05-20 18:56:56 UTC
im excited about gettin 2 level 3!!! hahahaha...i dont really go on this site that often...and the last twilight book! *gasps*... also getting a hair cut! ohhhh yeah
2008-05-20 18:57:46 UTC
me too! i can't wait for the american idol finale :)

and for summer, and the last few weeks of school.

wow. you do sound hyper. lol .. you might want to calm down ..

2008-05-20 18:56:55 UTC
Just took an AP test today at school.. hoping I get in =)

not sure when the results come in though but the wait is dreadful!!!
2008-05-20 19:01:34 UTC
I'm excited that my friend I used to have will learn her lesson sooner or later with all her other friends who are mean to me. I'm excited to look at pictures of Sum41 around the internet.
2008-05-20 18:57:18 UTC
The Harry Potter trailer is comming out soon???!!! I haven't been cheking leaky much!
2008-05-20 18:59:29 UTC
It's been a while since I got excited....Even at my wedding 3 months ago I was pretty calm.Huh?That's sad!! But it's cool that you are so energetic & excited.

2008-05-20 22:29:07 UTC
school is out in 16 days
2008-05-20 18:59:47 UTC
Im excited about my SAP training and 5pm to 2 am shift next week! =)
2008-05-20 18:58:31 UTC
i am excited about traveling this summer!!

now i can't wait to get to level 5 lol!!

i can't wait until football season because cheerleading starts again and so does competition!!!!

i actually am HYPER!!


2008-05-20 18:56:54 UTC
8 days of school
A Child of God
2008-05-20 18:58:27 UTC
wow. you definatly have more things to be exciting about then I do. lol. I'm excited about the resturant being closed monday for Memorial day.
Lara G
2008-05-20 18:57:31 UTC
A special anniversary is coming up soon and school is getting out..
2008-05-20 18:57:11 UTC
Graduating and moving on to High School.
2008-05-21 04:48:33 UTC
my birthday on wednesday! and the sex and the city movie coming out on thursday! and reading the third twilight book before the fourth comes out. and finishing school forever in 26 week!!!!!! and then schoolies!!!!!!!!!!
2008-05-20 18:57:17 UTC
not having to work the next 2 days then going to work for 2.5 hours then having three days off :)
2008-05-20 18:57:05 UTC

school off monday(memorialdya)

end of school

getting ungrounded
2008-05-20 18:57:01 UTC
I am excited about my first relationship EVER. So far, we're doing good. And I am excited about life in general and what it has in store fo me!
2008-05-20 18:56:40 UTC
My cruise with my girlfriend in 12 days!
2008-05-20 18:58:29 UTC
my husband coming home in september. so close yet so far away.. i'm excited about moving to alaska, teaching my daughter how to count in tagalog, my 2nd daughter crawling, and i'm excited about reaching my pre preggo weight!
2008-05-20 18:57:09 UTC
Summer vacation!!!
2008-05-20 18:56:35 UTC
I made the Perfect Bailey's sooooo yummy ;P
Innocent until PROVEN Guilty
2008-05-20 18:57:18 UTC
The Sex and The City movie!
Double S
2008-05-20 18:57:09 UTC
I'm excited about my husband coming home from Iraq !!!
2008-05-20 18:56:39 UTC
I'm excited that I get to go to bed.
2008-05-21 11:58:58 UTC
Being pregnant... Baby # 5 is due Dec.24th...Christmas Eve!!!
2008-05-20 18:58:06 UTC
Wow! Lay off the aderol.
2014-06-22 14:51:30 UTC
So far, we're doing good. And I am excited about life in general and what it has in store fo me!
2008-05-20 23:16:06 UTC



Golden Boy
2008-05-20 19:02:34 UTC
vacation at the end of june,and getting a new porch built.
2008-05-20 18:56:27 UTC
The last day of school!

Only one more week :]
soo bored
2008-05-20 18:57:35 UTC
I'm not excited about anything my life sucks
2008-05-20 18:57:22 UTC
Hopefully I'll be asked to prom next year. I can't wait!
2008-05-20 18:57:52 UTC
Baseball, hockey, roller hockey, breathing, life
Marshal Jed Cooper
2008-05-20 18:56:42 UTC
By the time I read all of your question I forgot my answer
2008-05-20 18:56:22 UTC
graduating college next week when no one believed in me and told me I was just waisting my time.

I'm very excited about my parents seeing me walk down that stage.
2008-05-20 18:56:05 UTC
um. summer. 8 days of school left.
2008-05-20 19:01:03 UTC

Im excited for tomorrow. and the dinner im getting tonight.
2008-05-20 18:57:58 UTC
I'm exited that i'm gonna get a new HD tv
Lauren G
2008-05-20 18:57:19 UTC
going to the beach tomorrow and possibly surfing
2008-05-20 18:57:11 UTC
Im excited for Electric Daisy...WOOOOOOT!
2008-05-20 19:16:59 UTC
nice to see you so excited about life...way t'go girl...

i'm excited about my engine swap project...and other modification projects to follow after that....
2008-05-20 18:56:40 UTC
im excited about summer!! XD
sugar kane
2008-05-20 19:01:09 UTC
my settlement from a car accident i need the money to live on .
2008-05-20 18:57:39 UTC
SUMMER!!!!7 days left of school!!!!!yayyyyyy
2008-05-20 18:57:10 UTC sound like a very passionate person
2008-05-20 19:02:07 UTC
i am excited on getting septum piercred this friday
2008-05-20 18:58:44 UTC
having a loving fiancee,mom,brothers daughters &friends in my life!!
2008-05-20 18:56:28 UTC
I am watching a movie tonight!..yay!

movie night!!

have a great night! and week hun!
2008-05-20 18:56:32 UTC
Answering questions on this forum!!!
2008-05-20 18:57:44 UTC
i can't wait for So you think you can dance to start next week
redhead hottie
2008-05-20 18:57:50 UTC
cruise in 30 days ^-^
2008-05-20 18:57:12 UTC
smokin a blunt and watching cartoons
2008-05-20 18:56:42 UTC
i am excited for graduation on june 6th :)
2008-05-20 19:13:12 UTC
gettin a tattoo
2008-05-20 19:00:33 UTC
Being Alive!!!!
2008-05-20 19:02:14 UTC
my b/f is on the mend and will be feeling better soon.
2008-05-20 18:56:02 UTC
the holiday weekend
Cloud K
2008-05-20 18:57:17 UTC
might get a girlfreind.
2008-05-20 18:57:24 UTC
You make me feel so old.
2008-05-20 18:56:32 UTC

Today is the day
2008-05-20 18:57:47 UTC
u sure r chipper
2008-05-20 18:57:30 UTC
THE END OF THE SCHOOL YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SUMMERS ALMOST HERE!!!!!!
2008-05-20 18:56:33 UTC
gettin laid. ive waited 2 whole days
2008-05-20 19:01:15 UTC
My new boyfriend...yay
2008-05-20 18:57:02 UTC
2008-05-20 19:39:29 UTC
i am exited about you being exited
2008-05-20 18:59:30 UTC
meeting someone new
2008-05-20 18:56:39 UTC
my SOL test score ^^
2008-05-20 18:57:48 UTC
my crush!
2008-05-20 18:56:24 UTC
my birthday[[in 9dayss]]
2008-05-20 20:29:17 UTC

2008-05-20 18:57:30 UTC
Pretty girls !! ~*~smiles~*~ =)
2008-05-20 18:57:21 UTC
umm... idk
Sha T
2008-05-20 18:57:08 UTC

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.