I need some fun ideas!!! I need a ton of answers!! Please help me?
Love being a mommy!
2009-03-18 15:58:19 UTC
I am throwing my sister in law a bachelorette party. Were going downtown Orlando to go to cubs. It's 10 of us. I want to make the night more fun by making a big list of group photos we gave to try to take. For example... " take a group picture with a cop with the bride holding the cops beating stick" or " a group picture sitting on the bar together. Nothing bad like kissing other men or stuff like that. And the need to be GROUP photos. Any ideas??? I need a TON of ideas!!! Thanks!
Seven answers:
2009-03-18 16:04:48 UTC
You can do really random things like "pose with a group of foreigners" or take a picture with everyone holding the bride up in a pyramid in the middle of a bar or club, or even the bathroom or outside the place lol. You can try to get behind the bar and take a pic with the bartenders (and maybe have the bride pouring her own shot) ... or try to get on stage in a club and take a pic in all really random/silly positions. Have everyone laying on the ground in a really crowded place .... steal traffic cones and put them on ur heads...

Bud's Girl
2009-03-18 23:08:24 UTC
Out in front of a gay bar with the sign apparent and obviously homosexual men with their hands all over the future bride's body.
2009-03-18 23:09:41 UTC
well whats around town thats exotic, I don't know, maybe hit up a car lot and pose on the hot cars, like as a group, I think that would be fun to shoot=]
2009-03-18 23:05:21 UTC
Who can hold the most beer mugs but not necessarily drinking all the beer that comes in the mugs. Stay safe on that one.
Nicki S
2009-03-18 23:07:45 UTC
photo of:

everyone kissing the bride

hugging a tree

cant think of any others sorry
Pirate Ninja!!
2009-03-18 23:05:43 UTC
I went to one where we took a group photo with crossdressing male strippers lol it was really funny.

answer mine?
2009-03-18 23:04:50 UTC
go to Chippindales

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