what do you think about fat people.?
2006-03-21 06:43:47 UTC
watch out i am fat, and i have big teeth
35 answers:
2006-03-21 23:06:18 UTC
some of them are nasty liars.

one of them took my bacon.

they have big teeth.

some of them smell like pomegranates (whats up with that anyways)

fat people come in all shapes and sizes, there are the underfat or skinny people, medium fat like Oprah or bbbw(big beautiful black woman) then there are the more fat people, this list includes, Chris Farley, Elvis and included Oprah before she was medium fat.

some fat people are nice, some are mean, most smell like pomegranites.
2006-03-21 07:10:25 UTC
The song Fat Man by Jethro Tull begins "I don't want to be a fat man/ people would say that I was just good fun/" which raises the valid point that most people assume fat people to be jolly and humerous. This view is enphasised by the media as fat actors (and actresses) are given comparably few serious roles and many comic ones.

Personally I find morbidly obese (350lbs+) people slightly disturbing to look at as I find it hard to understand how someone can eat enough to maintain such bulk. Perhaps I am worried that one day I myself could get that fat.

I'd say that in modern society it is wrong to be prejudiced against people on the grounds of weight alone. I have many friends of different body types. My fattest friend died of a heart condition in his mid twenties so I am worried about my other fat friends (and to some extent myself).
2006-03-21 07:35:45 UTC
I think they are judged harshly. Automatically people think they eat too much and that they are lazy. When they could be fat because of health issues. I'm thinking of all the chubby people I now, they're all pretty fun!! So I guess I love fat people, it's the big teeth thing that's a little scary!
2006-03-21 07:06:45 UTC
My weight always stayed around 125 to 135 lb.s until I quit smoking, and I wasn't happy with my self 2 years and 3 months ago. Today I'm 175 lb.s, I would like to lose some because of health and trying to find clothes to look good on me. Ha Ha, but you know what, for now I'm big, sassy and I love it.As for fat people, that's not a nice word for people that has struggled with their weight all their life. Some have medical problems that cause their weight gain. If we are happy why bother us? Ha Ha God Bless
2006-03-21 06:54:58 UTC
They are no different than anybody else, except they are fat and some have big teeth. They sweat a lot. They wear bigger clothes than the rest of us. They dont sweat enough.

P.S. Some of them do nasty things to fluffy white rabbits on their 360 page.
2006-03-21 06:58:03 UTC
Fat people wear their anxiety and issues on their waist line and on their butts. It's not the government's fault, or McDondalds'. If you eat to stop feeling anxiety or lonliness, and you fail to exercise off the calories, you will be fat. It is as simple as this: calories in, calories out.
2006-03-21 07:34:40 UTC
I think that they should be treated not by their looks but in their personality. You know most fat people are very kind. One example is biggie the rapper. Although he is dead now. Im Sorry
2006-03-21 07:02:04 UTC
who or what make people fat? Isn't it this stupid BMI invented by an insurance company?

Live your life like you want. The most sick people are the dietfreaks and lowcarb food eaters.

Fat people must just be aware, that they have to bath more often as they sweat more
2006-03-21 07:10:14 UTC
Hey! Fat people need love too!
2006-03-21 06:47:43 UTC
I think that the food we are eating is different than what it use to be, and the extra chemicals the gov. is allowing in food, is making it worse. That's why America is more overweight than other countries. We are too commercialize.
Rebel Rebel
2006-03-21 08:31:49 UTC
I think fat people is unhealthy, smell bad and look bad. But it's not like I'm not going to be friendly to fat people, that's their problem, not mine.
2006-03-21 08:44:31 UTC
People is people no matter if they are fat, skinny or whatever.
2006-03-21 17:44:12 UTC
I love fat people...

"Thin may be in...but fat is where it's at!"
2006-03-21 06:50:51 UTC
They are people like any other ...

... but I think it is unhealthy to be fat.
poison ivy
2006-03-22 06:55:29 UTC
some are nice, some are rude

some are beautiful, some are ugly

some are cheery, some are negative

etc etc

they vary just as skinny & normal people =)
2006-03-21 06:52:55 UTC
no one in this world is fat. we are all equal people
2006-03-21 06:55:02 UTC
Some are warm and hearty. Some are couch potatoes. And some like you look menacing. But they all just can't stop thinking about food. -_-"
2006-03-21 07:24:32 UTC
I just hope they are open to suggestions of losing weight because cholesterol is never good.
2006-03-21 06:45:40 UTC
I think they are people too and should be treated like every one else!
2006-03-21 15:00:32 UTC
That they're fat.
2006-03-21 13:07:24 UTC
i think of them the same as skinny people. people are people no matter what their size is. i do worry about their health though.
2006-03-21 09:45:32 UTC
HAY! My mom is a fat person, so stop talking about it on the web!!!!!!!!!!!!
lees girl
2006-03-21 06:54:13 UTC
They're pretty cool! So are other shapes of people though!
Kyle M
2006-03-21 06:56:16 UTC
With little exception, they are weak-willed, lazy slobs.
2006-03-21 06:46:13 UTC
I think they're funny and friendly.
2006-03-21 11:19:05 UTC
There's more of you to love, baby.
2006-03-21 06:51:18 UTC
They're no different from anybody else are they?
2006-03-21 06:53:46 UTC
i think there from America
2006-03-21 06:51:07 UTC
there ok i think yea ok may they eat to much
2006-03-21 07:12:37 UTC
What a bizarre question...
2006-03-21 06:59:07 UTC
love em!
2006-03-21 07:19:14 UTC
what about em? LOL who cares!
2006-03-21 06:45:02 UTC
ohhh, i'm so scared. try to catch me.
2006-03-22 07:15:22 UTC
i don't judge and i like them
Always Right
2006-03-21 06:52:15 UTC
I don't.

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