1. How old are you?
2. Are you listening to music? If so, what song are you currently listening to?
Bring Me To Life-Evanescence
3. Did you have any bad luck on Friday the 13th?
um, I don't remember
if you mean was it miserable and boring, then yeah
4. Do you eat peanut butter on a spoon from the jar?
no, I use my finger (gross, I know lol)
5. Do you like Tokio Hotel? (If you don't like them, just say no. I don't want to hear what your negativity about them.)
yes! I just wish I knew where to get the German versions of their songs
6. Have you ever gotten a detention in school?
yeah :)
7. Are you anti Jonas Brothers?
I wouldn't call myself that
they're just kinda annoying, and I'm really stereotypical about the Disney people
I haven't actually heard that much of their music, so it really isn't my right to judge
I'll admit though, I do find them attractive some
8. If you found $20 on the sidewalk, what would you do?
keep it (because I don't have like any money and I don't get an allowance or anything, plus, I'd probably deserve it more than the person who lost it, or at least in my mind lol)
9. What are you doing this summer?
I'm just going to be bored all summer doing absolutely nothing fun :(
10. If you could, would you wear your pajamas all day?
11. Camping or a hotel?
Tokio Hotel!! lol
12. What are some of your fears?
that I'll amount to nothing and never meet my purpose in life
that I'll always be depressed, wishing I would die
13. What are some of your addictions?
the rest of my music
14. When was the last time you laughed really hard?
not recently...I can't remember
15. Shopping: Online or at a store?
it depends what I'm shoppping for
and if I shop online, I have to secretly use my mom's card and make sure she doesn't find it in the mail before me lmao
16. You know you've gone crazy when...
I don't like My Chem anymore, don't like black and dark things anymore, I've started wearing clothes from American Eagle, Aeropostale, etc., and when I'm popular, no longer an outcast, and do what everyone else does, in other words, when I'm really ignorant and thoughtless.
if that ever happens, I'll be sent to a psycho ward!
17. Do you like this random survery?
yes!! star for you! :D