Abby Normal
2012-01-04 19:17:30 UTC
The one I foolishly bought a year ago has some issues. I'm debating getting a better phone, but don't want to be disappointed again.
Can you tell me what I should look for to correct the things I don't like about my current one?
1) Very slow to connect to internet, surf the Net, and open/send messages. (Won't a better phone in general fix this?)
2) Cannot forward what it calls "Multiple Slides", which are messages with multiple pics within it.
3) Cannot download pics sent to me that are over, I believe, 30kb. It says they are too large.
I currently use StraightTalk, which fits my phone usage (going several days without an actual phone call). My current phone, which looks kinda cool, but actually kinda sucks is a Samsung R355.
I would appreciate your advice. Thanks.