Well, I know I'm not going to win this version of "Match Game 2008." (Where's Gene Rayburn?) And if I do, I feel very, very sorry for you....but here goes...
1--21...the number worn by my favorite baseball player of all time, Roberto Clemente.
2--Green...specifically that deep shade of green one sees on the mountainsides when driving into the Appalachians, which I do on occasion when I take a drive into the middle of the state (PA), usually to catch a ballgame...either the Altoona Curve or State College Spikes.
3--Thursday...my second day off. I like Wednesdays, too, but I work the night owl shift, and sometimes on Wednesday, I'll sleep longer than I'd like on my day off, and blow part of the early afternoon.
4--June...Baseball is in full swing (and my Pirates might...might not be hopelessly out of it yet), and the NBA and NHL playoffs are wrapping up...it's a great month to be a fan.
5--Willie, Mickey, and The Duke, by Terry Cashman...if you've read the answers above is this answer that shocking?
6--You generally have to be a Pittsburgh Area resident to have one, but it's a Primanti Brothers Sandwich...either the capacola or hot pastrimi on thick Italian bread, with the fries, slaw and dressing right on the sandwich..mmmmm.
7--Toss up...either baseball or hockey. They'll probably take away my Yinzer Card, but the Steelers are #3 on my list. I've been a Pirate fan since 1963, and a Penguin fan since Day One...and before that, my dad took me to the Pittsburgh Civic Arena to see the AHL Pittsburgh Hornets play.
8--Diet Mountain Dew...nectar of the Gods.
9--Another shameless plug...Sarris' Chocolates, or Cannonsburg PA. They have a website, and they will ship. You gotta try this stuff. Their list of regular clients include Jaromir Jagr, Bill Clinton, and Nick Nolte.
10--A combination....a double scoop of Baskin-Robbins on a sugar cone....Rocky Road on the bottom, Pralines and Cream on the top.
11--Summer...I'm 100% summer person. I prefer 95 degrees to 45....even if the humidity is 95% as well. I need to live someplace where the only ice is on hockey rinks and in drink glasses.
12--A Stanley Cup Victory Parade...oh, you mean annual celebration? Fourth of July...baseball, picnics and fireworks...what more could you want?
13--Monty Python and the Holy Grail...no comment needed.
14--Two favorites...most useful website, www.drf.com (that would be the Daily Racing Form)....most entertaining, www.chucknorrisfacts.com...it's so....just go check it out yourself.
15--Dogs....especially Golden and Labrador Retrievers.
16--Reebok NFL Replica Jerseys--I got my # 7 Ben Roethlisberger on as we speak.
17--Y'know, there's a violation just waiting to happen here for me...let's go with the eyes...specifically my sweetie Angelface's gorgeous green eyes (she did her hair up red recently, and the contrast is...thinking about it activates that other body part)
18--Disney World...somehow Angelface has made it to age 45 without getting to the Magic Kingdom...we're going to try to remedy that next year.
19--The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, by Douglas Adams...actually, any of the books in that series.
20--Another tossup, either Rotisserie Baseball (even when my team is crashing and burning, like this year), or spending a day at the races...thoroughbreds, greyhounds, or the local OTB...doesn't matter.
Good survey...thanks.