What is your favorite...................?
2008-01-05 16:36:31 UTC

29 answers:
2008-01-05 17:34:40 UTC
OMG! Sands just about killed me with that one! LMBO!!

Like Eddie ... I cannot just think of one ... I love oxymorons! UNLIKE Eddie ... I will not go to an oxymoron list and copy and paste 200 answers here.

Some people are oxymorons - minus the "oxy". Opps! Did I just say that? I'm not mean ... really. ;-p

Here are a few of my favs:

* Civil War

* Peace Keeping Missle

* Honest Politician

* Rap Music

* Dry Ice

* Modern History

* Sure Bet

* Organized Chaos

* Definite Possibility

* White Chocolate

And my very favorite ...

* Happily married! (Ha haaa haa!)

Also, did you know ... Oxymoron is itself an "oxymoron"!! It comes from the Greek words "oxus" which means "sharp" and "moros" which means "dull". How ya like them apples? lol


2008-01-06 00:39:38 UTC
A Fine Mess

A just war

A little big

a little pregnant

A new classic

absolutely unsure

abundant poverty

academic fraternity

Academic sorority

Accidentally on Purpose

accurate estimate

accurate horoscope

accurate rumors

accurate stereotype

acrophobic mountain climber

Act Naturally

active retirement

actual reenactment

acute apathy

acute dullness

adult children

Adult male

advanced BASIC

advanced beginner

Affirmative action

affordable housing

aging yuppie agree to disagree

Airline Food

airline schedules

all alone

All natural artificial flavor

alltogether separate

alone in a crowd

almost candid

Almost done

almost exactly

almost pregnant

Almost Ready

almost safe

almost suddenly

almost surprised

almost totally

alone together

amateur expert

American culture

American education

American English

amicable divorce

among the first

Amtrak schedule

Anarchy Rules!

anonymous colleague anticipated serendipity

anticipating the unanticipated

Anti-Missile Missile

anxious patient

apathetic interest

apathetically urged

Apple tech support

approximate solution

approximately equal

arms limitation

army intelligence

arrogant humility

Artificial Grass

artificial intelligence

assistant supervisor

astronomically small

athletic scholarship

Aunt Jemima Light

Auto Pilot

authentic replica

authentic reproduction

authoritarian anarchy

awfully good

awfully nice

Awfully pretty

Back to Top

baby giant

baby grand (piano)

bad health

bad luck

Bad Sport

balanced insanity

balding hair

Ball Club

baggy tights

Band Jocks

bankrupt millionaire

barely dressed

Barenaked Ladies

(the rock group)

bass guitar

battle ready

Beaucractic efficiencies

benevolent despot

benign neglect

Benign Tumor

better than new

beyond infinity

big baby

big detail

big sip

big town

bigger half

bingeing on moderation

bipartisan cooperation

bird dog

birth control

Bitter Sweet

Black Gold

(slang for crude oil)

black light

Black Russian

blameless culprit

bland spice

blind eye

blind viewer

blue rose

Blurry vision

boneless ribs

books on tape

border control

boring court jester

boring entertainment

born dead

boxing ring

boyish grandpa

brave politician

brave wimp

brief speech

brief survey


bright night

bright rain

bright shade

brilliantly dull

budget deficit

Bug Fix

Bug-Free code

bug-free software

build down

bull riding

buried alive

burning cold

business casual

Business Ethics


Back to Top

cafeteria food

Calculated Error

calculated risk

calculated spontaneity

California Culture

California expressway

California style

calm storm

calm winds

camping resort

Canadian Bacon

canned fresh

cardinal sin

Caring Republican

casual chic

casual dress

casual formality

casual intimacy

casual sex

casually concerned


Cautiously Optimistic

cavalier concern

center around

Central Intelligence Agency

centrally-planned economy

Certain risk

certainly unsure

chaotic organization

cheap gas

cheerful pessimist

cheerful undertaker

cheerfully cynical

cheerfully mournful

Cheese Steak

Cherokee Pioneer

(name of U.S. car)

Chicken fajitas


chilling fever

Chinese chop suey

Chocolate 'Nilla Wafers

Christian evolutionist

Christian gangster

Christian militia

CIA cooperation

civil disobedience

civil engineer


Civil Servant

civil service

civil strife

Civil War

civilized warfare

classic new homes

classic rock & roll

clean air

clean boy

clean coal

clean dirt

clean kill

clean litter

clean oil

clean toilet

clear as mud

clearly ambiguous

clearly confused

clearly misunderstood

clever fool

click the start button to shut down

Clinton principles

climb down

clogged drain

close distance

cluster bomb

co-ed fraternity

co-ed sorority

cold fever

cold hotdog

cold sweat

cold toast

Collective liberty

College algebra

college education

college student

colorless kaleidoscope

combative apology

comedic tragedy

Comfortable bra

comfortable neckbrace

Comfortable tights

commercial art

committed schedule

committee decision

committee schedule

Common abnormality

Common courtesy

common sense

Common phenomenon

communist party

comparatively unique

Compassionate Conservative

compassionate editor

Compassionate management

Complete separation

completed research

completed website

completely destroyed

completely educated

completely succinct

completely unfinished

component parts

compulsory volunteers

computer jock

computer science

conciliation court

concrete pad

confident fear

Congressional accountability

Congressional action

Congressional cooperation

Congressional Ethics

Congressional oversight

Congressional responsibility

Congressional wisdom

conscripted volunteer

Conservative Democrat

conservative liberal

considerate boss

consistent discrepancies

consistent uncertainties

consistently inconsistent

conspicuously absent

Constant change

constant infrequent

constant variable

constructive ambiguity

constructive attitude

constructive criticism

constructive negativity

Continuing resolution

contra aid

contra assistance

controlled enthusiasm

controlled chaos

controlled skeptic

controlled-market economy

convenience store

conventional wisdom

Convergent Evolution

corporate conscience

Corporate Culture

corporate ethics

corporate family

corporate planning

correctional institution

council action

countless numbers

Country Music

cowardly lion

crash landing

Creation science

creative destruction

criminal cop

criminal justice

criminal system

crisis management

critical acclaim

cruel kindness


current history

Curved Line

customer satisfaction

customer service

Back to Top

daily special

dangerously safe

dark day

dark light

dark star

dark victory

Dead livestock

dead right

deaf listener

debugged program

defensive strike

Deficit spending

definite maybe

degradable plastic

deliberate mistake

deliberate speed

deliberately thoughtless

delicious torment

demanding patient

Democratic Congress

democratic leadership

democratic machine

Department of Interior (responsible for everything outside)

Deregulation Law

designer beer

designer jeans

desktop publishing

detailed summary

devilish angel

devout atheist

diet ice cream

different pattern

diligent sloth

diminished confidence

Diminishing growth

diminutive giants

dim light


Dining hall food

direct circumvention

disaster preparedness

disciplined gluttony

discretionary rules

disposable income

disposable products with a lifetime guarantee

distant relative

divided unity

divorce court

Dodge Ram

Doing Nothing

dollar value

domestic bliss

domestic cooperation

domestic violence


double solitaire

Doubting believers

drawing a blank

dress pants

Dressy Casual

driving pleasure

Droning Silence

Dry beer

dry creek

dry humor

Dry Ice

Dry Lake

dry martini

dry pond

dry snow

Dry Wine

dull acupuncturists

dull knife

dull needle

dull roar

dull shine

dying is a part of life

dynamic monotone

dynamic stability

Back to Top

easy labor (childbirth)

easy payments

Easy problem

easy task

easy to follow directions

economic forecast

economic reform

economic stability

educated consumer

educated guess

educational administration

Educational television

Educational TV

effective compassion

elected king

elementary calculus

elevated subway

elite rabble

eloquent silence

energetic exhaustion

enough time

enormously small

Enquiring minds

entertaining sermon

enthusiastic indifference

Environmentalist bumper sticker

equally diverse

equal justice

equal opportunity

ergonomic keyboard

Escaped inmate

eschew obfuscation

essential luxury

essential service

eternal life

ethical hackers

Ethiopian Feast

ethnic cleansing

European Community

evaporated milk

even odds

evolutionary fact

evolutionary technology

Evolutionary Theory

exact estimate

executive assistant

Executive decision executive secretary

expected serendipity

expected surprise

Expect the unexpected

explicit innuendo

explicitly ambiguous

express bus

express line

express mail

express ways

expressive silence

Extended Deadline

extensive briefing

Extinct Life Form

extra oridanary

extra money

extra time

extremely average

extremely bland

extremely neutral

Eyes Wide Shut

Back to Top

faculty cooperation

faculty understanding

fail safe

fair reporting

Fair trial

Fairly Accurate

fairly explicit

fairly obvious

Fallout shelter

false fact

false hope

Family entertainment

family vacation


fan fatale

farewell reception


fast food

fast idle

fast snail

fast turtle

fast waiter

fast walk

fast-mail service

fatally injured

fat-free cream cheese

faultily faultless

fearful bravery

federal budget

Female gunman

fiber glass

Fictional truth

Fictional reality

fiery ice

fighting for peace

filing system

final conclusion

Final version

finally again

financially strong savings and loan associations and banks

fire water

firm estimate

firm maybe

firm pillow

first annual

first conclusions

first deadline

first string secondary

first-strike defense

fish farm



flexible ethics

flexible freeze (in economics)

Floating to the bottom

flood control

floppy disk

Flurry of inactivity

flying fish

Foolproof instructions

football scholarship

foreign national

foreign policy continuity

Forgotten memories

former native

former President-for-life

Forth programming language

forward back


Found missing

Free Credit

Free election

free gift

free labor

free love

free market

free prisoner

Free purchase

Free Rent

free society

Free trade agreement

free with purchase

Freezer Burn french deodorant

French Resistance

fresh cheese

fresh dried fruit

Fresh from Concentrate

fresh frozen

fresh prunes

fresh raisins

fresh sour cream

fresh yogurt


freezer burn

Fried Ice Cream

fried roast

Friendly advice

friendly argument

friendly competitor

friendly divorce

friendly enemy

Friendly fights

Friendly Fire

friendly suit (legal)

friendly takeover

friendly war

Frightening comfort

front end

frozen food

frugal gourmet

full service

full-time hobby

full vacuum (as in a vacuum that needs a new bag)

functional illiterate

funky white guy

Funny clean joke

future history

fuzzy logic

Back to Top

gargantuan lilliputian

geniune imitation

gentle turbulence

gentleman bandit

genuine fake

genuine imitation

genuine(ly) fake

genuine-imitation leather

giant dwarf

gigantic microorganism

girly man

glacier-like rapidity

global village

go ahead, back up

Golf fashion

Gold silverware

going nowhere

good beating

good cigar

Good Clean Fun

good fast food

good garbage good grief

good junk

good lawyer

Good Morning

good profanity

good stuff

gourmet fast food

gourmet hamburger

Gourmet Pizza

gourmet sandwich

government aid

Government assistance

government efficiency

government integrity

government initiative

Government Intelligence

government organization

Government Worker

Governmental Efficiency

graduate student Grand Children

Grape Nuts

graphic language

Graphite irons

great depression

Greater Cleveland

greater evil

green blackberries

green manufacturing

green oranges

gregarious recluse

grotesque beauty

grounded airplane

group of individuals

growing small

guaranteed forecast

guest host

gummily brittle

gunboat diplomacy

Back to Top

hair growth

Haitian former President-for-life Jean-Claude Duvalier

half dead

Half dressed

half empty

half full

half naked

half true

Halfway done

Ham steak

handgun safety

Happily married

happy apathy

happy demise

happy fault

happy Monday

happy pessimist

hard curve

hard cushion

hard liquor

hard pillow

Hard Roll

harmless abuse

harmless crime

harmless lie

harmless pollution

harmless pornography

harmless sin

harmonious discord

hasten slowly

Hazardous waste disposal

head butt

health-care system

healthful-city environment

healthy chocolate

healthy city environment


Healthy tan

Heartfelt Politics

heavy gas

heifer bull

Helicopter flight

Hell’s Angels

here and there

high ground

Higher education

highly visible covert operation

High-Speed Computer

hilarious funeral

history of the future

Historical Current Event

Holistic Healing

hollow point

holy hell

holy land

Holy Roman Empire

holy war

home office

home school

Homeopathic Medicine homework

honest bureaucratic snafu

honest convict

honest crook

honest graft

honest insurance companies

honest liar

Honest Politician

honest thief

hopeful pessimist

hopelessly optimistic

horribly decent

horse fly

hospital food

hot chili

Hot Ice / Icy Hot

Hot water heater

house boat

House Ethics Committee

huge market niche

huge shortage

Human evolution

human robot

humane robotics

humanitarian invasion

hypothetical situations

Hyundai Excel

Back to Top

IBM compatible

IBM-Apple compatible

icy hot

Idiot Savant

idly laborious

ignorant professor

ill fortune

ill health

immigration control

impatient patient

important trivia

inarticulate writer

Income Tax

incomplete cure

increasing declines

increasingly little

incredibly common

incredibly dull

incredibly real

Indecent exposure

indifferently attentive

indirect communication

Industrial Park

inexpensive car

inexpensive house

inexpensive medical care

Information Superhighway

initial conclusion

initial results

initial retirement

innocent bureaucratic blunder

Innocent Criminal

Insane logic

Insanely Normal

Insomniac dreams

inside out

insincere thanks

insincere vow

Instant Classic

instant folk hero

intelligent fight

intelligent news coverage

intense apathy

intense disinterest

interested students

interest free loan

internal exile

Internal Revenue Service

intimate murder

intimate strangers

invisible ink

irate patient


Back to Top

Job security

journalistic integrity

joyful trouble

jumbo shrimp

Jump start

jungle gym

junior senator

junk bonds

junk food

just war

justice rehnquist

Justice Thomas

justifiable genocide

justifiably paranoid

justified rape

Back to Top

known-covert operation

kosher ham

Back to Top

Lace-up loafers

lady-mud wrestler

ladies man

laid-back compulsive

lame skills

lamp shade

land developer

land development

large ant

larger half

last initial

lasting aid

least favorite

legal ethics

legal justice

legally drunk

legitimate conspiracy

legitimate politics

lemon lime

less is more

lesser evil

lesser good

liberal conservative

liberal fundamentalists

light armor Light-Heavyweight


Light traffic

limited immunity

limited incursion

limited lifetime guarantee

Limited Freedom


linear curve

liquid crystal

liquid gas

liquid metal

liquid natural gas

liquid smoke

lite beer

literal interpretation

literary illiterates

little big

little big horn

little bit big

little deceptive

little giant

Live Recording

live television

Living Dead

living end

living fossil

local long distance

local network locks on 7-11 stores which are open 24 hours a day, 365 days a year


long and short of it

long brief (for lawyers)

Long Island Expressway

long recess

long shorts

long sleeve t-shirt

loose knot

loose tights

loquacious librarian

loss prevention specialist

loud librarian

loud whisper

Loud silence

love-hate relationship

lovers' quarrel

Low Altitude

low insurance rates

low tax

lower inflation

low-fat ice cream

low-intensity conflict


loyal opposition

lucky stiff

luke-warm enthusiasm

luxury beer

luxury bus


Back to Top


mail delivery

major minority

male compassion

Male Lady Bug

man child

managed competition

Management Action

Management science

Management Style

Management support

Mandatory judgment

Mandatory Option

Mandatory volunteerism

mannish woman

marijuana initiative

marital bliss

Marketing strategy

Married life

martial law

mass customization

Massively thin

master slave

maternity fashion

mature student

maxi thins

mean smile

meaningful nonsense

meaningful-overnight relationship

meatless meat

Medicaid payment

Medium Large medium well

Melted Ice

Mercy Killing

Metal Woods (it's a golf thing)


mexican american


Microsoft Works

Middle East

Middle East peace

midnight sun

Mighty Weak

mild abrasive

mild cigar

mild interest

mild jalepeno

mild mannered reporter

Mild PMS

mildly psychotic

militant pacifist

military accountability

military intelligence

military justice

military peace

military system

mind-expanding drugs

mini jumbo

minor crisis

minor disaster

minor miracle

misanthropic humanitarian

missing present

mobile home

mobile house

Mobil™ station

Modern Art

modern history

modern maturity

Modern Tradition

modestly arrogant

modified-final judgement

monoglottal babble

Monopoly (Mono Poly)

Montana Freemen

Moral majority

morbid humor

more perfect

more unique

motorcycle safety

mournful optimist

moving target

mud bath

Muscular Fat

mute sound

Mutual attraction

mutual differences

Mutually exclusive

my worst favorite

Back to Top

nameless celebrity

nasty politeness

national medicare program

Native American

natural artifact

natural makeup

natural synthetic

near future

near miss

nearly complete

Neat mess

neat office

necessary evil

negative gain

Negative Growth (economic recession)

Negative Impact

negative momentum

Neolithic (New Stone Age)


Net security

neutral charge

never again

never generalize

new and improved

new antique (New Antiques arriving daily!)

new archeology

new classic

new cliche

New Democrat

New improved

New Mexico

new routine

new tradition

new used cars

nice and sleazy

Night Light

night vision

noble savage

no comment

No-good Do-gooder!

noiseless sound

noisy mime

non-alcoholic beer

non-alcoholic wine

non-dairy creamer

non-denominational church

non-fat cream

non-fat ice cream

non-profit organizations

non-stick glue

non-stick gum

non-stick velcro

non-stop flight

non-toxic bug spray

non-working mother

normal deviation

normal espionage

normal human

Nothing Much

Now, then

Nuclear defense

Numb feeling

numbing sensation

Back to Top

obedient defiance


objective opinion

objective parent

objective rating

obscene art

obvious secret

Obviously Concealed

ocean shore

oddly appropriate

oddly natural


old newborn

old news

one choice

one hundred percent chance

one hundred percent plus

one hundred and ten percent

one person crew

One size fits all

once again

only choice

open lock

open minded

open secret

Open-book test

operating system (computer)

opposite attraction

orderly confusion

organized anarchy

organized chaos

organized committee

organized confusion

organized mess

original reprint

Original Copy

original reproduction

outer core

oven fried


oyster crackers

Back to Top

Pacific Ocean

paid volunteer

painless torture

Painless Dentistry

paper tablecloth

paper towel

Paperless Office

Parallel connection

Park Drive

parents without partners


partial conclusion

partial silence

partial success

Partially Completed

partially destroyed

partially organized

Partly pregnant

passive aggression

passive challenge

passive confrontation

passively aggressive

passively tried

past prediction

patriotic militia

peace benefits

peace force

peace keeper missile

peace offensive

peace officer

peace riot

peaceful liberation

peaceful protests

Peacekeeper Missile

Peacekeeping Force

PeaceMaker missle

peasant king

peer pressure

perfect idiot

perfect misfit

perfectly awful

Perfectly Normal

perfectly ridiculous

perfect screw-up

permanent guest host

permanent substitute persistent ambivalence

Personal business

personal computer

personalized form letter

pet cat

Pet Fish

petty cash

Peoples' Republic of China


pigeon's milk

pious atheist

plain buttered bagels

planned exodus

planned serendipity

planned spontaneity

plastic flowers

Plastic glasses

Plastic Lemons

Plastic silverware

Plastic straw

plastic wood

player coach

player piano

pleasant hell

pleasantly confused

pleasing pain

police protection

polite salesman

politely insulting

political cooperation

political ethics

Political leadership

political promise

Political science

political solutions

political trust

politically correct

pool table

poor intelligence

poor rich kid

population control

positive resistance

positively negative

positively wrong post feminist

Post Modern

postal efficiency

Postal Service

pretty ugly

Pot luck

powdered water

practical experience

practical joke

Practical Parenting

Practice Test

precision bombing

precious junk

precision thinking

Predictably random

preliminary conclusion

premeditated spontaneity

presently gone

presidential promises


pretty bad

pretty disgusting


previous history

Priceless junk

prison life

private citizen

private e-mail

Private public record

problem solved


Procrastinate now

Productivity committee

professional wrestling

progressing backward

Progressive Conservative

pronounced silence

proprietary standard

proud humility

psychiatric care

public school education

Public Schools

public secret

public service

pure 100% orange juice from concentrate

pure .999

pure evil

pure dirt

pure speculation

Back to Top

qualified success

Quebec Intellectual

Questionable answer

quick fix

quick reboot (computer)

Quickly Slowing Down

quiet hurricanes

Quiet loudspeaker

quiet noise

quiet revolution

quiet riot

quiet scream quiet storm

quiet tirade

quiet yell

Back to Top

R & D (research and development)

radical center

Random Logic

(also Fuzzy Logic)

random order

randomly organized

Random pattern

rap artist

rapid transit

Rare steak

rarely done

rational ravings

Reagan Democrat

Reagan memoirs

real fantasy

real magic

real phony

real polyester

real potential

Realistic fantasy

realistic liberal

Realistic schedule

realistic simulation

reasonable attorney fees

reasonable fees

reasonable medical fees reasonable pharmaceutical costs

Rebel Without a Cause

recent history

Recently new

reckless caution

recoilless rifle

Recorded live


recreational burning

recycling dump

red licorice

regional pantheists

regular special

rehearsed improvisation

relative stranger

relative truth

Religious Tolerance

remotely obvious

removable sticker

renegade lawmakers

Representative Democracy

required donation

Republican Party

required elective

resident alien

resolute ambivalence restless sleep

Restrained grandparent

Retired Worker

rich country, poor people

rising deficits

roaring silence

rock opera

rogue cop

rolling stop

roomy airline-coach seats

round corner

Round edges

routine emergency

routine surgery

Rubber Bones


rules of war

running idle

running in place

rush hour

Rustic elegance

Russian economy

Back to Top

sad clown

sad optimist

sad smile

sadly amused

sadly funny

safe and sane fireworks

safe bet

safe guns

safe investment

safe sex

safe weapons

safety hazard

same difference

Sanitary landfill

sanitary napkin

sanitary sewer

Savings & loan

scalding coolness

scheduled spontaneity

school system

school vacation

science fiction

scientific belief

scientific consensus

scientific creationism

scientific speculation

Scottish Danish (actual pastry sold at 7-11)

screaming in silence

screaming silence

scripted spontaneity

sea farming


second best

second initial

secret FBI files

secret rumor

secretarial science

security, on-line security

sedate sex






Senate Ethics Committee

Senate Intelligence Committee

sensitive guy

Serial monogamous

serious clown

serious comic

serious fun

serious humor

seriously funny

Service station

Severely killed

Shabby chic

shared monopoly

Sharp Curve

short distance

short survey

short tall tales

shout in a whisper

shouting whispers

shyly pompous

sight unseen

silent alarm

silent applause

silent barber

silent cacophony silent noise

silent scream

silent sound

silent speech

silent testimony

Silent Women

silent yell

simple calculus

simple computers

Simple Confusion

simple procedure

Simple plan

simple technology

simply superb

sincere lie

sinfully good

single copy

Single Diversity (a type of

wireless microphone)

single pair

single thought

singular relationship

sit up

Sitting Up

slave master

sleep vigorously

Sleeper hit

slight exaggeration

slight hernia

slight surprise

Slightly Overweight

slightly pregnant

slightly-used-dental floss

Slow and steady rush

slow children

(as seen on a street sign)

slow jet

slow jog

slow speed

slow-motion explosion

Slumber Party

smart fool

small fortune

small giant

smaller half

smart bomb

smart dork

smart drugs

smart windows user

smokeless cigarette

snow-white tan

soaring down

sober drunk

social hermit

social outcast

social science

social security

socialist market economy

socialist worker

soft porn

Soft Rock

soft thunder

software documentation

software manual

solid rumor

solo concert

solo ensemble

somewhat awesome

somewhat destroyed

somewhat functional

somewhat legal

sound of silence sound-filled silence

Southern justice

Soviet economy

Soviet Union

Spare rib

specialize in everything

Specifically vague

Spectator sport

speed bump

speed limit


splendidly dull

spoken thought

Squared Circle (wrestling term)

stable economic policies

Staged accident

stand down

stand fast

standard deviation

Start stopping

Static Variable

State Development

State Worker

stationary bike

Stationary Orbit

stealth bomber

steel wool

still moving

still wind

stop action

straight angle

straight hook


Stripper’s dressing room subterfuge

strangely familiar

strategic withdrawal

strong decaf

Structured C Program

student athlete

student teacher

studious students

study break

study outside

stunted growth

stupid genius

subjective data

subtle exaggeration

subversive compliance

successful suicide

sugarless candy

suicide victim

summer school

sun shade

sun shower

Super Information Highway


Supporting documentation

sure bet

Sure fire tip

sure guess

sweet and sour

sweet pickle

sweet sorrow

sweet tart

Swiss Steak

Swiss Army

Synthetic natural gas

systematic chaos

systematic disorder

systematic variance

Back to Top

taliban intelligence

talk show

talking mime

tame beast

tame cat

taped live

targeted spam

tax cut

tax return

tax simplification


teacher union


Temporary finish


tense calm

tentative conclusion

terminal initialization

terribly enjoyable

terribly good

terribly nice

Terribly Pleased

Terrific Head Ache

Texas chic

Thank God I'm an Atheist

Thinking out loud

The Grateful Dead

The Peace War

thinking out


Thunderous Silence


tight slacks

Timeless Moment

tiny mountain

tiny tank

to infinity and beyond

toll free

tomorrow today

tomorrows' headlines today

top floor

totalitarian democracy

totally partial

tough love

traditionally radical

traffic flow

tragic comedy

train schedule

tranquil fiesta

transient stability

traumatic bonding

tremendously small

troubled paradise

true counterfeit

true fiction

true gossip

true illusion

true lies

true story

truth in advertising

Truthful tabloids

turbo diesel

turkey ham

turned up missing

twelve-ounce pound cake

Back to Top

UN designated safe haven

unacceptable solution

Unbelievably real

unbiased journalism

unbiased news report

Unbiased Opinion

unbiased predisposition

uncommonly common

uncommonly normal

uncontested divorce

uncrowned king

under abundance

understanding editors

understanding unix

Undocumented Report

unfunny joke

unhappily married

uninvited guest

Union workers

United Anarchist

United Nations

university funding

Unique uniforms

unknown identity

unknown knowledge

upcoming downtrend

upside down

unrepeatable pleonasm

unsalted saltines

unsellable stock

Unsolved Mystery

unspoken suggestion unsung hero


unusual routine

Unwanted Baby

Unwelcome Greetings

unwelcome recess

useful oxymoron

user friendly

usually unusual

usually spectacular

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Valuable junk

Vanilla Fudge

veiled accusation

Vegetarian meatball

venial sin

Ventura Freeway

vices of our virtues

victimless crime

vigorously ignoring

violent agreement

Virgin Birth

Virtual life

virtual reality

voluntary taxes

voodoo science

Back to Top

Waking Dream

waiting patiently

waning crescent

war games

warm ice

waste management

Waterproof Sponge

weak muscle

wealthy professor

Weapons of peace

weather forecaster

wedded bliss


well-preserved ruins

Wet Drywall

We’re alone

wheeled walker

white chocolate

white gold

white lie

white night

white rose

whole half

whole hemisphere

whole part

whole piece

Whole percentage


Wicked Good

wickedly good

Wilderness management

Willful negligence

Wind Burn

Windows NT

(New Technology)

Windows XP

(Extra Performance)

Wireless cable

wisdom of Congress

wise fool
2008-01-06 00:43:02 UTC
Alternative Rock...
2008-01-06 00:39:09 UTC
Jumbo Shrimp
2008-01-06 00:38:43 UTC
Microsoft Works
2008-01-06 01:06:09 UTC
I think mine is the saying in one of the animated movies I saw a few years back with Buzz Lightyear. He says "To Infinity and beyond", which would certainly be contradictory. I always laugh when I think of that one!
2008-01-06 00:40:07 UTC
inside out OR educational Television
2008-01-06 00:39:02 UTC
I can only think of jumbo shrimp off the top of my head right now.
2008-01-06 00:39:34 UTC
Wow, let's start with my ugly aunt "Rosetta" who keeps eating, putting on pounds, is a virgin at age 63 and only talks gossip of people, I don't even know or have never met !!
2008-01-06 00:39:32 UTC
Candy & Brandy
2008-01-06 00:38:53 UTC
Military intelligence
2008-01-06 01:33:53 UTC
The word "fetuscide".
2008-01-06 00:38:48 UTC
over and out
2008-01-06 00:40:38 UTC

jumbo shrimp

alone together

work party :) hehe i like this one
2008-01-06 03:06:50 UTC
A progressive conservative.

2008-01-06 00:42:28 UTC
man.... Eddie had a lot of Favorites....
2008-01-06 04:13:35 UTC
Soft rock! How can it be soft if it's rock?!
2008-01-06 00:50:43 UTC
pretty ugly
2008-01-06 00:39:03 UTC
pretty ugly
2008-01-06 00:38:57 UTC
pretty ugly
Holdin' on to Hope
2008-01-06 00:38:32 UTC
jumbo shrimp
2008-01-06 00:43:03 UTC
pretty ugly
2008-01-06 00:40:59 UTC
Adult Male
Just Nik
2008-01-06 00:39:43 UTC
Sweet and sour.
2008-01-06 00:41:27 UTC
pretty ugly.
2008-01-06 00:39:53 UTC
2008-01-06 00:40:07 UTC
respected lawyer...........eddie, eddie, eddie, was there a time you actually typed all that?
2008-01-06 00:38:41 UTC
2008-01-06 00:38:52 UTC

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.