Facebook Status.. I need a GOOD one. 10 B.A :)?
2009-07-03 07:04:41 UTC
I need a funny or interesting status, something really simple but that people will want to comment or like.
The best one wins 10 Points. :)
Seven answers:
2009-07-03 07:14:47 UTC
I used this one and got lots of comments:

If you read this, even if we don't speak often, post a comment with a memory of you and I. It can be anything you want, either good or bad. When you're finished, post this paragraph on your own status and you'll be surprised at what people remember about you.
2016-11-07 15:11:25 UTC
i like the "Honey, i'm living house!" one :) enable me arise with some possibilities for you nonetheless, and grant them to your use: -"Elvis has re-entered the construction" i'm suffering to think of of any possibilities..
2009-07-03 07:08:40 UTC
"If I throw a stick,will you go away?"

"Is thinking of Myspace..."<---That'll get you a comment!

Ummm...the rest is depending on how YOU are feeling at the moment.
2009-07-03 07:10:54 UTC
"i don't feel good"

i did that one everyone assumed i had swine flu, they left like a billion comments.
2009-07-03 07:07:46 UTC
I went to the movies to see free willy tonight!!

It was a friggen whale!!
2009-07-03 07:09:24 UTC
"if i has to choose between loving you, and breathing. I would use my last breath to say... I Love You..."
2009-07-03 07:08:13 UTC
im getting my nipples pierced today!!

(idk... first thing i thought of...)

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