What are some things you would turn yourself into and why, if you were a shapeshifter?
But why is the rum always gone?
2006-07-30 11:59:48 UTC
I have always been fascinated by shapeshifters in mythology and fiction. If you like the idea, or just think this is a neat question, tell me three things you would turn yourself into (and why) if you could transform into ANYthing at all. Assume you can shapeshift at will, and keep your mind and senses. Feel free to give me more than three things, but please tell me why. The 10 points goes to the most original answer, or to the person who gives the most examples past three. Have fun!
Fourteen answers:
2006-07-30 12:14:44 UTC
1.I'd turn into a snake just to fit into tight spaces, 2.a tree so i could see above everything else,3. a shark so i can swim in the bottom of the ocean, 4.a bird so i could fly. a letter so i could mail myself to a different place, 6. and the sun so i can see the universe
2006-07-30 12:31:38 UTC
If I were a shape shifter I would turn myself into ........ ( only one of these are a real shipshape the others have shapes too)

3. One of the most powerful elements- Fire

It may be visible as the brilliant glow but it is a phenomenon of combustion manifested in intense heat and light.

An instance of violent, destructive and uncontrolled burning as well as keeps people warm.

2. Vampire- Dangerous, immortal and hellish, the vampire is the most feared monster and by far one of the most powerful. I would to live forever while surviving day-by-day JUST drinking blood.

Belief in vampires is pervasive through cultures all over the globe.

I would love to see the changing world and how I adapt to it. I also believe that vampires are multi-shape shifters, life won't be boring.

and #1 She's gone from a size 30 to a size 10 or 8- Oprah and because she's a bigger than me and I would love to check out what she eats. The food most be good.

She is an influential book critic, an Academy Award-nominated actress, and a magazine publisher. According to Forbes magazine, she was the richest African American of the 20th century and the world's only Black billionaire as of 2004.
2006-07-30 20:02:46 UTC
1.- A better person.-i think thats pretty self-explanitory

2.- This girl named Tiffany-because she's dating the best guy that i've ever met.

^^^haha sorry^^^ i'm kind of depressed right now.

3.- Portia Spider-because they're very intelligent and sly.

4.- Bull shark-simply because sharks are awesome!

5.- Crow-,,they're very smart, they can fly, they can sit on the powerlines, and they can s**t on all of us stupid people who are wasting their lives.

6.- A picture :-P - so i could be happy and stay in that moment forever.

7.- A web-page-so everyone could see/read what i have to say.

8.- A hockey stick-so i could play forever.

9.- A time machine-to see the future, if we have one.

10.- After thinking about it...i wouldn't change into anything..i just want to be me.

how about yourself?
2006-07-30 12:19:02 UTC
A fly on the wall. Have you heard that expression, "I'd love to be a fly on the wall when....." ? Basically, it means that you would like to be somewhere when something happens, but you wouldn't want people to notice you.

So, when your new girlfriend/boyfriend tells his/her best friend about your date last night, you'd love to be a fly on the wall to find out whether or not you were a real hit.

Or when your parents are deciding whether or not you should be allowed to do something, wouldn't it be great to be a fly on the wall? Then, you'd know what their objections are and you could try to convince them otherwise, without their knowing you knew.

Or how about being a fly on the wall when your teacher is making up a test? Or when the president is deciding whether or not to invade another country? Or when Bill Gates comes up with another idea?

Yeah, being a fly on the wall would let you in on all sorts of secrets.

Like what your parents are planning on buying you for Christmas -- and you think "No, not THAT stupid game. That's the one I liked LAST week." Then you'd know to drop hints about the new one you really really want.

I'll be a fly, thank you very much.
2006-07-30 19:44:23 UTC
God/s = then I could control all the world and have them do my bidding.

Light = I could travel through space with relative ease and see what the galaxy holds. (true I could do that as god but this way I get to see the nice scenery and enjoy the ride)

A dollar bill = get to see the world (in theory) and meet all kinds of wallets and purses as I go. stuffed in a back pocket, down a bra, preferably not down someone's sock, but be kind of cool. maybe get written on or rolled up to snort up some coke. be interesting that's for sure
2016-10-01 10:39:12 UTC
there is, a minimum of to my know-how, no spell wherein to instruct your self into absolutely everyone or the rest. Indian lore and Wiccan lore do share alot of an identical complication-unfastened ideals, one being that of Spirit courses and/or Animal courses. with a view to discover your Spirit or Animal handbook, pass right into a darkened room the place you heavily isn't disturbed (no ringing telephones, etc.). close your eyes and picture your self in a attractive calm place (say by a lake, flow, woodland, etc.). proceed to be quiet and concentrated on the place you're on your ideas. back, making use of your ideas, ask (silently) that your handbook come to you. look ahead to somebody or something to happen interior the region the place you're imagining your self to be. this could be your handbook. you may ask the handbook questions, which would be replied. All of that's comprehensive interior your ideas. do no longer talk out loud. you may pass to with your handbook for as long or as short a time as you desire. it is likewise possible to pass to this actual place on your ideas, to be with your handbook each time which you truly want. The greater you prepare, the greater advantageous you would be with understanding and comprehend-how your handbook. Have a stunning relax of the night. vibrant advantages.
2006-07-30 12:07:15 UTC
[x]Haha I would change to a girl.. lol.. crazy.. but not like that. ^_^ I would love to experience the world differently. Walk so pretty and be extra-extra-(maybe annoying) friendly. Like a type of person you can't hate? (clsoest example would be a grandma)

I can't think of anything else lol.

An improved version of me ^_^;; But who would want that when they could be anything in the world?

[x]A tiny puppy so someone could pick me up and pet mi ^^

[x]Someone intimidating that could wear sunglasses and black clothes 24/7 without questioning.
2006-07-30 12:04:18 UTC
I've always thought about this. I think that I would turn myself into a human being just so I could know what it is like.
Sarcastic Jesus
2006-07-30 12:07:13 UTC
Cameron Diaz, Scarlet Johansen, Jennifer Connelly. As for why, you'll just have to use your imagination.
jack jack
2006-07-30 12:05:36 UTC
i would shift into a satelite dish so i can see whats happening on earth. and a fly so i can go spy on my friend . and then shift into a rich celebrity and have some fun ..
2006-07-30 12:06:15 UTC
an alien just so I could run through town and scare everyone out of their minds. mwahahaha
2006-07-30 12:02:51 UTC
I'd turn myself into Bono's car, so he could sit on my
2006-07-30 12:02:48 UTC
a star
2006-07-30 12:04:27 UTC
If I could be invisible that, that would be the ultimate

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