Please help me...i'm scared?
2009-01-04 14:11:15 UTC
Yep..this is the wrong section, but i figured I'd get more answers here than please please answer me!

I am just terrified to go back to school. I can't stand it there. I'm in 8th grade, and it just keeps getting worse and worse ever since 5th grade. It's not like I don't have friends, because I have tons. I just don't trust them, and they don't know how I really am. Because at school I am such a faker. Like lots of being funny and cheerful, when I don't feel that way. I was just diagnosed with severe clinically depression and crap a few months ago, but nobody except for my parents know. I can't concentrate on school work or on being my fake personality. I hate going to school. I am up until at least midnight every night, because it takes me so long to do my homework. My team (each grade in my school is split into four teams with seperate teachers for each) gets the most homework, and I know I'm not the only one who stays up late. Everyone does, and parents are complaining. But my teachers don't care. Anyway, the details don't matter so much, it's just that I am afraid to go back to school! I can't handle the drama. I can't handle my friends coming to me for advice on their problems, when I am trying so hard to just get through each day! Can you please just give me a pep talk or something? I have to go back to school tomorrow. Back to freaking hell. Just make me feel better about school or something. Tell me I can survive...haha. thanks in advance.
28 answers:
2009-01-04 14:17:15 UTC
8th grade world can be hell,but you will survive.Don't be fake either,let the real you show.You don't need to perform for anybody.
2009-01-04 22:30:53 UTC
Ok, let's tackle these problems one at a time.

About the homework..I think that is probably a big part of your problem. Stress. Do you think that perhaps you and some of your friends could get together to do the homework together? It would be a lot easier for, say, 3 or 4 people to get it done than it would be for 1. Also, for reading assignments, in particular, you could do some of those on the transit to and from school, while waiting in line for lunch, before the bell rings for class, etc. There are ways to get this done, I am sure, you just need to figure out what they are, and I am sure that you can. Perhaps you can ask the teacher assigning all the work (in a nice way, of course) or a classmate for suggestions.

About the depression...I was just like that when I was your age. I have fought depression all my life, but it was definitely the worst when I was about your age. It seemed like I cried every day. I hated trying to be happy all the time for others' benefit. I felt that no one wanted to hear about my problems. However, what I needed to realize (and what I feel you need to, as well) is that TRUE friends will be there to support you. Perhaps you need to really tell one of your trusted peers exactly how you feel. Chances are that someone your age feels the exact same way and is hiding it just like you. However, if talking to a friend is not an option, you can also talk to a trusted teacher or the school Guidance Counselor. Should you go that route, you also should mention to them about the homework problems. Don't be embarassed to ask for help. That is what they are there for. There are lots of people who would be more than willing to help you. You just need to ask for it.

Just remember, when you get out of high school, a lot of the problems that you are going through now will be over. This won't last forever and things will get better. I know this may seem easy for me to say, but trust me, it is the truth.

I really hope that this helps and I wish you the best!
2009-01-04 22:22:08 UTC
hah, no i am not going to give you a pep talk, i am going to tell you the truth!

School is full of drama, drama this, drama that! and to be honest with you, the drama is not going to go anywhere, there will ALWAYS be drama! and as for being fake, that's why you hate it so much. because you are fake, if you just open up, and tell people who you REALLY are, then school would be a whole lot better for you! trust me! i may only be a junior in high school, but i know my fair share of fake people, and all the drama! and to top it off, i am in ROTC which is Reserve Officer Training Corps, and the cadets in there are so dramatic! but you just have to learn how to blow it off, let it go in one ear, out the other! and for the homework part, start it AS SOON as you get home! don't wait, get home from school, have a snack, sit down, watch about an hour of tv, and then do homework! that's only how it goes! now, i return to school tomorrow, and all you have to do, is wake up in the morning, and say "this is a new day, a new year! i'm going to become the real me!" because if you become the real you, you will have a best friend, that you do everything with, get into trouble, stay the night at houses! trust me! i've had the same best friend since 1st grade! we do EVERYTHING together! we even have plans of going to the same college and all that junk! so do me that one favor, and life, and school, will be the best you can ever have!
2009-01-05 00:52:12 UTC
Jess I know what you mean. My Mom use to call it the butter flys. I am feeling the same thing now about going back to work tomorrow. No joke, I feel like crap. I think this is very normal, quit feeling it is not!

At your age we all go through a change, I read this in Web MD, it is completely normal. So please don't let what some doctor said about clinically depression scare you at all. You are normal, doctors have to have an answer for ever thing, you never see one that says I just don't know. You are a normal teen. I prescribe a lot of puppy kisses to keep you going.hahahahah And as far as faking it, we all do that to some extent, if we didn't, gosh, just think about it, some people I can not stand but I make an effort not to let it show. So you just are finding all this adult stuff out and it is scaring you some. Don't let it. Take care of that puppy and do your school work, and do all the fun stuff that goes along with school and don't worry! Please!~ I hope this helps, I can tell you all this from experience.
2009-01-04 22:21:27 UTC
Ohhh...I see how u feel trapped...

I'm in the 8th Grade too so I can help relate

The one thing u can always count on is that no matter what at the end of the day between drama and homework and personalities< all that matters is that YOU are comfortable with yourself.

Being diagnosed with depression I know is hard but you can't let it define who you are honey.

With all the homework maybe you could find a way that works for you to get it all done

A way that works for me is that I HATE homework but as you know it has to be done so what I do is during the day if I have afree second I just pull out homework and just Get it Done! and what you could do maybe is idk how much free time you have or if you have a study hall or not but just like I said every minute counts!

Also I know how sometimes it can feel like your the only one in the situation but I'm here to tell you I have A.D.D so I know how easy it is to procrastinate then get in way over my head.

From one student to another

It's gonna be okay =]
stephen j
2009-01-05 08:47:54 UTC
Well, I'm a teacher and the great majority of teachers that I have come in contact at the schools that I'm working at, do not care. The only reason to give homework is to obtain feedback on my lesson plan. The homework shows me if my students have learned the objectives of my lesson plan or if I have to re-teach it using another approach. Some of my students are special needs students and others are in a English Second Language program. Sometimes, I'm lucky if I took an accurate attendance and maintained civility in the classroom. Other times, it is more about teaching the language, than teaching the subject matter. I have had times, when I can only teach a concept, because my students are below reading grade level and cannot read the textbook.

Have you parents considered home schooling? Many parents are sick-and-tired of teachers who are only there for a paycheck or for the health insurance that the school district offers them. They are not teaching the kids like I do and the kids are not learning anything. More and more parents are homeschooling their kids or are looking for help from their religion to enroll their kids into private schools.

I wish that I could help you. I'm going through some of the same grief myself. Administrators do not support you; teachers leave lesson plans that do not work; the students do not like you or make fun of you or refuse to listen to you.
2009-01-04 22:18:44 UTC
I can so relate to this, tough age to be.

Is there someone you can talk to, a homeroom teacher, a counselor, any adult at school that you feel comfortable with?

I wish I would have done this at your age...I really hated school.

The homework sounds a little excessive, are you in a prep program?

Good luck, I'm sure you'll make it, you just need to find a way to make it more bearable.

Try to find someone to talk to in person..

Another idea, if you were diagnosed with depression, shouldn't you be seeing someone?


Edit - Hey I see you got some more helpful answers, hope everything goes well tomorrow. If not, well come back and vent some more...;)
2009-01-04 22:17:37 UTC
Yeah my school had the same thing but now I'm in high school.

It must really stink to have all that drama with your so called "friends". And the depression thing must be difficult, but the best thing for you to do right now is to focus on school. I guarantee that if you basically block all of your "friends" you'll not only improve school-wise, but you'll be drama-free, then stress-free! It's odd how that all is inter-related, I know. But it really is the greatest thing you can do for yourself right now. And I'm assuming you're about to graduate middle school, &we're already half way through the year. So you only have a couple more months of this until you can relax in the summer, and then meet new people in high school.

I really hope I could help(:
Judy b
2009-01-04 22:23:06 UTC
Your young you can survive talk to your parents or school councilors, if your seeing a doctor or taking meds talk to you Doctor.I suffered from depression most of my adult life but I know about acting as if everything is fine I played that game a long time.I took meds too after a time though I decided that I finally could face my life and I realize I'm a lot older then you. I got off the meds and I'm much better. stop acting the worlds fine we both know it's not,but I;m confident you will be though chin up.There are a lot of insesitive jerks out there don't listen to them.
Alice C
2009-01-04 22:16:11 UTC
Calm down. Try talking to people and be more honest about yourself if they ask questions. Concentrate on school work and such so you can get into a good hight school. Next year at high school, make a new start. Try, good luck!
2009-01-04 22:24:02 UTC
okay, a question like yours is exactly why i love yahoo answers.

it's feels so good to help people out[:

well anyways i can relate to your situation because im in school too and i know what you mean when you have lots of friends but u can't seem to trust them. When it feels like everything is falling apart, it's really hard to get back up, especially considering theirs nobody to turn to.

this is a tough one here but ill try to help you as best as i can[:

first of all, as for the friend issue, i would try to not get to close to anyone, (i know your prolly thinking omg is she crazy lol) but srsly. because if you don't get to close to them, your not going to have to worry. Just try to be friendly and act considerate. Most of the time people would say don't act like somebody who you aren't. well, id like to object to that in this case[:

to make yourself feel happier and all together a more put together and "with it" person, treat yourself and papmper yourself.

go to a spa for a day during your weekend or go to a tanning bed. take a hot bath with lots of candles and bubbles or my personal favorite, SHOPPING! these small things can boost your self confidence and make you happier so you won't have to fake it anymore. && next, homework, ugh i know it's no fun at all. Well, what you can do is do your homework in small chunks of time throughout your evening. When you get home, watch some tv or get a snack or w/e then start working on your homework. so in other words, treat yourself to something to you like to do for a couple minutes then do your homework. If you treat yourself to something first it will make you happier to begin with and you won't be dragging to do your homework ( well at least not quite as much)

like i said this is a tricky question to answer but i tried my best[: if you have any more questions, feel free to msg me[:

good luck and i hope i helped(:
2009-01-04 22:15:43 UTC
A faker at school. Wow you are like every single person that has ever been to school, ever. Your friends you don't trust are fakers to. Everyone is.

I'm sure you can survive, if your diagnosed with depression then just remember to take your medication. Trial and error and all that jazz.
2009-01-04 22:19:35 UTC
do you trust even one of your friends?

if you do then tell that one person

you will do fine

its all about the will power to do so

try making excuses up if you really cant trust anyone

like im tired with the homework

tell your teachers about the diagnoses and maybe they will back off a bit

just take aliitle bit of action, stay strong and youll make it

anyways you survived one semester you can survive another one!!!!!!!!!
2009-01-04 22:20:24 UTC
Sorry about all of those rude people that answered this.

Try going to a psychologist. They might be able to help you. Also, tell your friends what is going on. If they are really your friends, they will understand.
Bernie R
2009-01-04 22:20:12 UTC
You know, you just might have a medical problem. Tell your mom you would like a medical checkup. If nothing else, it would force your parents and a doctor to look into your dilemma.

Good Luck!
2009-01-05 00:07:05 UTC
Well think of this my best friend had no idea we have a math test and she s*cks at math too and now she's terrified because she forgot her book.


So some people have it worst. Also don't worry you only have to be there for 6 hrs, and then it's OVER.

At least your not me who has to go to school and then gym and play bball

(I suck at basket ball)

And then go to dance...teach little kids how to dance. And then do all the shi-ght my teachers give me. :oP

Hope you feel better... just think about your puppy.
2009-01-04 22:23:57 UTC
hey...can't help you entirely but this does happen at this age....silly way to put growing pains as an example. happens to more kids than you'll ever know cause they don't want anyone to know either...

one of my kids went through this in high school..took a few years to get through it but are not alone with this
Lil Laydee
2009-01-04 22:17:02 UTC
I say just be yourself and if your friends cant accept the way you are then forget them but i do see why you may not want to tell them and keep it to yourself i don't see why your scared though so don't really know how to answer this..
2009-01-04 22:14:12 UTC
Teenage crisis. A bit like middle age crisis, but teenage style. You'll get over it.


Edit: That was a tad of a smart answer. But really, it's probably just teenage crisis. I went through it. Everyone does.
2009-01-04 22:14:26 UTC
I remember when I was in 8th grade..just live with it. just hang out with your friends, etc..
2009-01-04 22:15:44 UTC
its alright u can def go to skool no ones gonna be rude or anything trust me soon your teachers r gonna start bein smart nd not give u guys that much homework anymore
2009-01-04 22:14:23 UTC
just tell ur friends if they ask u for advice then tell them u dont know what to do about that and idk tell ur friends u need at least one day to urself and tell them u just wana be alone one day a week and you can just sit and think about what you need something that iz bothering u then u can sort out all ur problems or if u dont wanna go to school then tell ur parents that u wanna stay home tomorrow and mabe they will let u if they understand ur problem well i hopr i helped good luck!!

roxanne k
2009-01-04 22:16:30 UTC
You got to fake it till you make it.

You got to fake that you are okay, until you make your self okay.
2009-01-04 22:14:59 UTC
hey i got a video presentation due tomorrow and i didn't do sh!t.... i am terrified.... and my group is going to be pissed....
2009-01-04 22:24:30 UTC
see a shrink!
2009-01-04 22:16:30 UTC
well um what is it that they have problems with you?
2009-01-04 22:15:06 UTC
you can do it!!!
2009-01-04 22:13:38 UTC
too long!! sorry

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.