2009-01-04 14:11:15 UTC
I am just terrified to go back to school. I can't stand it there. I'm in 8th grade, and it just keeps getting worse and worse ever since 5th grade. It's not like I don't have friends, because I have tons. I just don't trust them, and they don't know how I really am. Because at school I am such a faker. Like lots of being funny and cheerful, when I don't feel that way. I was just diagnosed with severe clinically depression and crap a few months ago, but nobody except for my parents know. I can't concentrate on school work or on being my fake personality. I hate going to school. I am up until at least midnight every night, because it takes me so long to do my homework. My team (each grade in my school is split into four teams with seperate teachers for each) gets the most homework, and I know I'm not the only one who stays up late. Everyone does, and parents are complaining. But my teachers don't care. Anyway, the details don't matter so much, it's just that I am afraid to go back to school! I can't handle the drama. I can't handle my friends coming to me for advice on their problems, when I am trying so hard to just get through each day! Can you please just give me a pep talk or something? I have to go back to school tomorrow. Back to freaking hell. Just make me feel better about school or something. Tell me I can survive...haha. thanks in advance.