XBOX's failer rate is high and PS3' online cost is free and wii is for kids .
Buy a PS3.No doubt XBOX has some good titles that are not on the ps3 like gears of war, left 4 dead , halo and loads more. But PS3 have more exclusive titles that are amazing.The PS3 has better games and their exclusives blow any xbox exclusives out of the water. PS3 has Uncharted 2, Killzone 2, inFamous, God of War 3 and Metal Gear Solid 4. The PlayStation network is free compared to a fee of Xbox Live.
PS3 is the best system out right now and it's a Sony product, what more do you need to know? Better quality, better games, better graphics, lasts longer, free online play and it's a blu-ray player .
PS3 realy rules:)