The US army is only superior due them having greater financial resources. I'd say the British army are better trained, at least the special forces, and more respected for not being as aggressive with the civilian population whos countries they are occupying. The British army seem to use their heads more, and not just their guns, hence "friendly fire" incidents are usually the US shooting the British, or themselves. But both do an amazing job.
Hmmm..... no offense Monty but technically it wasn't really the Americans that beat the British was it? Let's not forget the massive role that the French played in it, oh and the Spanish and the Dutch! ( I'm refering to the American revolution, don't know anything about the 1812 war and can't be arsed to have a look but I'm sure there will be some more to that one too!) The French, Spanish and Dutch lent you their centuries old expertise of warfare and of fighting the British, as well as their men. Also the British were out numbered by about 3-1 and thousands of miles away from their land, so the odds were kind of stacked in the Americans favour. Had this been the other way around at that time, the Americans invading Britain, out numbered by 3-1 and the Brits having support from some of the most powerful nations of the time I'm quite sure the US would have been defeated under such circumstances. The fact that it lasted so long under such circumstances is if anything a testament to how strong the British were. So to the British, the American revolution never really counts as a valid arguement! No one has invaded and conquered the British Isles since 1066 when we were all a bunch of peasants. Since then our tiny nation has been the victim of attempted invasions many, many times but nobody has ever managed it, not even managed to step foot on the land. My point being that it's a little bit weak to bring the revolution into this. When the US has successfully defended its land from invasion as many times as us (from a nation that has as much military might as the US, as has been the case for the British), and with no help from the world's most powerful countries, then fair enough!