Johann — I immediately think of Bach or someone Germanic, maybe in Liederhosen.
Kenneth — I worked with someone named Kenneth who wouldn't ever shut the hell up.
Jerome — Hmm, a name I can't associate with anything. My immediate impression is of a 1940s black and white film.
Raoul — Can't help but think of Mortal Kombat and Addam Family's Values everytime I see (or hear) this name. I picture a very funny latin man with crazy eyes.
Vivian — A sexy mom, nearly a MILF, from the days of the nuclear family. White picket fences, husband in checkered shirt, boy with short butch cut, girl in Sunday best.
Jennipher — Okay, the name Jennifer I love. I've been infatuated with more Jennifers than any other name in the opposite sex. But Jennipher is like taking Jennifer and Christopher and turning it into a Benifer/Brangelina portmanteau. I can't say I like it. I picture a blond girl with buck teeth.
Patricia — Worked for several people with that name. As Patricia, fat, lardy, and reminds me of Harry Potter.
Ehra — Hmmm cool name! Airy. Aero. Era. Ra. Beautiful name, very Egyptian, very aerodynamic. I picture probably the sexiest teenage girl with the most radiant, dark skin, glowing in the suns of a desert, wearing nothing. Or wearing something.