ORIGINAL gall bladder? I didn't know they replaced them when they took them out.
2007-11-07 13:06:09 UTC
I still have most of my original equipment but I can answer your questions from a nurse's point of view.
1. Most patients just stay overnight.
2. It depends upon what kind of work you do. If you don't do heavy lifting, you can usually go back in a week or 10 days, approx.
3. You start on clear liquids, like tea, broth, jello, Italian ices and gradually progress to a regular diet. A good rule of thumb, if it bothers you, don't eat it. It is also wise to go easy on the fatty foods until your body has had time to readjust to not having a gall bladder. Loose stools are common post operatively.
Hope this helps. Take care.
2007-11-07 13:01:20 UTC
Casey J
2007-11-07 13:01:20 UTC
Moss B
2007-11-07 13:01:10 UTC
yep, since 1983.
2007-11-07 13:01:08 UTC
2007-11-07 13:01:01 UTC
as far as I'm aware, yes I do!
2007-11-07 13:00:55 UTC
Sure do.
2007-11-07 13:00:29 UTC
Cowgirl lost seahorse
2007-11-07 13:04:18 UTC
I dont have 1. But the way you put it cracked me up. I was in the hospital for 3 days they took it out with a little scope tiny scar. 1 week out of work even though I came home and started moping floors, and I do not suggest you do that because I paid for it. Diet was plan jane jello rice, potatoe with nothing on it but soup broth. By the way I lost 40 pounds got really skinny. ANymore question just email me. The surgery was not bad at all it the after surgery that gets bad you will need to know where ever toilet is in town because it will go straight threw you. Thus the 40 pounds!
2016-04-03 04:31:41 UTC
The following medicine in homeopathy will work. Berberis Vulgaris 200 (1 dr pills) twice a day in the morning and in the evening for a month. The number of stones formed and the character are not known. However, if it is not cured, lythostripsy proceudre is best to remove stones from the gal lbladder which is painless and the patient is discharged from hospital in a day. Further, I have seen many cases of stones removed from gall blader by a Unani Hakeem. With the medicine he administers, the stones dissolve and come out the urine in liquid form. You may consult such a Unani doctor and obtain his opinion. I wish your father a speed recovery.
Cindy S
2007-11-07 13:06:17 UTC
Nope-- I had mine removed 3 years ago - It was outpatient surgery- I went home the same day.
I was only out of work a couple of days. I was at a Brave's game 3 days after my surgery-
You just need to make sure to stay away from high fat greasy foods for a while after surgery. Everything you eat goes straight thru you.
2007-11-07 13:01:30 UTC
Original Gall Bladder for me!
2007-11-07 13:22:18 UTC
I still have mine ....
but my sis-n-law had hers removed.
She was in the hospital for 5 days days - with some pain but was up & around the next day. They wanted to check for infection & proper digestion.
She was out of work for three weeks altogether
Post surgery her diet had to eliminate fatty, greasy & spicy foods ....period. but right after surgery it was bland, well cooked .... easy to chew & digest foods. Think after a bad bout with dirreaha and how tender the stomach is( or think baby with new teeth ) Then gradually you can more complex (but never greasy) foods.
2007-11-07 13:03:51 UTC
1. I was in & out the same day
2. I wasn't working at the time, but I probably would have only been out a day or two at the most. (for office work)
3. I don't remember. It couldn't have been that bad though if I don't remember.
All in all, it really wasn't that bad.
2007-11-07 13:03:36 UTC
it all depends on if your getting the big cut or just 4 litttle cuts
I was in the hospital for a week and half with big cut
was out of work for three
i couldnt eat anything i was already in the hospital due to a severe attack.
My dad had the little cut and he was fine after a week but wasnt allowed to lift anything
2007-11-07 13:02:41 UTC
In hospital for 1 day
No greasy food for a while
Back to work in less than a week
Had lapriscopic surgery
2007-11-07 13:21:19 UTC
no i don't -- got in the OR at 11:30am and was home before 2pm that afternoon... didn't lose any work days... wasn't given a diet post surgery, but have learned what to stay away from
2007-11-07 13:10:11 UTC
my gall bladder was removed .
i stayed in hospital for 5 days.
i went back to work after 15 days.
i was told to avoid all fat ,dairy , chocolate, mango , and strawberry .
now im normal . i eat everything but i cant digest milk though im comfortable with milk products.
2007-11-07 13:27:21 UTC
I sure do. If you're experiencing gall bladder problems, please ask that your doctor run some tests for IBD. Many cases of gall bladder problems are early warning signs of IBD that just go unnoticed.
2007-11-07 13:26:54 UTC
My aunt had her gall bladder removed and a dishwasher put in in the same day!
Thankfully it wasn't in the same place....
2007-11-07 13:04:30 UTC
2007-11-07 13:01:34 UTC
I do still have it.
My friend had hers removed and she was in bed for almost 3 weeks, but she was young then....
2007-11-07 13:02:48 UTC
I almost had mine taken out because my doctor was being an idiot. It turned out I had a completely different problem.
2007-11-07 13:06:01 UTC
I think so but the 80's are kind of a blur so you never know.
2007-11-08 00:19:24 UTC
Yes i still got mine
2007-11-07 13:06:07 UTC
1 geneva hospital
2 not long
3no diary
2007-11-07 13:03:42 UTC
I still have the original. In fact, i still have my appendix and tonsils too!
2007-11-07 13:01:28 UTC
Yup, the one and only original.
2007-11-07 13:08:32 UTC
No, I have an aftermarket gallbladder. It is performance grade.
2007-11-07 13:02:05 UTC
yes...i didn't know they offered replacements. ;)
seriously yes...my grandmother had hers removed years ago......it was pretty serious surgery back then.
Experto Credo
2007-11-07 13:04:17 UTC
I haven't gotten there yet, knock wood
amber ɹəqɯɐ
2007-11-07 13:03:56 UTC
This page has answers to a lot of gallbladder questions.
BTW - I still have mine, but my sister doesn't.
2007-11-07 13:01:57 UTC
yeah i do still have it but its acting up today so i might not have it for long
2007-11-07 13:04:39 UTC
Yeah. I have no plans for it going anywhere!
2007-11-07 13:04:07 UTC
Far as I know
2007-11-07 13:01:11 UTC
Yes and glad to have it as well
2007-11-07 13:06:43 UTC
yes still got it!
Gemma M
2007-11-07 13:05:56 UTC
no i'm not! i have had 3 this week!
2007-11-07 13:10:51 UTC
just because your mad please leave my body functions out of this yep one floor building no basement stuck between foors ha
2007-11-07 13:01:55 UTC
yes i would google it or seomthing or ask your docter.
Rachel M
2007-11-07 13:01:23 UTC
i have never had mine removed so i couldnt tell you... sorry
2007-11-07 13:01:21 UTC
nope never have
2007-11-07 13:02:05 UTC
So far I have mine:)
2007-11-07 13:01:33 UTC
I have mine, and I'm proud of it!!!
2007-11-07 13:01:24 UTC
Yes thanks God
This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.