2010-05-03 10:56:26 UTC
2. How old are you?
3. Favorite color?
4. Favorite book?
5. Favorite movie?
6. If you wrote a book on your life what would it be called?
7. Do you have a catchphrase?
8. Have you ever wore the same pair of undies for more than 3 days?
9. Do you believe in ghosts? aliens? Santa?
10. What do you wear to bed?
11. Describe your laptop?
12. What do you look for in a man/woman?
13. Would you go for a one night stand?
14. What annoys you?
15. Have anyone ever slapped you in the face?
16. Do you read the paper on the toilet? or text on the toilet?
17. Do you swear a lot?
18. Would you date a total hottie even if she/he was dumb?
19. Do you listen to music while studying?
20. Do you hate taking long surveys like this?