20 Personal Questions? Will you answer them? :}?
2010-05-03 10:56:26 UTC
1. Give me the initials of your name.
2. How old are you?
3. Favorite color?
4. Favorite book?
5. Favorite movie?
6. If you wrote a book on your life what would it be called?
7. Do you have a catchphrase?
8. Have you ever wore the same pair of undies for more than 3 days?
9. Do you believe in ghosts? aliens? Santa?
10. What do you wear to bed?
11. Describe your laptop?
12. What do you look for in a man/woman?
13. Would you go for a one night stand?
14. What annoys you?
15. Have anyone ever slapped you in the face?
16. Do you read the paper on the toilet? or text on the toilet?
17. Do you swear a lot?
18. Would you date a total hottie even if she/he was dumb?
19. Do you listen to music while studying?
20. Do you hate taking long surveys like this?

39 answers:
2010-05-03 12:21:06 UTC
1. SS

2. 34

3. Green

4. Olive Kitteridge

5. Trois Couleurs: Rouge

6. Sakura Samsara - A Life

7. Be There

8. often

9. No

10. Boxershirts

11. Black, sleek and always on

12. Raw intelligence and sexiness

13. I have

14. stupidity

15. Yes, A student in fact.

16. There's no text on our toilet paper

17. apparently.

18. And she wouldn't even have to be that hot

19. all the time.

20. Actually I quite enjoy it.
2010-05-03 11:51:51 UTC
1. Give me the initials of your name. JA

2. How old are you? 13

3. Favorite color? The whole friggin Rainbow

4. Favorite book? On The Game

5. Favorite movie? Titanic

6. If you wrote a book on your life what would it be called? Jayna's Personal Life :)

7. Do you have a catchphrase? Pooop.

8. Have you ever wore the same pair of undies for more than 3 days? Eww no.

9. Do you believe in ghosts? aliens? Santa?ghosts/ aliens

10. What do you wear to bed? usually a baggy shirt and pajama bottoms

11. Describe your laptop? :|

12. What do you look for in a man/woman? everything

13. Would you go for a one night stand? with a certain someone

14. What annoys you? When people ask the same question and wont stop until you answers

15. Have anyone ever slapped you in the face?yeah

16. Do you read the paper on the toilet? or text on the toilet? nope.

17. Do you swear a lot? not as much as before

18. Would you date a total hottie even if she/he was dumb? God no.

19. Do you listen to music while studying? yes it keeps me concentrated

20. Do you hate taking long surveys like this? i dont mind.
2010-05-03 12:02:11 UTC
1. Give me the initials of your name. - S A C

2. How old are you? - 22

3. Favorite color? - Blue

4. Favorite book? - Caesar: Colossus

5. Favorite movie? - The Good the Bad and the Ugly

6. If you wrote a book on your life what would it be called? - Order and Chaos

7. Do you have a catchphrase? - "listen cous'... "

8. Have you ever wore the same pair of undies for more than 3 days? - :) yea...

9. Do you believe in ghosts? aliens? Santa? - maybe, maybe, no

10. What do you wear to bed? - my skin!

11. Describe your laptop? - desk top

12. What do you look for in a man/woman? - I want the total package... loyalty above all though

13. Would you go for a one night stand? - done many kinda sick of em

14. What annoys you? - rosie o'donnel

15. Have anyone ever slapped you in the face? - Yup

16. Do you read the paper on the toilet? or text on the toilet? - Both! Books actually.

17. Do you swear a lot? - ALOT

18. Would you date a total hottie even if she/he was dumb? - not date... just sex yea

19. Do you listen to music while studying? - haha I don't study

20. Do you hate taking long surveys like this? - don't care as long as they're not frequent
2010-05-03 11:00:45 UTC
1. Give me the initials of your name. A. S

2. How old are you? 18

3. Favorite color? Pink

4. Favorite book? Angels and Demons

5. Favorite movie? Avatar

6. If you wrote a book on your life what would it be called? Be aware

7. Do you have a catchphrase? NO

8. Have you ever wore the same pair of undies for more than 3 days? NO

9. Do you believe in ghosts? aliens? Santa? I do believe in aliens

10. What do you wear to bed? Lingerie from Victoria’s Secret

11. Describe your laptop? It is a black Dell but I am getting a new one in a few days

12. What do you look for in a man/woman? A brain

13. Would you go for a one night stand? Yes, if I am comfortable with a person and it is for fun and nothing meant.

14. What annoys you? People with no life goals.

15. Have anyone ever slapped you in the face? NOOO

16. Do you read the paper on the toilet? or text on the toilet? NOO

17. Do you swear a lot? When I am angry

18. Would you date a total hottie even if she/he was dumb? Just for fun but nothing "serious"

19. Do you listen to music while studying? Yes, all the time

20. Do you hate taking long surveys like this? Not at all.
Visual Metal (2nd account)
2010-05-03 11:35:11 UTC
1. Give me the initials of your name? VM

2. How old are you? 20

3. Favorite color? Black

4. Favorite book? /

5. Favorite movie? District 9

6. If you wrote a book on your life what would it be called? How to fvck up everything you do

7. Do you have a catchphrase? No

8. Have you ever wore the same pair of undies for more than 3 days? No

9. Do you believe in ...? Ghosts: no; Aliens: yes; Santa: no; Easter Bunny: no; God: no.

10. What do you wear to bed? It depends.

11. Describe your laptop? Black

12. What do you look for in a man/woman? Many things.

13. Would you go for a one night stand? No

14. What annoys you? Religious people.

15. Has anyone ever slapped you in the face? Probably

16. Do you read the paper on the toilet or text on the toilet? Paper: no; Text: yes.

17. Do you swear a lot? Yes

18. Would you date a total hottie even if she/he was dumb? No

19. Do you listen to music while studying? Sometimes

20. Do you hate taking long surveys like this? Sometimes
2010-05-03 11:12:04 UTC
. Give me the initials of your name. JAB

2. How old are you? 55

3. Favorite color? purple

4. Favorite book? Alcoholics Anonymous

5. Favorite movie? Wizard of Oz

6. If you wrote a book on your life what would it be called? Hit Me with your Best Shot

7. Do you have a catchphrase? One Day at a Time

8. Have you ever wore the same pair of undies for more than 3 days? God I hope not.

9. Do you believe in ghosts? aliens? Santa? yes, yes, yes.

10. What do you wear to bed? depends.....

11. Describe your laptop? its black.

12. What do you look for in a man/woman? brains and fidelity

13. Would you go for a one night stand?no

14. What annoys you? idiots

15. Have anyone ever slapped you in the face? No

16. Do you read the paper on the toilet? or text on the toilet? both

17. Do you swear a lot? I do.

18. Would you date a total hottie even if she/he was dumb? No.

19. Do you listen to music while studying? No.

20. Do you hate taking long surveys like this? Meh.
Really Billy
2010-05-03 11:01:54 UTC
1. Give me the initials of your name. No.

2. How old are you? 40

3. Favorite color? Green

4. Favorite book? Lost Continent, by Bill Bryson

5. Favorite movie? The Outlaw Josie Wales

6. If you wrote a book on your life what would it be called? Billy, Really.

7. Do you have a catchphrase? No.

8. Have you ever wore the same pair of undies for more than 3 days? Not that I recall.

9. Do you believe in ghosts? aliens? Santa? no. no. yes.

10. What do you wear to bed? t-shirt and undies

11. Describe your laptop? grey, with "Dell" on it.

12. What do you look for in a man/woman? Brains.

13. Would you go for a one night stand? Not any more.

14. What annoys you? Idiots.

15. Have anyone ever slapped you in the face? Yes

16. Do you read the paper on the toilet? or text on the toilet? yes. no.

17. Do you swear a lot? Not really.

18. Would you date a total hottie even if she/he was dumb? Maybe, but not for long.

19. Do you listen to music while studying? no.

20. Do you hate taking long surveys like this? Eh, it's okay.
IWantTo BeAButterfly
2010-05-03 11:23:16 UTC
1. Give me the initials of your name. E...

2. How old are you? 17

3. Favorite color? Purple

4. Favorite book?Meh..i don't really read

5. Favorite movie? The Boat that Rocked at the moment

6. If you wrote a book on your life what would it be called? Hmm...Swings and rounderbouts

7. Do you have a catchphrase? 'Awww'

8. Have you ever wore the same pair of undies for more than 3 days? No >.<

9. Do you believe in ghosts? aliens? Santa? Ghosts - Yes, Aliens - Yes, Santa - duh ^_^

10. What do you wear to bed?Just underwear, everything else is really uncomfortable

11. Describe your laptop? Big screen, black and silver with Dell on the back.

12. What do you look for in a man/woman? Sweet, Dirty, Cute, Funny, Tall, Loyal, Lovable.

13. Would you go for a one night stand? Uggh, don't get me started. Their fun but at the same time you feel like a total sl'ut afterwards.

14. What annoys you? Annoying people, Animal/Children cruelty, Bullies.

15. Have anyone ever slapped you in the face? Yes..

16. Do you read the paper on the toilet? or text on the toilet? I have been known to :)

17. Do you swear a lot?Not really, only when i'm really angry.

18. Would you date a total hottie even if she/he was dumb? Depends how lovable they were. If they were really big headed then no.

19. Do you listen to music while studying? Yes, but then i get all muddled up

20. Do you hate taking long surveys like this? Normally, but this one was a good one ^_^

Love your avatar btw, looks like mine and yours were took on the same day n_n
2010-05-03 11:02:20 UTC
Hellooo :))

1. Give me the initials of your name. D.S

2. How old are you? 17 Going On 18 Soon

3. Favorite color? Pink

4. Favorite book? Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

5. Favorite movie? Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

6. If you wrote a book on your life what would it be called? The Interesting Adventures Of Daniel ;))

7. Do you have a catchphrase? Nope

8. Have you ever wore the same pair of undies for more than 3 days? No

9. Do you believe in ghosts? aliens? Santa? Yes, Yes, No

10. What do you wear to bed? Boxer Briefs And White Muscle Shirt

11. Describe your laptop? Don't Have One ;D

12. What do you look for in a man/woman? Personality

13. Would you go for a one night stand? Nope, Not My ThinG

14. What annoys you? My Computer Freezing

15. Have anyone ever slapped you in the face? Yes, Eventually I Got The Last Slap In Their Face, Hehe ;))

16. Do you read the paper on the toilet? or text on the toilet? Nope And No

17. Do you swear a lot? Nope

18. Would you date a total hottie even if she/he was dumb? Yes :))

19. Do you listen to music while studying? Nope, Can't Concentrate

20. Do you hate taking long surveys like this? No :))
2010-05-03 11:02:46 UTC
1. Give me the initials of your name.M.A.C

2. How old are you?19

3. Favorite color?Green

4. Favorite book? don't have one

5. Favorite movie?The Matrix(first one)

6. If you wrote a book on your life what would it be called?Gellex and the wrath of a thousand penguins

7. Do you have a catchphrase?no but im working on it

8. Have you ever wore the same pair of undies for more than 3 days? 3 days? i have a 4 day rule, forward, backwards, inside out forward, inside out backwards. Lol J/k and not that I can remember

9. Do you believe in ghosts? aliens? Santa? No, I haven't eliminated the possibility of aliens, No

10. What do you wear to bed? Pajamas or just my boxers, depends how cold/hot it is

11. Describe your laptop? Old and crusty, which is why im using my Desktop computer

12. What do you look for in a man/woman? I don't feel like answering this question, will take a while

13. Would you go for a one night stand? no

14. What annoys you? Stupid people

15. Have anyone ever slapped you in the face? No, Some people tried but i'm usually on guard

16. Do you read the paper on the toilet? or text on the toilet? No I never understood that, I just go in to do my business and get out

17. Do you swear a lot? No I try to not swear at all even though it slips out occasionally, it helps expand my vocabulary

18. Would you date a total hottie even if she/he was dumb? Depends, if she had a nice personality and was trustworthy and I liked her for more than just her looks I don't see why not. If Physical appearances aren't everything neither is intelligence, that being said I don't believe anyone is actually "dumb" since everyone has areas in which they excel at.

19. Do you listen to music while studying? nope

20. Do you hate taking long surveys like this? Eh sometimes
2010-05-03 10:57:40 UTC
1. Give me the initials of your name. C L M

2. How old are you? 13

3. Favorite color? Pink and Green

4. Favorite book? None Really

5. Favorite movie? Any Horrors :D

6. If you wrote a book on your life what would it be called? Ciara's Story :L

7. Do you have a catchphrase? Booyaa! ;D

8. Have you ever wore the same pair of undies for more than 3 days? I Hope not :S

9. Do you believe in ghosts? aliens? Santa? Ghosts - Yes the rest No

10. What do you wear to bed? PJ's :D

11. Describe your laptop? Big, Black, Shiney and then my other one, Small, White, Stupid

12. What do you look for in a man/woman? Sense of Humor

13. Would you go for a one night stand? No

14. What annoys you? A girl in my class

15. Have anyone ever slapped you in the face? Yes

16. Do you read the paper on the toilet? or text on the toilet? Text :)

17. Do you swear a lot? Yes

18. Would you date a total hottie even if she/he was dumb? Yes, Im dumb :)

19. Do you listen to music while studying? Yes

20. Do you hate taking long surveys like this? No Love them

2010-05-03 11:02:53 UTC
1. Give me the initials of your name.ALT

2. How old are you?23

3. Favorite color?deep red

4. Favorite book?of mice and men

5. Favorite movie?Drop dead Fred

6. If you wrote a book on your life what would it be called?were all mad here

7. Do you have a catchphrase?Merr

8. Have you ever wore the same pair of undies for more than 3 days? nope

9. Do you believe in ghosts? aliens? Santa?yes/yes/no

10. What do you wear to bed?naked

11. Describe your laptop?broken

12. What do you look for in a man/woman?umm brains and a since of humor

13. Would you go for a one night stand?i have

14. What annoys you?when people don't say excuse me when they bump into you

15. Have anyone ever slapped you in the face? yes

16. Do you read the paper on the toilet? or text on the toilet?yes to both

17. Do you swear a lot?yupper

18. Would you date a total hottie even if she/he was dumb? i have ...not worth it

19. Do you listen to music while studying? yup

20. Do you hate taking long surveys like this? nope its relaxing
2010-05-03 11:01:08 UTC
1. Give me the initials of your name. PP

2. How old are you? 21

3. Favorite color? Black

4. Favorite book? House of Leaves

5. Favorite movie? Jacobs Ladder

6. If you wrote a book on your life what would it be called? Desire

7. Do you have a catchphrase? nope

8. Have you ever wore the same pair of undies for more than 3 days? NO

9. Do you believe in ghosts? aliens? Santa? nooo

10. What do you wear to bed? underwear

11. Describe your laptop? dont have one

12. What do you look for in a man/woman? long legs

13. Would you go for a one night stand? yes

14. What annoys you? ignorance

15. Have anyone ever slapped you in the face? yes

16. Do you read the paper on the toilet? or text on the toilet? noooo

17. Do you swear a lot? yes

18. Would you date a total hottie even if she/he was dumb? i dont date right now

19. Do you listen to music while studying? yes

20. Do you hate taking long surveys like this? obviously not :-P
2010-05-03 11:01:15 UTC
1. Give me the initials of your name. O & T

2. How old are you? 19

3. Favorite color? black

4. Favorite book? none

5. Favorite movie? usual suspects

6. If you wrote a book on your life what would it be called? fml

7. Do you have a catchphrase? lol no

8. Have you ever wore the same pair of undies for more than 3 days? no!

9. Do you believe in ghosts? aliens? Santa? no yes no

10. What do you wear to bed? boxers

11. Describe your laptop? expensive

12. What do you look for in a man/woman? a pulse

13. Would you go for a one night stand? yes lol

14. What annoys you? people who put your instead of you're

15. Have anyone ever slapped you in the face? yes and tickled

16. Do you read the paper on the toilet? or text on the toilet? no no

17. Do you swear a lot? a bit not much

18. Would you date a total hottie even if she/he was dumb? thats my favourite kind of hottie

19. Do you listen to music while studying? yes

20. Do you hate taking long surveys like this? no lol I think this is the first one I have done
2010-05-03 11:10:36 UTC
1. K J

2. 19 ;)

3. Purple/Pink

4. Kama Sutra ;)

5. Avatar :)

6. Never Give Up.

7. "Oh cheese!!"

8. Nope.

9. Ghosts - nope. Aliens - yeah boi! . Santa - :L No.

10. Nothing ;) Why... it just gets in the way ;)

11. Dell. Pink!!. Don't look on my documents unless you are over 18 ;)

12. Tall - ish, Any hair (i'm not fussy ;)) , Intelligent, Funny, not too serious, sweet :)

13. Yeah ;), but not whilst in a serious relationship, i'm not that mean!

14. People being to serious, live a little!!!

15. Yeah boi, spilt a drink on some woman at a bar by accident, i kinda saw it coming!!

16. Read the paper - Na :L. Text, Yeah :)

17. In certain situations, not at college, and not in front of parents, but other places... :L

18. Erm, I guess, i doubt it would go anywhere though. Suppose if he has a big enough Dick it would be nice ;)

19. Yeah, it does help from time to time :)

20. No, it's quite fun actually, I like reading other people's answers too ;)


2010-05-03 10:57:57 UTC
1. Give me the initials of your name. CB

2. How old are you? 19

3. Favorite color? Dark purple ^_^

4. Favorite book? Um.. i really like Plato's Republic. I haven't read it all, but it's amazing. I really don't read much unless it's for school and whatnot. Yes, I am lame lD;

5. Favorite movie? Nightmare before Christmas

6. If you wrote a book on your life what would it be called? IDK "The life of a random person" i can't think of anything creative

7. Do you have a catchphrase? um.. i say "i don't know" alot lol

8. Have you ever wore the same pair of undies for more than 3 days? uh. no o_o

9. Do you believe in ghosts? aliens? Santa? nope

10. What do you wear to bed? pajamas

11. Describe your laptop? don't have one. My desktop on the other hand is annoying

12. What do you look for in a man/woman? Intellect, sense of humor, openminded, have similar tastes in music as i do

13. Would you go for a one night stand? HELL NO

14. What annoys you? Most people; obnoxious, ignorant, rude people. People who think so highly of themselve and people who don't care about the environment~ alot of things really

15. Have anyone ever slapped you in the face? yes, my mom lol i can be a smart ***

16. Do you read the paper on the toilet? or text on the toilet? no.. that's so disgusting

17. Do you swear a lot? Nope.. only online ^^

18. Would you date a total hottie even if she/he was dumb? HELL NO

19. Do you listen to music while studying? OF COURSE! :D It does distract me when it's a real good song though. But, studying to me, I just view as an excuse to listen to music!

20. Do you hate taking long surveys like this? Nope! ^_^
2010-05-03 11:11:03 UTC
1. Give me the initials of your name.

==> BC

2. How old are you?

==> 19

3. Favorite color?

==> yellow

4. Favorite book?

==> harry potters..

5. Favorite movie?

==> harry potters, alice in wonderland 2010, etc

6. If you wrote a book on your life what would it be called?

==> the epitome of a true lover

7. Do you have a catchphrase?

==> death ends life but never a relationship.

8. Have you ever wore the same pair of undies for more than 3 days?

==> no ..

9. Do you believe in ghosts? aliens? Santa?

==> wheew.. not in aliens nor santa clause.. but in ghost yea

10. What do you wear to bed?

==> pajamas

11. Describe your laptop?

==> its a white mini laptop, easy to carry and is thin and manageable.

12. What do you look for in a man/woman?

==> someone who is full of courage to stand for someone he love and is trustworthy, loyal and honest.

13. Would you go for a one night stand?

==> for a stranger, never.

14. What annoys you?

==> people who are self proclaimed git and is feeling important. people who are not proud to their family..

15. Have anyone ever slapped you in the face?

==> yea.. and i don't like it coz i know it hurts not just physically but emotionally. wounds heals but it will lives scar on it ..

16. Do you read the paper on the toilet? or text on the toilet?

==> i text .. lol!

17. Do you swear a lot?

==> not so but if i can manage it i do

18. Would you date a total hottie even if she/he was dumb?

==> well yes of course. its not about their past but its about their present .. agree??

19. Do you listen to music while studying?

==> no..

20. Do you hate taking long surveys like this?

==> no.. its welcome.. was my pleasure.. :)
I think I'm Dumb ~Amy~
2010-05-03 11:03:01 UTC
1. ARW

2. 19, almost 20

3. black

4. "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest"-Ken Kesey

5. What's Eating Gilbert Grape

6. "I didn't Know there was a Porky's 3" <---those were seriously the last words I ever spoke to my dad before he died. I think it sums up the themes of my life.

7. Not really

8. In a row w/o washing? No

9. No. Yes. No

10. PJ pants and a t-shirt, or just a t-shirt

11. It's a Dell. It's purple. It need replacing.

12. Respectful, funny, good personality

13. No

14. Rude people

15. Yes

16. Nope

17. Sometimes

18. If they were a good person, sure. It depends on how dumb though...

19. sometimes

20. No. I like it

2010-05-03 10:58:28 UTC
1. Give me the initials of your name. KR

2. How old are you? 30

3. Favorite color? NONE

4. Favorite book? NONE

5. Favorite movie? NONE

6. If you wrote a book on your life what would it be called? BORING LIFE

7. Do you have a catchphrase? NO

8. Have you ever wore the same pair of undies for more than 3 days? NO

9. Do you believe in ghosts? aliens? Santa? NO

10. What do you wear to bed? NOTHING

11. Describe your laptop? BORING

12. What do you look for in a man/woman? HORNY

13. Would you go for a one night stand? YES

14. What annoys you? EVERYONE

15. Have anyone ever slapped you in the face? YES

16. Do you read the paper on the toilet? or text on the toilet? YES

17. Do you swear a lot? YES

18. Would you date a total hottie even if she/he was dumb? YES

19. Do you listen to music while studying? NO

20. Do you hate taking long surveys like this? YES
Kyle J
2010-05-03 11:09:30 UTC
1) KVJ

2) 19 years old

3) The primary colors (RGB)

4) The Road Less Traveled by M. Scott Peck

5) I have many favorite movies but I will just put 4 (Jurassic Park, Harry Potter, Star Wars and Lord of the Rings)

6) My diaries of life

7) No. Not really

8) I guess so

9) I do believe in the existence of supernaturals and extraterrestrials.

10) Just shorts and sometimes a sleeveless shirt because it's hot.

11) I don't have a laptop

12) The uniqueness of woman's personality.

13) No, because of STD and HIV.

14) Hypocrites, Insensitive, People with crab mentality.

15) No

16) Both, no

17) Before

18) No

19) Sometimes

20) I don't mind
2010-05-03 11:11:14 UTC
1 ???

2 1117

3 transparent

4 The one which is going to release after 2012

5 I hate books

6 Err.. Guinea pigs???

7 wanna be the best, beat the best

8 wearing the same since past 1117 years

9 I am santa

10 undies

11 Dell alienware nuf said

12 are they humans, must be aliens or santas like ME

13 Rock n roll baby

14 the one who asks for the time and ALSO points at the wrist... Hey buddy i know where my watch were the **** do you wear

15 Do you ever seen a santa gets slapped

16 all the time

17 never

18 of-course yes

19 i study???, don't make me laugh

20 What do you think.. why did i answered these all qns???
2010-05-03 11:06:34 UTC
1. V.G

2. 14 turning 15 in 3 months!

3. Purple<3

4. I don't read

5. Anything with Johnny Depp

6. Being Victorious is what i would call it

7. "Frickin (whatever your name is)!" and "Awesome~ness!"

8. Umm....No!

9. No. Yes (District 9). And no. Not since i was eight and saw my mom putting presents under the tree.

10. I wear a undershirt and some shorts

11.'s a silver Gateway

12. A look for cute eyes, smile, awesome personality, can make me laugh, and not a cheater

13. No i believe in True Love

14. Sounds...when i'm mad you can't make a single sound or I'll get pissed off

15. Yes... My mom

16. Ha ha! No and no, but in the shower i text

17. Yes... When i'm mad

18. No... I believe in a Hot guy with brains

19. Yes.. Music is my life, my soul, my heart and my one only love (for now)

20. No... I like when people are interested in my life :)
Joseph A
2010-05-03 11:05:12 UTC
1. JJA

2. 47

3. Sky Blue

4. To Kill a Mockingbird

5. The Wizard of Oz

6. Idiots Guide to a Wasted Life

7. "Back it up, Bigtop!"

8. No

9. No

10. Typically nothing

11. It looks like a desktop

12. Pleasant personality

13. I have

14. Littering, rudeness

15. Slapped, no. Punched, yes.

16. Paper, a magazine, or The Rules of Golf

17. Too much

18. Not for long

19. I rarely study

20. Nah. It's a nice break from work.
Joy and Sorrow
2010-05-03 11:16:30 UTC
1. L...something...:P

2. 21

3. Blue

4. Dresden series by Jim Butcher

5. Braveheart/Gladiator.

6. Scream

7. no

8. no

9. no no no

10. wouldnt the world like to know...

11. Black

12. generally being awesome

13. not my style.

14. People, sometimes.

15. Yes.

16. I read.

17. Yup.

18. Dunno

19. Yep.

20. kinda.
2010-05-03 11:07:04 UTC
1. N.A

2. 14

3. Teal

4. Chosen by P.C Cast

5. Pride & Prejudice 2005 + Push

6. When your dreams are better than reality...

7. nah...

8. No

9. No

10. PJs

11. Silver, A sony VAIO.

12. Personality,,, looks help

13. Sure, tehehe

14. Stupidity

15. Yes, accidently though

16. No

17. Not a lot

18. Probz not for long though

19. All the time

20. No
tay lew
2010-05-03 10:58:15 UTC
1. TRL

2. 18

3. i like them all

4. A Prayer for Owen Meany

5. love them all

6. i'd have to take some time and think about that

7. "niccccceeee."

8. nope. that's gross.

9. yes. yes. no.

10. a tee and panties.

11. Acer, has all the keys, with the number pad, and it's black

12. humor.

13. sure.

14. a lot of things.

15. yes. several people.

16. text.

17. i do.

18. nope. there's nothin like an intellectual conversation.

19. sometimes.

20. nope.
2010-05-03 11:01:05 UTC
1. ACJ

2. 20 years young

3. Green, or maybe blue

4. One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest

5. Tommy

6. I ddon't know

7. Peace and love

8. Nope, can't say I have

9. No, to all 3

10. A muscle shirt and shorts

11. It's an Acer

12. I don't, I have a fiance

13. I've had my share

14. Closed minded homophobic butt faces

15. I don't think so

16. Nah

17. Yes, I'm so un ladylike

18. See #12

19. I do

20. Sure, it's fun
Stewie's Jell-O
2010-05-03 11:04:34 UTC
1. CM

2. 17

3. Blue

3. don't have one

4. don't have one

5. the Dark Knight

6. My Life

7. not really

8. nope

9. ghosts; no aliens; maybe santa; yes

10. varies

11. Hp

12. woman: nice, pretty, understanding

13. depends

14. alot of things

15. no

16. no

17. sometimes

18. oh yea

19. all the time

20. depends on the survey. so far this ones good
2010-05-03 11:31:15 UTC
1. mgb

2. sixteen

3. purple and black

4. nineteen minutes

5. forrest gump

6. the memoirs of me

7. nah, i don't have one

8. eww, no.

9. maybe, maybe, nah

10. depends on the weather

11. black..

12.personality, and it better be a good one

13. probably

14. a lot of things

15. yep

16. no for either one

17. kinda

18. nope

19. sometimes

20. i love them.
2010-05-03 11:10:33 UTC


-bright orange,yellow

-all of twilight series


-a life or an Inspiration

-smile for life because it will smiles back to you:D

-just once when we had a long flight<<


-it's black,thin,big screen

-MAN\special,kind personality


-stupid spoiled kids 6 years and above

-not really only if we were kiddin;P


-no,not really


-nope,it will make me confuse

AY, cut the CRAP!
2010-05-03 11:14:10 UTC



4.Celebrating Silence By Shri Shri Ravishankar

5.Umm many are there for now Madagascar

6.Believed In myself


8.Never, i m hygiene conscious.

9.There are positive n negative energies.

10.Under wares....

11.Sturdy, Fast, Superb in performance but have bad battery life :(

12.Kind and lovely heart, naughty


14.Loud noise, evil children

15.Never no one can touch my cheek it flames the beast inside me



18.I dont think so....

19.Yeah, it helps me focus and be in present.

20.No if they are interesting,.......used to off facebook surveys !;)
2010-05-03 11:08:59 UTC

16 going on 17

Green & Orange

Broken Trail

Larry The Cable Guy: Health Inspector

The Man Unknown

Yes. "When life sucks, see the funny side."

Gross, but yes.


Underwear or nothing. LOL!!!


A combo of looks and personality.

No. keeping V card until marriage.


YES. :'(

Neither. Nintendo DS.




not really.
2016-04-12 08:16:01 UTC
im 23 but im willing to help IM me if u want
2010-05-03 11:39:50 UTC





6.The Mystery



9.I think ghosts and aliens are real

10.pajamas is nice

12.I like nice,funny,romantic,respectful guys


14.rude people,people who always want attention,a lot of other things



17.on ocassion

20.I love them
2010-05-03 11:02:54 UTC

2. 14 :D

3. pastel green (would have never guessed that? would ya)

4.Shilo xD

5.the back up plan

6.what i should have never done

7. yes, its i dont

8.eww no

9. .no.. i believe in demons lol

10.a shirt, and yea? xD's toshiba baby!!

12. dunno? a virgin...

14. my sister ugh!

15. when they suck at fighting

16. LOL no

17. yes, a whole lot.. i shouldnt do that'd get annoyed

19.yes, screamo!

20. no, i love it!

2010-05-03 11:02:44 UTC
1. T. J. C.

2. 21

3. blue

4. the emerald

5. saving private ryan

6. half-hearted victory

7. dib-dab

8. noo

9. no, no, no

10. boxers

11. black, thin, fit

12. funny, cute, great boobs, cheeky

13. sure

14. idiots

15. yes

16. neither

17. yes

18. for a little bit, yes...couldn't stand it for too long

19. always

20. yep
2010-05-03 11:07:03 UTC
hell no



too many


I don't know




what I wear during the day


someone who loves me for me


too may things to list






every now and then
sweet gossip
2010-05-03 11:06:16 UTC

2-almost 16


4-apple tree ......its a love story

5- too many but id pick gladiator(impressive)




9-only aliens

10-comfortable tops and bottoms

11-normal, black and toshiba

12-true love


14-gossips, and fake friends mostly

15-nope ....funny



18-dunno but id try once

19-yes and no

20-yes when is boring and no when is interesting
2010-05-03 10:57:58 UTC
of course not

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.