would YOU BE OK with a HOMOSEXUAL/LGBT becoming mayor, governor, or president?
2016-01-31 14:07:08 UTC
would YOU BE OK with a HOMOSEXUAL/LGBT becoming mayor, governor, or president?
359 answers:
2016-02-02 05:32:17 UTC
I care for as long they support the good moral issue of the society.

And some will just tell you a story like this one:

I would have no issues with a homosexual person being elected into any office as long as they are serious about making changes and fixing problems. However.......everybody knows at least 1 homosexual who is a flaming fairy! We all love them cause they're so much fun, but they would never be able to earn or gain the respect needed to be taken seriously and would end up failing miserably even if their ideas and actions would have brought big changes. They would not be given the chance to be heard

and this one:

It depends on the individual. Some LGBT individuals could do just as well as political leaders as the "straight" political leaders we've had, IMO. Others would be terrible.

As far as I know, the great Italian Renaissance sculptor Michaelangelo was gay or bisexual. So was Alexander the Great, one of the most effective military leaders in world history. At least some of the famous philosophers of ancient Greece were LGBT. So was Turing, the guy whose ideas inspired the development of computers. And I think Barney Frank, an openly gay liberal congressman, really did do a pretty good job in trying to reregulate the banking system, after some big macho Republican lawmakers with the help of the Clinton White House deregulated the banks and helped set the stage for the 2008 financial crash.

OTOH, there are gay politicians who I believe would do a terrible job in office. We need to know more about their policies and personalities before we decide whether to vote for them or not.

-- democratic socialist for the inalienable rights of life, liberty & the pursuit of happiness
2016-02-02 08:50:13 UTC
At least some of the famous philosophers of ancient Greece were LGBT. So was Turing, the guy whose ideas inspired the development of computers. And I think Barney Frank, an openly gay liberal congressman, really did do a pretty good job in trying to reregulate the banking system, after some big macho Republican lawmakers with the help of the Clinton White House deregulated the banks and helped set the stage for the 2008 financial crash. The fact that you even need to ask that shows you shouldn't be voting, you are the type of person to vote Obama, an absolutely terrible president into office not once but twice simply because he his black. I have a gay uncle who works in real estate and two happily married gay aunts who work in computer software. But first and foremost, he is a Realtor and they are software developers, and they are good at what they do. The gayness doesn't even factor into that. Frankly if it did, that would make their careers infinitely more questionable.
2016-02-03 16:48:39 UTC
It all depends on their agenda. I don't want a Mayor or President to act as a LGBT activist while in public office. Just as I wouldn't want a minority Mayor or President to act as a civil rights activist for their own particular group.

I believe it's important for public officials to put their causes aside while in office and represent everyone as a whole... Equally. However, I find it hard to believe an LGBT advocate would be able or willing to do so understanding their influence as well as the pushback from the LGBT community if they didn't do so.
2016-02-04 15:22:46 UTC
Being a member of the LBGT community says nothing about your ability to hold public office. So yeah, I'd be totally okay with it. Their sexuality is irrelevant.

Look at the f-ing mess the straight ones have made.

People were saying they'd be afraid of an LGBT mayor/governor/president's agenda. Okay, what about Trump's clear, self-serving agenda? I guess it doesn't matter because he's straight.

Andy F
2016-02-01 13:21:26 UTC
It depends on the individual. Some LGBT individuals could do just as well as political leaders as the "straight" political leaders we've had, IMO. Others would be terrible.

As far as I know, the great Italian Renaissance sculptor Michaelangelo was gay or bisexual. So was Alexander the Great, one of the most effective military leaders in world history. At least some of the famous philosophers of ancient Greece were LGBT. So was Turing, the guy whose ideas inspired the development of computers. And I think Barney Frank, an openly gay liberal congressman, really did do a pretty good job in trying to reregulate the banking system, after some big macho Republican lawmakers with the help of the Clinton White House deregulated the banks and helped set the stage for the 2008 financial crash.

OTOH, there are gay politicians who I believe would do a terrible job in office. We need to know more about their policies and personalities before we decide whether to vote for them or not.

-- democratic socialist for the inalienable rights of life, liberty & the pursuit of happiness
2016-02-04 23:16:28 UTC
Why would it matter? Yes people will say rude things, but people say rude things about everyone and everything. I wouldnt mind having a lgbt president or mayor or whatever as long as they focused on our society and what needs to be fixed in it. If they helped people and took care of the country I think it wouldn't matter.
2016-02-01 00:24:24 UTC
I would have no issues with a homosexual person being elected into any office as long as they are serious about making changes and fixing problems. However.......everybody knows at least 1 homosexual who is a flaming fairy! We all love them cause they're so much fun, but they would never be able to earn or gain the respect needed to be taken seriously and would end up failing miserably even if their ideas and actions would have brought big changes. They would not be given the chance to be heard
2016-02-03 06:15:24 UTC
Nope, I'd rather have a monkey as mayor/governor/president than a lower life form such as an homosexual or LGBT.
2016-02-02 04:16:52 UTC
I would have a problem with T, not so much with LGB. History has probably had quite a number of great leaders that were LGB. Frederick the Great and James I come to mind. We may have already had a President who was gay, and as far as other types of politicians it has already happened multiple times and probably even more than anyone knows for sure.

I don't think it matters except as a point of blackmail. As long as one is not PREDATORY in one's sexuality it really is no one else's business, and certainly sexual predators is a group that includes all sexual orientations.
2016-02-03 10:22:05 UTC
Yeah, I would.

I used to live in Salt Lake City. The new mayor there happens to be a lesbian. But she's a mayor, first. Since I liked her platform, I probably would have voted for her if I still lived in city limits.

I live out in the 'burbs now. We've had the same mayor for ages. His "signature" is his 'stache. I'm getting tired of seeing it on election posters every time elections roll around.
2016-02-01 06:00:37 UTC
Yes, I'd be fine with it. Although not a mayor, governor, or president, Tim Cook is CEO of Apple, is gay, and does a great job. It's not a relevant factor, any more than what someone's favorite color is.
2016-02-01 19:38:46 UTC
Touchy let's say he's qualified for the job right but what would happen if an openly gay President kisses his partner on live TV in front of millions of people or when he's with other World leaders?

You better believe it would be controversial and open up a stormy debate with people who are ok with that and others who aren't.
2016-02-01 22:25:54 UTC
If they did and they somehow thought their sexuality was relevant to governing whatever district they are meant to govern then no. I don't have a problem with it, but it is irrelevant and frankly sexual politics has ******* nothing to do with regular politics and the moment you think it does, your priorities are completely fucked up and you should not be in a position of power. The fact that you even need to ask that shows you shouldn't be voting, you are the type of person to vote Obama, an absolutely terrible president into office not once but twice simply because he his black. I have a gay uncle who works in real estate and two happily married gay aunts who work in computer software. But first and foremost, he is a realtor and they are software developers, and they are good at what they do. The gayness doesn't even factor into that. Frankly if it did, that would make their careers infinitely more questionable. Take away someones gender, their sexual orientation and the color of their skin, and if the rest of them doesn't stack up, don't ******* bother.
2016-02-01 08:02:35 UTC
Touchy let's say he's qualified for the job right but what would happen if an openly gay President kisses his partner on live TV in front of millions of people or when he's with other World leaders?

You better believe it would be controversial and open up a stormy debate with people who are ok with that and others who aren't.
2016-02-01 13:31:08 UTC
'Would YOU BE OK with a HOMOSEXUAL/LGBT becoming mayor, governor, or president?'

It OBVIOUSLY depends on how good they are at the job.

It's like asking 'Would YOU BE OK with a BLACK PERSON/OTHER RACE THAT ISN'T WHITE becoming mayor, governor, or president?'

Pfft, so damn discriminative.
2016-02-01 11:36:17 UTC
I don't care if they're homosexual/lgbt, Christian, Muslim, Sikh, Buddhist, straight, or whatever else.

All I care about is "Do I agree with them on most issues" and "are they qualified for the job".

All else is immaterial to my choice of mayor, governor, or president.
2016-02-04 07:33:57 UTC
This has already happened in a bunch of places around the country.... and we've already had openly gay men elected to Congress. We just haven't yet had a presidential candidate who was openly gay. It's just a matter of time before that happens, however. It wouldn't make any difference to me if someone who wanted to be president was gay. Sexual orientation has nothing to do with job performance. Congress and the US military have recognized this- it's the reason why DADT was repealed nearly 6 years ago- so why can't YOU??
2016-02-01 16:09:13 UTC
1. My home state of Oregon has a bi-sexual Governor.

2. As a historian, I have always felt that President James Buchannan was probably homosexual.

3. And to answer your question...I could care less if I had a gay representative.
2016-02-05 09:46:13 UTC
Of course. Let me explain something to those that have any problem against it. For many years I worked as a musician backing up broadway type shows. 95% of the men were homosexual. The music school I went to had a very high number as well. Guess what, they were way more intelligent than very many people I have known. Before you jump on saying I grew up with the wrong people let me tell you my family and colleagues range from Dr.'s to one cousin who is a CFO or a public company. Those that jump on saying no, you're idiots who need more exposure to the world.
2016-02-02 03:09:07 UTC
We ALREADY have out gays in the senate. People knew it when they voted, and no one's having a problem with them.

Any mayor is only famous locally, so other cities wouldn't care or even know. Homophobes might swear to never going to THAT town, unless it's Vegas, or something big, but that city wouldn't care. OTHER people have money to spend.

I wouldn't mind at all, but I wouldn't vote for a guy JUST BECAUSE he's gay. He has to have political morals, unlike Trump.
2016-02-03 15:14:00 UTC
No, we already have a ****** in the White House, so we don't need more of these sissies. We need a firm president like Vladimir Putin. That brainless black monkey turned America into an abomination, by legalizing gay marriage. We need to dethrone obama, and make him pay for his crimes. I wish Saddam Hussein was still alive, and was the president of the United States. And yes, I respected, and admired Saddam!
2016-02-02 05:29:07 UTC
Okay let's get this straight, we are all people no matter what we are, where we come from, what we believe in, and things like that. We all want to be heard, loved, cared, and respected, and it's wrong that some people still don't understand that.

I would be okay with it but it depends if they are good in office, if they are going to be respectful and do good things for the communities. We all need to put a(n) end to all discrimination.
The King
2016-02-04 20:45:23 UTC
Of course. Actually we may have already had a present that fits into that group. I'm not saying it's true but there is strong evidence to suggest that Lincoln was bisexual. I would love to see diversity with people in power. I'm sorry, but white men who have a wife and children in power is a broken record.
J.Z. Sherrington
2016-02-01 22:37:29 UTC
First off, I'm Canadian eh, so I'll answer about my country.

Pretty sure we've already had a gay Prime Minister. Harper had to be something.

Honestly, couldn't really care. Mayor Courtemanche was bi and no one gave two *****. Why start now?
Variable 46
2016-02-02 11:25:35 UTC
We've already had a president who was homosexual: James Buchanan. He happens to be the worst president we've ever had, but I think that is coincidental to his sexual orientation. I'm concerned that our president was smart on defense, high on government efficiency, death on government waste, respected our rights as private citizens, had a sensible economic and environmental program, and a practical foreign policy. I don't care about his or her sexual orientation.
2016-02-01 15:23:42 UTC
Hell No.I don't believe homosexuality is good.I think its harmful to society and I wouldnt be ok with a homosexual being president,mayor,or governor.I wouldn't support someone who lives such a immoral lifestyle.
2016-02-01 10:34:18 UTC
Yes of course. Does someone's sexuality define how well they will do a job? No. Is being part of LGBT going to harm anyone? No, in fact it could help others in that position throughout the country.

Many people say that a gay leader would be "sexually immoral", but in my opinion the straight (assumingly) people in major positions seem to be immoral by common standards, too. So why choose one immorality over another? (e.g. many leaders have multiple partners, many leaders seem like pedophiles)
2016-02-03 12:59:56 UTC
As you wouldn't know what sexual orientation they were, how could you possibly be concerned?

Their actual orientation could be different from whatever they might have said in public. The current President of the USA or France or Russia or Afghanistan or wherever might be gay or trans for all anyone really knows. Just because they might be married or have kids doesn't prove anything.
2016-02-02 20:18:21 UTC
I don't see the problem, I support gay rights. But as I seen in a previous answer, many countries are strictly against homosexuals so I could see America getting bombed if we have an openly gay president.
2016-02-03 12:15:24 UTC
Im a Christian I think sin effects us all even the pastor at your local church every person on earth so we all have flaws because we are imperfect because we sin! So being gay is a sin that said I wont fault any person for being in sin because I also sin! This might be hard for a few to understand to sum it up I wouldn't want a person to president that openly sins and is proud of it! I might sin but I ask for forgiveness and I try to not sin.
Coop 366
2016-02-01 09:54:54 UTC
We have people running for President who have had three marriages and many affairs, the Christian Republicans have no problem with that but balk at a Homosexual. We who are straight have screwed up everything why not try the other group?
2016-02-01 09:47:36 UTC
Loving who you love shouldn't influence how well you do to be a mayor, governor, or president. Whether you're straight or not.
2016-02-03 06:49:33 UTC
2016-02-02 11:18:23 UTC
I dont give a **** about who the mayor, governor, or president **** with and sleep with. As long as they do their job and make the place better. People need to stop speaking of other races, cultures, sexualities like they are some weird thing... Who gives a **** they your black, white, gay, straight, Asian, European etc etc

We are all human, its not like we are picking another species to run the world.
2016-02-01 21:01:40 UTC
I am satisfied with any one being a Governor or anything else. Sexual orientation is a personal matter and this needs not be considered in public appointments. Moreover, it is improper to make loud announcement of such things. These are personal and should be treated as such.
finn mchuil
2016-02-01 12:49:54 UTC
Why should someones sexuality be a barrier to what they can do? Personally, I think it is sad that people in public office have to conceal their sexual prefference, only to be named and 'shamed' by the media maniacs and have to resign.

We don't elect people based on things like their sexuality, we elect them to do a job.

To those who say it's wrong for religous reasons, was it not said judge lest ye be judged? Who am I to declare another human as immoral when I haven't a clue what it is to be them.

Not a problem in my book
Tony Carney Jnr
2016-02-02 14:41:36 UTC
Its what you put in your policies not what you put in your mouth that counts regardless of sexual orientation,what i will say is a very senior cabinet member without a member put his small agenda into a pigs mouth as part of a strange freshman ritual.So being gay or lesbian does not present a problem for me,however Gordan Brown did look like susan boyle dressed as mrs doubtfire.May i also point out that David Cameroon fucked a pig in the mouth,previous to that Tony Blair didnt just **** a pig in the mouth he also married said pig.
2016-02-01 21:53:12 UTC
Cali d
2016-02-01 10:41:59 UTC
As a conservative, yes, sure, that's fine.

As long as they are competent and qualified for the job.

Despite common myths, republicans don't have problems with homo's, it's just the crazy bible-thumpers.

I actually know a few gay dudes that are smart as hell and aren't like floating around the room like a girl. They are pretty normal, just queer in the bedroom. Kinda like Anderson Cooper.

Anyway. Hope I'm busting some conservative stereotypes.
2016-02-03 15:35:26 UTC
I personally look at their ability to lead this country regardless of sexual orientation. There are straight candidates that I would not vote for because they are arrogant a-holes.I think the candidates sex life really is none of my business and I don't really care as long as they are able to make sound decisions based on the vote and best interest of the people as a whole.
2016-02-01 10:55:00 UTC
Houston Texas had a three term gay mayor, Annise Parker!

So if Texans can deal with it, then I don't see why any other city or state can't!
2016-02-03 14:38:04 UTC
I tamed the beast 🌹
2016-02-01 02:26:46 UTC
2016-02-01 20:53:04 UTC
Honestly, whatever gender a person desires intimacy with is none of the public's business. This politician is just that - any information not relating to politics is not relevant to their profession. Being LGBTQIA+ has no influence on how they perform their job, and the subject should not be treated as such.
2016-02-02 19:17:24 UTC
2016-02-01 14:01:13 UTC
Hell no and i wouldn't be okay with Atheist being mayor governor or president haha
Ari am Rior
2016-02-03 14:38:21 UTC
That is only relevant if that person's comments and actions show that earlier experiences have made him/her overly sensitive about the issue.

If I thought being LGBT would cloud his/her judgment, I would not want that person any position of power. Otherwise, it's irrelevant.
2016-02-03 17:46:03 UTC
No and I'm not ok with same-sex couples adopting children. That's why I'm not voting for Hillary Clinton.
2016-01-31 17:00:09 UTC
Straight people have had dumbass platforms. It's not about the gender. Of course I'd be very okay with an LGBT political leader as long as they provide the service we want and need! What's wrong with people...
2016-02-01 20:45:49 UTC
2016-02-01 07:45:24 UTC

Already done that, we had a homosexual mayor years ago
2016-02-02 21:23:35 UTC
2016-02-04 00:08:18 UTC
2016-02-01 17:28:36 UTC
2016-02-02 21:45:33 UTC
Theirs nothing wrong with that as we are all humans and a difference in sexuality wouldn't do any harm to society. As long as they are a good at what they're doing and serving their country right, I'm cool with it.
2016-02-01 15:50:04 UTC
Seattle has one already.

I don't like it because he weirdly pushes for unisex restrooms... while homeless people freeze to death.

Don't get me wrong. To each their own, but man as a mayor that is a very odd sense of priority.
Disco Stu
2016-02-01 12:03:12 UTC
Yeah. Most Republican\Conservative LGBT are counter-productive.
2016-02-02 14:25:16 UTC
Of course I would I don't have anything against them. If they had bad morals and were liars and cheats then I wouldn't be okay with them. To be honest these people are brave because it takes a lot to come out or change sex
2016-02-02 03:16:49 UTC
A person's sexuality would not bother me. What any office holder does in the bedroom and with whom does not bother me unless it is with minors or those unable to give consent.

What would concern me first is their politics and manifesto. I would be even more concerned that if elected to office whether they kept their promises and fulfilled their manifesto.

What would concern me far more than any candidate's sexuality is the fact that he or she is a politician. Politicians just cannot be trusted.
2016-02-01 09:04:45 UTC
2016-02-02 11:21:54 UTC
I'm Christian so I do think homosexual acts are a sin. But as a Christian we all sin. Not voting someone because you don't like thier sin imparticular is wrong.
2016-02-01 13:29:36 UTC
2016-02-01 12:39:01 UTC
Just creating another adjective to a candidate, it makes it political and absurd. Those who get elected run to represent the people and not a name. I would not elect any candidate that runs behind a platform of separation. Being gay or lesbian is a sexual preference not a birth gender. So run as such.
Eliana Bryant
2016-02-03 23:34:09 UTC
I'm a Christian, heterosexual woman, and I can honestly say that I will not give a ****. Just as long as they know what Tf they're doing running this country or city, I. Do. Not. Care.
2016-02-01 01:35:10 UTC
Greg N
2016-02-01 09:31:26 UTC
Yes, I would support anyone who would promote what is best for the people and general conservative values. The fact that they are LGBT might mean that they support gay marriage, something that is not associated with conservatism, but there are plenty of LGBT members who actually are conservatives.
Uncle Pennybags
2016-01-31 14:57:12 UTC
If he or she (or whatever in between) runs on a platform of lowering taxes, cutting gov't spending, keeping a strong military and a strong foreign policy, then that LGBT person will get my vote.
Damiceli Rodriguez
2016-02-02 12:53:01 UTC
2016-02-03 14:15:53 UTC
Of course, it'd be great! Not only are we all the same no matter who we love or what gender. It'd also show how far we have come in society and that we are all one big accepting world.
2016-02-03 17:23:54 UTC
No. I don't support gays/homosexuals, especially as leaders. However, the mayor of Seattle, WA is openly gay. He is frequently seen on the news supporting gay rights. It's ridiculous.
2016-02-01 16:13:10 UTC
If I'm not interested in bedding someone, I really do not care what their gender preference is. That's not how I judge whether someone will make the best decisions and everything for the job they have been elected for.
2016-02-05 09:02:21 UTC
Of course. There's no double standard for LGBT people (well, at least there shouldn't). They can do anything straight/cis people can do and I really don't see the fuss.
2016-02-04 01:35:21 UTC
Harvey Milk was also elected, and subsequently

murdered by somebody unable to accept USA

democracy. The USPS offers the late Mr. Milk

on postage if reader wants first class delivery.

How far will any mail will go if it was your face

tells us the accumulated personal value.
2016-01-31 19:30:27 UTC
If they're highly qualified then of course. They couldn't possibly be as bad as some dumbfÏ…ck loudmouth with a bad comb-over.
2016-02-02 18:07:01 UTC
Yes. They could be a sheepshagger as long as they could do the job properly.

And what makes you so certain that someone from the LGBT community does not already hold public office?
2016-02-01 13:11:48 UTC
Doesn't matter to me as long as they do a good job to the best of their ability. With the people they work for first and foremost considered. No hidden agenda for their own gain. No political BS just good governing!
2016-02-01 09:36:49 UTC
Yes. That's their orientation
2016-02-02 15:04:05 UTC
It's all about how he does his job and carry the issues of this country.. I don't care about anyone's sexuality that's out my household.. It'll be his business not mines just don't get in my face or come near me with all that bullcrap But seriously it's his business not mines
2016-02-01 03:07:53 UTC
yes. How is their sexual orientation impacting politics. In general politicians keep their sex life out of the public eye. Their is a reason press ask politicians about policy and not was your wife good in bed last night
2016-02-04 08:48:26 UTC
The said groups currently take part in the U.S labor force. To deny them the right to strive towards the said positions would be the same as denying them the right to work . The said positions are Jobs like any other just at a much more profound level . I would be okay with it. It is not fair to deny the said groups the right to work just as it is not right and fair to deny the right to work based on religious stance.
2016-02-04 00:56:07 UTC
Wouldn't mind
2016-02-02 00:30:21 UTC
All I want, is a competent individual, who's not corrupt, and eating out of the hands of the corporations. What I want is someone to fix our fucked up economy, and I dont give a rats *** what His or Her or It's sexual orientation is.
Mr. Wizard
2016-02-03 10:30:03 UTC
The purported homo-or-bisexuality of any level elected official really isn't a concern with me, in fact, I can care less who they get naked in bed--or anywhere else--with; I'm against LIBERAL politicians that reek being UNQUALIFIED CLUELESS.

And that's why Hillary Clinton is wasting her time / money trying for MY vote.
2016-02-01 01:34:56 UTC
Gays have no soul therefore they are the devils creation devil has 5 letters the devil has 2 horns and gay has 3 letters. 5+2+3= 10. Illuminati has 10 letters and the sevils pitchfork has 3 spikes therefor gays are illuminati confirmed. And we dont want the illuminati in any US office now do we?
2016-02-03 11:15:12 UTC
Yes, they're still people who are cabable of doing anything straight people can do. Honestly, I rather have them in a position of authority than a homophobe...
2016-02-01 06:49:10 UTC
yes I would be ok with it they are human after all. I cannot see the different and I think all this religion

people should think about it. I know some of this people and think they are as good as everybody else

after all this religious people are just thinking they are over every body else. They have killed more people

then every body else after all.
2016-02-04 10:15:45 UTC
Yea, as long as he/she isn't a living a double life and hypocritical sack of ****. There has been a ton of politicians who were gay on the down low and pushed the family values ticket on everyone.
2016-02-02 19:04:14 UTC
2016-02-01 17:45:41 UTC
Yes, and why wouldn't I? As long as they're qualified, then sure. The only people who wouldn't are obviously the types who shouldn't be voting anyways... (Sadly like at least one or two of the people answering here...)
2016-02-03 15:14:57 UTC
If he/she can lead effectively... I mean... yeah, sure. I'd take an LGBT leader who respects the Constitution over a law-breaking, Constitution-mending scumbag who happens to have heterosexual preferences.
2016-02-02 02:52:20 UTC
Their sexuality shouldn't be the reason they get elected. In Australia people elected Julia gillard to be our first female prime minister and look what a terrible job she did. Gender or sexuality shouldn't matter, the job they do does.
2016-02-04 14:41:29 UTC
Are you referring to the thought that Secretary Clinton might be a lesbian? Or Lindsey Graham is gay? Since the majority of lbgt people are democratically inclined and the majority of Republicans are against it. It poses and interesting question.
2016-02-03 05:06:42 UTC
It would depend on their character. If there wouldn't be an unreasonable bias practiced by the individual it's an issue for me.
2016-02-02 08:45:11 UTC
Yes I do. I would be ecstatic to see George Takai as president. I don't know any other celebrity be great as one as him.
2016-02-01 22:14:47 UTC
"...No.I don't believe homosexuality is good.I think its harmful to society and I wouldnt be ok with a homosexual being president,mayor,or governor.I wouldn't support someone who lives such a immoral lifestyle."
2016-02-03 20:42:44 UTC
When I live in America I am in Houston. A lesbian just let office. I don't care.
La Vernious
2016-02-01 12:31:19 UTC
It happened in Houston already, but it didn't accomplish much, the potholes got worse, the infrastructure suffered, but LBGT ideas got shoved down Houstonians throat.
Chris M
2016-02-02 09:53:21 UTC
A person sexuality has nothing at all to do with their ability to govern (which is what people should be voting on in the first place!)
Bridal Mitch
2016-02-01 00:24:56 UTC
How should I be ok for a homosexual to rule over me? They got nothing good for you
2016-02-03 15:36:18 UTC

I don't care about someone's sexual orientation, I care about whether or not they will do a good job as an elected official. I vote accordingly.
2016-02-04 19:23:40 UTC
Their sexuality shouldn't matter at all, as long as they're doing good and helping the community, improving the country/city/town. It really shouldn't matter as long as their priorities are in check.
2016-02-02 13:50:32 UTC
We have already had one homosexual president and survived it quite well. All the rest were married and some were better; some were worse.
2016-02-01 17:02:19 UTC
Yes of course
2016-02-02 13:17:17 UTC
It depends. I am a conservative who doesn't really support the LGBT community nor lifestyle, unless it's a hot lesbian or hot bisexual woman. Also, they have to be QUALIFIED. If the hot lesbian has the intelligence and the will to do what's best for my city, she has my vote.
2016-02-01 14:22:39 UTC
What does a persons sexual preference have to do with the qualification of said person for that postion? thats like saying germany should be run by a blonde hair, blue eyed man. yeah, he viewed the perfect germans as blonde haired, blue eyed people, but he also hated anyone who wasnt like that. what if this gay person of power hates non gay people? as long as your good at what you do, it dont matter who you are, just do your job, and dont be a *****.
2016-02-03 19:15:35 UTC
Actually, I wouldn't really care...but I would roll my eyes at the gloating from the LGBT that was sure to follow suite.
Freethinking Liberal
2016-02-03 10:37:37 UTC
Of course. A person's sexual orientation IS NOT contrary to the needs of politics.
2016-02-04 01:32:30 UTC
No way. They are mentally ill and confused. I wouldn't want any one of them in high government office making any important decisions.
2016-02-01 06:00:53 UTC
Sure - if such a person was competent and DID NOT have the intense anger that these people often exude since such anger excludes the possibility of being objective.
2016-01-31 19:05:06 UTC
This country need some serious highlights! It's about time.
2016-02-01 03:43:36 UTC
I do not care what he does with his *** in his world, but to become governor, president to give us lessons of life ... I would definitely shoot him ... no problem with lesbians but to become president one of them it means that the rest of us have a big problem...
2016-02-03 23:00:12 UTC
Hell no!! Look what the lesbian mayor of Houston, TX did recently....look it up its way too complex to put here. I will say she acted like some sort of KGB thug BECAUSE of her sexual choice.
2016-02-04 03:56:36 UTC
Yes, I don't see any impairment coming out of one's sexual orientation as far as politics are concerned...
2016-02-02 10:42:43 UTC
Yeah I would be okay with it. The persons sexuality shouldn't matter. As long as they would do a good job of it. I'm gay btw
2016-02-01 11:38:03 UTC
If a gay man or woman was the best candidate for the job, I would be all for it. A person's sex life has nothing to do with their ability to do their job.
2016-02-01 17:57:34 UTC
Yes as long as they're not self loathing republicans like caitlyn jenner.
Matthew Loper
2016-02-03 21:34:53 UTC
Nothing on the outside determines the inside. Who cares what their race, orientation, creed etc is if they are a good person, they've earned my vote.
2016-02-02 04:44:21 UTC
Not really because I don't think he/she would be able to concentrate on the task at hand. They might be looking at other representatives with their finger on the button, thinking 'oooh he/she looks nice'.
2016-02-02 09:41:25 UTC
I don't care. How is him being gay going to affect me? As long as he's not some Hitler demanding all straight people should be sent to camps to be killed.
2016-02-01 11:30:37 UTC
Yes I would. I don't judge a candidate by their sexuality. I judge them by their politics.
2016-02-02 12:26:59 UTC
Portland, Oregon recently had a gay mayor for several years. And he did a terrific job.
2016-02-01 07:44:16 UTC

Unlike conservatives, I don't care what two consenting adults do in their own bedroom.
2016-02-01 05:49:24 UTC
Not now. Not Tomorrow. Not Ever.

Lindsey Graham is enough. We got rid of the other one

Barney Fife or something gay like that.
2016-02-02 06:29:26 UTC
Absolutely, why would it not be okay? It's 2016 we need to move on from homophobia
2016-02-01 03:14:25 UTC
I'm not sure I'd be comfortable with someone who isn't even smart enough to figure out what the opposite sex is for.
2016-01-31 18:45:24 UTC
As long as they accomplish something, and do they jobs correctly improving everyone's lives and aiming for their citizen well being why not ( goes for straight too)
2016-02-01 18:37:43 UTC
Sure, there've been successful leaders who were gay and lesbian. Definitely more than we know probably because most of them were not open about it because it wasn't always as acceptable.
2016-02-01 11:05:55 UTC
No that's totally disgusting
NPG Starlett
2016-02-02 05:04:36 UTC
Of course. I don't care about a leader's sexual preference anyway.
2016-02-03 09:48:51 UTC
Linda R
2016-02-04 09:19:43 UTC
America already has a homosexual president. The LGBT community is everywhere and most, when voting, don't even know this until they are in office.
2016-02-01 04:32:27 UTC
Any of the above except president.

The commander in chief better not be a fruit.
2016-02-01 13:24:46 UTC
It depends... Were they elected because of their homosexuality like Obama was elected because of his being black?

If they are fairly elected on MERIT then I have no problem with gays in political office.
2016-02-01 10:52:01 UTC
I don't yet homosexual. So I am not OK
2016-02-02 17:26:59 UTC

Anyone has to be better than our prime minister, David Cameron.

What a massive gimp. . .
2016-02-01 08:48:38 UTC
We already got 1 Obama.
2016-02-02 09:23:46 UTC
In my opinion I don't care wether you are straight or gay. You are a human that's all that matters.
2016-02-04 03:06:41 UTC
Well becoming gay and attracted towards the people with same gender is not big issue despite having burning issue. so rather then solving it we will have focus on it.
2016-02-01 09:37:47 UTC
Last I checked, whether you are a man or a woman, gay or straight (or anywhere in between), it has nothing to do with how good you are at your job. Whether that s in politics, private industry, or corporate positions.
2016-02-01 15:19:08 UTC
homosexual men are mean in general, ive been by a huge string of them and don't really think much about them.
2016-02-01 20:15:53 UTC
2016-02-03 15:14:27 UTC
NEITHER i think that if a government official is openly or OVERLY expressive of their sexuality than they should be corrected. That is because EITHER party on this issue is bias.
2016-02-05 01:06:03 UTC
I wouldn't care because the government is already messed up. We're living in a broken utopia, my friend.
just me!
2016-02-01 10:28:42 UTC
As long as that person can do the job and works hard for the people and doesn't cheat on his/her partner. I feel like if u cheat on ur loved ones, what chance do he people have.
2016-02-03 14:35:52 UTC
No i would not be okay with it. I respect Almighty God who says such a thing is an abomination to Him. So it would not be acceptable to me because I love my Creator.
2016-02-01 07:49:58 UTC
Should we reject a person on his personal characteristics? Or we should consider anyone on the basis of his skills and abilities to handle general public/leadership traits.
2016-02-01 12:16:07 UTC
our premier(governor) in ontario canada is lesbain, we allow transgenders to washrooms based on their gender identity for yrs. made no negaitve difference. you americans make an issue out of non issue
2016-02-01 11:06:08 UTC
That would be fine, you don't choose to be a homosexual or bisexual, same how you don't choose to be heterosexual, it's just how it is
2016-01-31 21:32:00 UTC
What would the ghost of Lincoln think if Larry was pile driving Steve in his bed?
2016-02-03 06:09:01 UTC
What does his sexual orientation have to do with his job as mayor? Is having sex with the town he governs?
2016-02-02 15:05:29 UTC
I can't imagine why I would care one way or the other. I vote for policy, not personal life.
2016-02-03 10:38:40 UTC
No. Because I already feel that the LGBT community is too aggressive and they have an agenda.
2016-02-01 14:18:22 UTC
Yes. I would appreciate their intelligence, knowledge and work. Why would I care about their sexual orientation ? How can that affect their leadership values ? Obviously not.
2016-01-31 16:06:58 UTC
Why not, wouldn't you ?;) the problem with politics and politicians - Dem, Rep, Gay or not is corruption greed, not Gay ... is or is this another hate mongering question to see how much hate and bashing you can stir up !
2016-02-02 09:20:16 UTC
Ya Ill Be ok
2016-02-02 01:43:50 UTC
Sexual preference doesn't define quality. As long as the person has able hands and qualified, I have no reason to reject them.
2016-02-03 10:57:16 UTC
I am OK with it , as long as they don't lie, steal , or whine about their lifestyle like many straight politicians.
2016-02-01 16:24:00 UTC
Mentally mixed up humans - I don't know
2016-02-01 15:17:07 UTC
If they had the merit and potential, it wouldn't matter to me. They have probably fought twice as hard to be taken seriously.
2016-02-01 16:26:04 UTC
No. Yeah we should have a president who's black, gay, disabled, fat, bald etc. Have all the minorities represented in one person.
2016-02-02 19:41:27 UTC
As long as they didn't make it a law that every man was obliged to giving a gay man a ********
2016-02-02 15:44:55 UTC
No I would not. That person does not represent the majority of his representatives in real life. I am with those who do not tolerate his sexual preference. It is against my personal Christian beliefs.
2016-02-01 12:55:13 UTC
2016-02-01 10:30:30 UTC
Just because they are gay doesn't change anything. So yes i would be 100% fine with it
2016-02-01 16:28:29 UTC
of course! why wouldn't anyone be? Most people can't even tell when someone is trans until they're told.
2016-01-31 19:53:13 UTC
No way. We don't need one of those disgusting pieces of garbage freaks in there
2016-02-02 05:27:49 UTC
Why would it matter who a person desires sexually? Thats like asking iwould you be ok if the person prefers one hair color over the other
2016-02-01 09:25:20 UTC
If I agree with their policy vision, I don't care one iota about their sexuality.
Tad Dubious
2016-02-02 09:45:23 UTC
Not if that was all the candidate had going, Black. However, I always try to vote for the best person to the job, regardless of race, religion, sexual standing, etc.
2016-02-02 19:57:54 UTC
Of course I would be, it's how they plan to make things better that matters, not their sexual orientation
2016-02-01 13:05:22 UTC

Look what a good job Bush done
2016-02-01 20:45:53 UTC
If they're able to lead. Sexuality shouldn't matter.
2016-01-31 18:03:38 UTC
If their focus is on the good of the people, making the best city, state or nation and not on their sexual issues then it is ok with me.
2016-02-01 06:22:07 UTC
As long as they were qualified for the position, I'd be fine with it.
2016-02-04 05:21:38 UTC
No. I wouldn't. They live unnatural, vile lifestyles.
2016-02-02 22:46:52 UTC
No. They aren't going to focus on any issues that matter.
2016-02-01 01:42:22 UTC
2016-02-02 14:14:34 UTC
Nothing should effect your view of a candidate accept their values and policies.
2016-02-02 16:14:17 UTC
Sexual orientation barley represent 10% of one' overall, so it doesn't matter
2016-02-05 10:21:05 UTC
I really don't have a problem with their sexual orientation if they're doing a good job.
2016-02-01 09:06:53 UTC
It wouldn't make any difference to me. I would care much more about their policies and competence.
2016-02-02 06:08:27 UTC
2016-02-02 16:42:23 UTC
No way. we ALREADY have a rug muncher running lol. The mayor of Houston Anise PORKER was a dyke too. I hate her!
2016-02-01 17:29:11 UTC
Yes, I would. I love everyone, regardless of gender, race, sexual orientation, religious beliefs, or lack thereof.
2016-02-01 09:27:54 UTC
We already have Gay mayors and Gay governors.
2016-02-02 14:54:34 UTC
Well since its already happened in history, sure, I don't mind.
2016-02-01 15:34:36 UTC
Yeah, if I agree with what they believe and think they'd do a good job.
2016-01-31 19:20:52 UTC
We've already had them in those government positions, ask your history teacher.
2016-02-01 13:09:54 UTC
No. Unless they only focus on stuff to do with LGBT.
2016-01-31 16:20:26 UTC
Why on earth would I care who they hump? As long as they hump consenting adults, it is no body's business but their own.
2016-02-05 05:59:55 UTC
Why would I care As long as they do a good job? Straight politicians seem to all suck so if a gay one did good , that would would be good right?
2016-02-04 03:49:20 UTC
as long as I don't have to sleep with them or watch I'm not bothered.
2016-02-01 06:55:41 UTC
Yes. Their sexual preference shouldn't interfere with their work.
2016-02-02 16:10:05 UTC
In Britain we wouldn't give a sh1t
2016-01-31 19:32:39 UTC
of course i would be, and i can see it happening in the not so distant future. america has outgrown racism by electing a black president, they will outgrow homophobia as well.
2016-02-01 02:13:24 UTC
You know..the world has enough issues too deal with..without a issue that according to most religions is unacceptable..DAMN IT MAN!!!!!!
2016-01-31 21:28:48 UTC
2016-02-04 10:07:37 UTC
Sexual preference should never be a factor in anything. Just like race. Its stupid and wrong.
2016-01-31 23:35:52 UTC
Of course. It wouldnt be any different than a straight person.
2016-02-01 14:03:31 UTC
Sexuality/how someone identifies themselves means nothing, who they love/ choose to be should have no influence on their politics
Bisexual Aromantic
2016-02-03 17:01:50 UTC
Yes, I'd be perfectly fine with it, why not?
Sharon S
2016-02-01 23:18:34 UTC
I live in Oregon that has a bi-sexual governor.
Ms. Denise M.
2016-02-01 00:11:07 UTC
Their sexuality wouldn't matter if their qualified.
2016-02-02 15:18:25 UTC
Yes. They are people just like us, same equality and same amount of freedom and respect.
2016-02-05 03:31:28 UTC
Sure, why not? It all depends on their other policies. Anyway, you can be sure the US has already had closeted gay presidents. Buchanan, for example.
2016-02-01 22:32:48 UTC
2016-01-31 14:15:35 UTC
I would be perfectly okay with that. Sounds like you're a stupid bigot.
2016-02-01 16:28:54 UTC
As long as they do their job right whats it does it matter if their LGBT
2016-02-03 10:52:50 UTC
2016-02-01 11:14:13 UTC
Only if he/she-it and I didn't wear the same dress on the same days. Otherwise, proceed.
2016-02-03 17:33:14 UTC
houston had a lesbian for a mayor until this year
2016-02-03 13:25:05 UTC
Absolutely. We need social justice and progress.
ray s
2016-02-04 19:59:34 UTC
Yes, as long as they were correct, as there Sexual preferences makes no difference.
2016-02-02 23:21:20 UTC
Yes. If they are qualified and can properly do their job why would their sexuality/gender identity matter?
2016-02-04 04:44:55 UTC
Their sexual preference has nothing to do with their ability to run an office.
2016-02-03 06:37:19 UTC
2016-02-01 19:15:56 UTC
Lol most of the USA presidents were gay hiding in the closet
2016-02-01 22:33:42 UTC
If they knew what they were doing with their job then I wouldn't care
2016-02-01 13:56:24 UTC
Doesn't matter. It depends on work doing by her/him
2016-02-03 00:27:44 UTC
2016-02-01 16:47:31 UTC
the prime minister of my country nailed a pig.

I think I would prefer your option
2016-01-31 21:14:59 UTC
Doesn't matter to me and we have already had some.
2016-01-31 14:09:11 UTC
YES, THEY MUST look very sexy and attractive and have a masters and phd up to date, certified, and very knowledgeable
2016-02-01 14:24:37 UTC
2016-02-01 19:16:07 UTC
personally it would be okay if hes capable of ruling the country. but i think a lot of people will be upset
2016-02-03 16:48:56 UTC
It doesn't feel right and that's my opinion
2016-02-03 11:33:45 UTC
Yeah, I'd be fine with it lol
2016-02-03 12:31:02 UTC
I figure we have had worse...morally and practicality the last 7 years
2016-02-02 20:42:28 UTC
Totally fine with it, unless they brought their sexuality into their work.
2016-02-01 23:38:41 UTC
Liz G
2016-02-01 02:17:02 UTC
2016-02-04 09:23:11 UTC
Yes if he/she is doing good for society
I Love Scotch!!!
2016-02-03 03:20:35 UTC
As long as they are qualified for the job and its not just a publicity stunt.
2016-02-01 08:13:03 UTC
2016-02-01 02:56:00 UTC
Why not times have changed they should be based on merit not their sexual orientation
2016-02-04 06:57:52 UTC
2016-02-04 08:18:27 UTC
What makes you think we haven't had at least one?
2016-02-01 10:56:46 UTC
No. We have enough government officials that are pure gay or bi, that are hiding in plain sight.
2016-02-01 05:53:49 UTC
It'd be just fine with me.
2016-01-31 16:43:24 UTC
I only want some one that keeps their oath to defend the constitution of the U.S.
2016-02-02 11:19:41 UTC
That depends as long as they uphold the Constitution and follow it.
2016-01-31 19:42:09 UTC
2016-02-02 08:25:55 UTC
I AM voting for Hillary. That answers you right there.
2016-01-31 23:01:57 UTC
No problem as long as they washed their hands afterwards. (They are all filthy jobs - have you seen some of the people who do them?)
2016-02-03 09:24:22 UTC
I fail to see how their sexuality could be linked to how well they do their job.
2016-02-02 13:06:58 UTC
Yes I would.
2016-02-01 17:28:53 UTC
of course!! it would maybe symbolize or tell others that their is nothing to be afraid of coming out the closet..But me myself have not told my parents Bi by the way
2016-02-01 20:13:47 UTC
short, easy answer....yes, its 2016, stop being closed minded, overly religious, uber p.c. loooosers. grow up
2016-02-01 11:52:33 UTC
2016-02-04 06:08:47 UTC
No, but we currently do have a bisexual president unfortunately.
2016-02-01 12:28:50 UTC
Special EPhex
2016-02-01 16:15:40 UTC
Sure, so long as that is not what they define themselves by or make their administration about it.
2016-02-02 13:56:28 UTC
Of course as long as they get the job done right
2016-02-04 16:25:49 UTC
Yep. What does your sexuality matter anyway?
2016-02-01 15:39:13 UTC
As long as Trump doesn't win......
2016-02-01 14:37:57 UTC
As long as they were good at being one, and they had the right credentials.
2016-02-02 11:54:22 UTC
Anything else is better than the crap we have running for any of those offices.
2016-02-01 18:39:40 UTC
Of course !!! Your sexuality in no way affects how well you govern !!
2016-02-01 00:46:50 UTC
Yes, as long as they had good policies.
2016-01-31 14:21:37 UTC
well, the constitutions says anybody qualified can run. IT DONT EXCLUDE GAYS. gay and straight term is religious aspects. the religious areas is banned firm the consideration
2016-02-03 10:48:23 UTC
yes as long as he/she is a pedophile and a Democrat too
2016-02-04 10:57:55 UTC
No since those people are perverts they should be arrested for illegal actions they do with children
2016-01-31 22:19:51 UTC
Yup. No difference. We’ve probably had more gay leaders than we even realize.

gays = non-issue.
2016-02-01 02:37:42 UTC
Nope, can't stand them!
2016-02-01 11:53:55 UTC
I do not care what people do in bed, if they can do the job that is fine with me.
2016-02-02 18:28:28 UTC
they already have had a gay mayor in texas.
2016-02-04 12:38:04 UTC
Honestly, yes. there sexuality is non of my consern
2016-02-01 14:08:51 UTC
Yes it would be fine
2016-02-05 18:51:11 UTC
Who are we to judge. If they are qualified for the job and they govern for everyone, why not.
2016-02-01 08:36:42 UTC
If he has the leadership qualities then no one has any problem on that
2016-02-03 06:58:42 UTC
2016-02-04 05:10:10 UTC
We have one right now.
2016-02-03 22:03:32 UTC
Sure, nothing like having one of your "own" running the place!
2016-02-01 13:29:26 UTC
There are many closets gays in the gop party
2016-02-01 09:12:07 UTC
If they're qualified for the job then yeah.
2016-02-02 17:41:43 UTC
I honestly see nothing wrong with it
2016-02-02 09:02:54 UTC
2016-02-01 10:15:35 UTC
Of course. Why would it be a problem?
2016-02-01 19:50:50 UTC
If they can run the country good why not
2016-02-01 04:56:17 UTC
n tenho preconcito nenhum
2016-02-02 03:54:30 UTC
What does sexual orientation have to do with capabilities?
2016-02-01 22:15:15 UTC
Yes I would if they were qualified.
Hot Coffee Light No Sugar
2016-02-02 18:05:16 UTC
What does, what a person does in the bedroom, have to do with his job?
Charles N
2016-02-01 11:35:33 UTC
2016-02-02 09:05:46 UTC
Ya i would be ok
2016-02-02 06:57:30 UTC
How do you know we didn't already have one and didn't know it?
Pearl L
2016-02-01 16:42:11 UTC
i wouldnt care as long as they did a good job
2016-02-05 07:32:52 UTC
Ur mom would
2016-02-01 03:17:55 UTC
they are humans and if they can deal with it..then if the people vote for em
2016-02-01 05:49:00 UTC
wouldn't care. id dislike them if they were republican tho
2016-02-03 07:42:02 UTC
No problem, personally.
2016-02-01 15:40:08 UTC
We already have Obama so no
2016-02-02 04:03:29 UTC
2016-02-03 00:10:05 UTC
Definately not.
2016-02-04 06:18:26 UTC
it doesn't matter what their sexuality is
Dakota Wild
2016-02-02 03:58:06 UTC
No I would not..

What does that teach our children?
2016-02-02 04:58:01 UTC
anyone is better than Trump
2016-02-01 20:46:00 UTC
Yes if he did his job
2016-02-01 17:41:46 UTC
2016-02-02 00:33:27 UTC
Depends who it is.
2016-02-01 02:44:01 UTC
2016-01-31 14:08:19 UTC
2016-02-04 05:47:11 UTC
I think Obama is gay already.
2016-02-04 03:37:30 UTC
Idk, there's tons of gays that try to get with me, like for **** sake, I'm straight! I love boobs and vagina! Not another man's dick! Jeez
2016-02-03 00:18:43 UTC
I don't vote period.
2016-02-04 17:48:37 UTC
isn't this world screw up enough / mud packers forget it .
2016-02-02 03:06:59 UTC
Yes, why not.
2016-02-01 08:56:05 UTC
2016-02-04 04:49:21 UTC
yes i will be ok
2016-02-01 12:55:10 UTC
Yes, ok.
2016-02-02 17:55:39 UTC
wouldn't care, not my problem.
2016-02-03 10:32:16 UTC
Not at all if they are qualified for the job.
2016-02-01 09:21:44 UTC
Yes, why should it matter?
2016-01-31 14:08:11 UTC
no, its never happened in any country
2016-02-04 23:43:47 UTC
Of course. Why would I not be?
2016-02-02 08:17:24 UTC
2016-02-02 16:43:13 UTC
makes no difference

why should it?
2016-02-01 09:10:59 UTC
No problem.
2016-02-03 13:33:51 UTC
i woulnt be ok

end of.
2016-02-02 05:54:56 UTC
Indeed I would.
2016-02-01 12:08:31 UTC
2016-02-03 12:01:58 UTC
2016-02-03 04:47:48 UTC
2016-02-02 13:43:41 UTC
2016-02-02 13:18:23 UTC
2016-02-02 12:37:18 UTC
2016-02-02 08:25:59 UTC
2016-02-02 06:35:16 UTC
2016-02-01 11:56:38 UTC
2016-01-31 14:09:01 UTC
2016-02-01 17:32:49 UTC
2016-02-03 18:05:40 UTC
No way!
2016-02-01 10:51:47 UTC
Sure would.
2016-02-02 17:43:07 UTC
2016-02-01 02:03:14 UTC
No i disagree.
2016-02-01 18:41:07 UTC
2016-02-01 07:41:41 UTC
We have no choice.
Ilene Martina
2016-02-02 12:47:45 UTC
Yeah, why not?
2016-02-02 17:34:01 UTC
yes i would. it would not bother me.
2016-02-05 12:42:21 UTC
Another easy one, in one word. "ABSOLUTELY NOT"
2016-02-03 20:04:41 UTC
Yes, duh. :P I am gay so that would be a little odd if I wasn't okay with it lol.
2016-01-31 22:33:29 UTC
If they are qualified, why not?
2016-02-01 12:18:19 UTC
Yeah why the Hell not?
2016-02-04 05:54:27 UTC
Why should it matter?
2016-02-01 17:25:13 UTC
2016-02-01 20:06:10 UTC
youre are gay .. gay smel ffuny
2016-02-01 12:02:11 UTC
no because fags go to hell
2016-02-01 11:19:40 UTC
what does that have to do with the job?
2016-02-01 14:43:14 UTC
2016-02-01 06:45:45 UTC
2016-02-01 12:27:15 UTC
Brenda and Ed
2016-02-03 15:03:54 UTC
2016-02-02 22:05:45 UTC
2016-02-01 13:11:09 UTC
2016-02-04 07:57:26 UTC
2016-02-05 10:53:43 UTC
Not really ....
2016-02-01 06:32:03 UTC
2016-01-31 14:12:00 UTC
2016-02-01 08:01:10 UTC

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.