I would not give up what I love either. I love to litter also. I always throw my fast food bags and empty drinks right out the side window of my car.
You may love littering because the wee little people encourage you to do so. I personally do not mind sharing my belongings and the things that I like to do with the -wee little people -that come to visit me, but that is something I just accept and don't mind doing.
One of my favorite tools that works well for me that I picked up on Ebay, by the way, is my Tin Foil Hat. This almost never fails to stop any of my little visitors from reading my mind. Reading my thoughts would be bad, because, if they could read my thoughts they would know and steal all of my deepest darkest secrets.
That would be bad.
I hope that you find your own personal answer soon. I completely understand your situation and I know you may never find out the real truth, but it is OK. No, really, it is OK
-- shhhh- I gotta go -- there calling.
Best of luck in all of your endeavors.
Sincerely, Yahoo Answers Member