What is so scary about bugs?
2008-06-03 16:10:17 UTC
I think its SO funny when girls freak out over a tiny bug. Today in one of my classes, a bunch of 16 year old girls started screaming and jumped up onto their chairs because of a freakin cockroach. Sure there nasty, but they can't hurt you. So i felt bad, but to shut them up, I squished it. Then they freaked out because there was a DEAD bug.

Im a girl, and love bugs. There so cool.

Whats so scary about bugs? Are you scared of them? What makes them gross?
45 answers:
2008-06-03 16:13:05 UTC
What's so scary about sharks?

FACT: Soda pop machines kill more people each year than sharks (but you don't see people running and screaming when they see a vending machine)
2008-06-03 16:19:24 UTC
I think the reason people get so scared of bugs is because the idea of them crawling on you, biting you, stinging you, squirting something on you, pinching you, etc. is terifying to most people, even if it is small. One night a while back I was laying in bed, about to go to sleep when I felt something on my leg, when I pulled of the covers, it was one of those creepy little furry jumping spiders. I admit I jumped up and went crazy swinging my arms around and jumping before going upstairs and sleeping. That's pretty funny though. I think what makes them gross is the fact they crawl around on the floor and stuff all day, and they might have been buzzing around a pile of dog crap earlier. It's really wierd cause I had a dream that giant spiders were in my back yard and they were all attacking me, lol.
St. Louis Cardinals Fan
2008-06-03 16:13:59 UTC
I don't freak out like screaming over a harmless bug, I just have my mom or dad or somebody kill it because it's gross and I don't want it crawling on me. And if it's a spider, well I've had a terrible spider bite and I didn't enjoy that at all, so that's made me afraid of spiders because I have no idea if it's bad or not.
2008-06-03 16:13:47 UTC
Hmmm...well, yes, I am scared of bugs. But I am not scared to the extent to start screaming. I know how to remain clam. However, I walk away from them, trying to avoid them. I am not sure what makes them so gross. It just might be that they are different creatures and may feel disgusting as well. It's just a natural instinct people are born with and are just used to it, so do not change.
2008-06-03 16:14:28 UTC
You know when i was younger i wasnt scared of anything! i mean i use to hold snakes, and bugs.. nothing mattered. But now since im grown and ever since i had my son, Its like everything bothers me!i am scared to death of a palmetto bug! oh a huge cock roach that flies, and i don't care for spiders mainly because they will bite you! If it was just a roach you can step on them and its all good! But something that jumps or flies.. id have to say ill be there with the broom jumping! lol
2008-06-03 16:14:55 UTC
your right there is nothing scary about bugs and they should realy freak out over 1 bug, and if you love bugs don't feel bad about killing it because when you squish a cockroach they spread eggs and more are born later so squishing 1 cockroack is realy making more
It's Me!!
2008-06-03 16:17:31 UTC
Nothing some girls just are just that way..The only bug that i don't like are spiders there fine out side but not in my home. O and I don't like those bugs that are eating my tomato's.But no bugs are just bugs
2008-06-03 16:14:58 UTC
the only insect im scared of are spiders.

i use to watch this show when iw as a kid and they showed this episode where a spider was on a women's arm. The person is like

"One wrong move and the spider and kill you"

from that day on i was so scared of spiders that whenever i saw one, i would run away from it as fast as i can. Even today after reading and learning about spiders, they still freak me out... and i'm a dude lol.

I wouldn't mind if a girl liked insects but it would be nice if my girl was scared of insects and she would hide behind my back asking me to kill it, :P
2008-06-03 16:14:38 UTC
Most people are afraid of them because:

1) They fear getting bitten

2) It is a known fact that some bugs transfer diseases, but not as much as people think they do

3) Some really paranoid people think that they will crawl inside them and lay eggs..

Yes, it makes me laugh too
2008-06-03 16:22:49 UTC
I am not scared of roaches, I get grossed out by them and would scream id one was crawling on me cuz that feels weird.

I AM scared of bee's and wasps etc. I dont like to be stung.

To me what is si gross about them is the feeling of them crawling on you. Arg!
2008-06-03 16:13:59 UTC
I am not a fan of bugs. Yesterday, one of those pincher bugs fell in my shirt pocket and yes, I was freaking out. I didn't want it to pinch my boob. I had a hell of a time trying to get it out.
Jay D
2008-06-03 16:14:29 UTC
no but i can see how people would be scared of them the sensation they produce is a differnent sensation of lots of tiny legs running up around your skin. They of that feeling makes people who dont enjoy that feeling to freak.
2008-06-03 16:13:11 UTC
that's not funny I'm pregnant and i almost fell down trying to run from those lil lizards they creep me out big time...

oh but thats not a but i also a flying cockroach stoped me from going into my house for about 5min it was nasty too
Scooby Doo
2008-06-03 16:13:41 UTC
The only thing i don't like are June Bugs.
2008-06-03 16:13:56 UTC
im deathly afrais od spiders because of all the creepy legs. i think the reason people are afraid of bugs is because you cant usually see or hear them and yes they bite. that creeps people out, especially me
natalia k
2008-06-03 16:17:11 UTC
they are disgusting!!!

I hate bugs!! cocroaches are the worst!

I can't even kill them, I don't want them arround, I hate them all.

they are on the garbage, they are shiny in a not good way and more.

I love gil grissom from csi and that's the only good thing about bugs.
2008-06-03 16:12:48 UTC
I am not scared of them, I just think they are gross looking.
2008-06-03 16:19:36 UTC
im scared of bugs and i think what freaks me out is them crawling on me or biting me!!!
♫ Thumbs ↑
2008-06-03 16:14:33 UTC
bugs don't like 16's
2008-06-03 16:14:16 UTC
i think theyre gross,

and the reason why is that theyre small enough to crawl on you,

and no one wants a roach crawling up their leg, and thats why they stand up on chairs and stuff, because they dont want it on them...


2008-06-03 16:14:04 UTC
highschool broads have a tendancy to overreact just to make themselves look like they never seen one in there life because there so squeaky clean (note) its probably only how they act when around friends
2016-11-15 02:59:45 UTC
i do no longer variety via candle mild, Im no longer allowed around fire........ i could experience undesirable nevertheless if I enjoyed it lots I named it, yet he's the only that committed malicious program suicide via flying into the flame. I didnt tell him to do it.
2008-06-03 16:24:55 UTC
they don't scare me, but to me, they are grose i don't like how they sound when you kill them, and I don't like them either because all the bugs that i see around my house are disgusting and walk around sewers, like a cockroach.
2008-06-03 16:13:18 UTC
I am a little scared they are tiny furry and just disgusting
2008-06-03 16:12:51 UTC
It's not Bugs that's the problem, it's Porky Pig.
2008-06-03 16:13:25 UTC
Bug's aren't scary unless they bite or sting....

But they are creepy...

Some girls just like to be dramatic....
2008-06-03 16:15:25 UTC
They're creepy, they can be anywhere and u dont know it, they have waaaaaaaaaaaaaay to many legs! They're almost like mini stalkers :)
dj dancer
2008-06-03 16:13:29 UTC
bugs r gross.
*Amanda Leigh*
2008-06-03 16:12:45 UTC
They're just gross. I'm not into creepy crawly things.
[insert nickname here]
2008-06-03 16:13:56 UTC
What isn't scary about bugz? Their Creepy Crawlies and are gross because...because...BECAUSE... they are. And, i am scared of bugz.
2008-06-03 16:13:13 UTC
i've never had a problem with bugs, or snakes, or frogs or toads,etc
2008-06-03 16:13:07 UTC
Ha, I don't know!

I just HATE bugs. Maybe it's the thought of them crawling all over me. I dunno. I know it's dumb cuz I'm how much bigger than them!? Haha.

Everyone has their "phobias" though.
2008-06-03 16:14:36 UTC
HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAAHAH. OH MY FRICKING GOODNESS. HAHAHAHAHHA. its funny how people are scarred of bugs but arent bugs supposed to be scarred of humans.. evrey step we take it is like,, BOOM,,, BOOM. hahahahah
2008-06-03 16:13:20 UTC
there gross, im not scared ifthem but i hate it when they crawll on you.
2008-06-03 16:13:38 UTC
there all creepy and crawly and the tickle in a weird way!!!!
2008-06-03 16:12:52 UTC
NOTHING they are cool

well except the ones that can kill
2008-06-03 16:13:10 UTC
Aliens are bugs

Do you realized, what you did when you killed one of their allies?

2008-06-03 16:12:56 UTC
theyre just ewwwwwwwwwwwwwww
2008-06-03 16:13:15 UTC
i just hate bugs. idk why but maybe it's cause they're small.. and fast.. and bite...

i hate hate hate when they're on me thoughhh. freaks me out

their faces are disgusting tooo. fugly
th3 scribe
2008-06-03 16:15:38 UTC
there ugly and hairy and ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
Marieee. :]
2008-06-03 16:14:17 UTC
idk. i think im scared of actaully stepping on one.

...or maybe its just the fact theres a strange crawling abnormal creature on the ground.
2008-06-03 16:12:35 UTC
because they just plain nasty.
2008-06-03 16:14:56 UTC
i dunno i just dont like...earwigs, ugh i know.. my mom and sister freak out about spiders..and my ex..
2008-06-03 16:13:46 UTC
i have no clue....
2008-06-03 16:12:45 UTC
Idk i'm not afrid~~~!!!

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